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Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) UNRSC Meeting November 17 2008 GRSF Overview: Strategy and Activities, Facility Implementaiton Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) UNRSC Meeting November 17 2008 GRSF Overview: Strategy and Activities, Facility Implementaiton Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) UNRSC Meeting November 17 2008 GRSF Overview: Strategy and Activities, Facility Implementaiton Unit

2 Briefing -FY06-08 Activities -Issues Going Forward

3 Creation of the Facility

4 Facility “Packages” Stand Alone Grants iRAP Capacity Review Training

5 FY06-08: DGF, Global MDTF -WHO-Serbia -GRSP-Montenegro -iRAP-Bulgaria -Global Road Safety Forum-Kazakhstan -Harvard Initiative for Global Health-China -Global Traffic Safety Police Network-Brazil -RTIRN-Peru -Argentina-Indonesia-Nepal -Bangladesh -Vietnam -Bosnia and Herzegovina -IRTAD

6 Partnerships MOU’s: -iRAP -IRF -IRTAD Formal Representation: -UNRSC -GRSP -ISO

7 MoU between GRSF and IRTAD Promoting the IRTAD activities in countries where the GRSF has targeted programmes. Setting up a knowledge transfer mechanism between IRTAD members and targeted countries, in order to assist these countries in setting up proper data collection and management systems that will allow them, over time, to monitor their road safety performance. Seek to raise global financial support for effective high value, data collection and management systems in LMIC.

8 Review of 2 nd Generation Project Guidelines Recognize road safety as a development priority. Support the implementation of ‘Safe, Clean and Affordable Transport for Development’ and the ‘World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention’. Revise and expand ‘Transport Note TN-1’. Reflect shift from ‘1 st ’ to ‘2 nd ’ generation projects. Acknowledge and address the barriers presented by country road safety management capacity weaknesses.

9 Target audience WB staff. Country decision-makers and road safety professionals. Global Road Safety Facility donors and partners. International consultants. Community groups and NGOs. Private sector organizations. Other global, regional and country partners.

10 Country capacity review tools ‘State of the art’ procedures. Developed and trialed in range of countries (e.g. Vietnam, China, Iran, Romania, Pakistan, Ghana, Ukraine etc). About to be applied in Nepal, Brazil, Uganda, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, etc. Used in Sweden for major strategic review and being considered for use by other high-income countries. Subject to continous improvement.

11 Going Forward FY09-FY10 Activities Report Independent Evaluation Donor conference

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