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Chapter 24 Lift up the Cup of Salvation. The Liturgy of the Eucharist  Preparation of the Altar  Preparation of the Gifts  Offering of the Gifts 

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1 Chapter 24 Lift up the Cup of Salvation

2 The Liturgy of the Eucharist  Preparation of the Altar  Preparation of the Gifts  Offering of the Gifts  Washing of the Hands  Prayers over the Gifts  Eucharistic Prayer  Preface  Sanctus  Prayer of Thanksgiving  Invocation of the Holy Spirit  Consecration  Mystery of Faith/Offering to the Father  Doxology

3 Preparation of the Gifts  Bread and wine brought to the priest  Shows that it is a sacrifice from the whole Church  Words and actions are always meaningful in the Mass  Why bread and wine?  Many grains become one bread, and grapes become one wine  Like many people make up the Mystical Body of Christ  The Church  Grain is ground, grapes are crushed  Must die to self to unite with Christ  Need to offer ourselves to God along with the gifts  Hymns may be sung to help us understand the actions  Prayers acknowledge God’s goodness and creation  Ask Him to bless the spiritual food and drink  After priest offers the bread and wine to God, we respond:  “blessed be God forever”

4 Washing of the Hands  Signifies purity we need to receive Communion  Prayer that God washes away our sins  “Lord wash away my iniquity and cleanse me from my sins”  Psalm 51:2  Priest then invites people to pray that God accepts the sacrifice at his hands  For three reasons  Praise and glory of God’s name  God’s glory is most important  For our benefit  For the good of all the Church

5 Eucharistic Prayer: Preface  Prayer that ties in the liturgical season  Ends in the Sanctus  Holy, Holy, Holy  People now kneed for most solemn part of Mass  From here on, there are different Eucharistic prayers the priest can use  All follow same basic scheme

6 Eucharistic Prayer: Consecration  Priest extends hands over gifts  Invokes the Holy Spirit to make them holy  Bells  Consecration  “This is My Body… This is the chalice of My Blood”  Bread/wine becomes Jesus Body and Blood  The consecrated host and chalice are raised at this time  Bells  “My Lord and My God”  Doubting Thomas

7 Eucharistic Prayer: Mystery of Faith  Mystery of Faith proclaimed by community  Different options for the priest to choose from  Eucharistic Prayer continues from here  Prayers for Church, living, and the dead

8 Eucharistic Prayer: Doxology  Doxology: “Through Him, and with Him, and in Him, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, now and forever”  Praises the Holy Trinity  People respond Amen  Shows they consent to the priest’s offering

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