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The Holy Quran Tarbiyyat Topic - May 2016 Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya USA.

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Presentation on theme: "The Holy Quran Tarbiyyat Topic - May 2016 Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Holy Quran Tarbiyyat Topic - May 2016 Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya USA

2 Think... What was the Tarbiyyat Topic in Last Class?

3 Almighty Allah

4 Hint: Surah Al-Noor Verse 56 so what do you remember What is the Verse about Khilafat

5 KHILAFAT Allah has promised to those among you who believe and act righteously, that He will surely make them Successors [Khulafa (plural of Khalifa)] in the Earth, as He made Successors from among those who were before them; and that He will surely establish for them their religion, which He has chosen for them; and that He will surely grant them security and peace in place of their fear; they will worship Me, and they will not associate anything with Me. Then who so is ungrateful after that, they will be the rebellious.

6 How can we do that? What is in Quran? If Holy Quran taught us about KHILAFAT Then, Don’t you want to learn what else is in Quran?

7 Guidance from ALLAH The Holy Quran

8 POP QUIZ 1.Who was Holy Quran revealed to? ( A 7-years old or the youngest in class to answer) 2.How many years it took for the revelation of Holy Quran (7 – 9 years old to answer) 3.Who did Holy Prophet (saw) tell the first about the first revelation? 4.Where was Holy Prophet (saw) when the first verse of Holy Quran was revealed? 5.When you finish the first cycle of the reading of Holy Quran, there is a ceremony to encourage more reading of Holy Quran…. What is that ceremony called? 6.How many chapters are in Holy Quran? 7.How many Parts are in Holy Quran?

9 POP QUIZ Answers 1.Holy Prophet Muhammad saw 2.23 3.His Wife, Hazrat Khadija (ra) 4.He was in Cave Hira 5.Ameen 6.114 7.30 Parts

10 What does this mean? Discuss... This is a perfect Book; there is no doubt in it; it is a guidance for the righteous (2:3)

11 Make a list of things we can learn from the Holy Quran... What does the Holy Quran teach us?

12 Name some prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran And We gave Moses the Book, and We made it a guidance for the children of Israel,saying, ‘Take no guardian beside Me (17:3) Stories From the Past

13 Merging of Oceans Predicted in the Holy Quran Several True Predictions for the Future

14 Knowledge of the Sciences “As a scientist the Holy Quran speaks to me in that it emphasises reflection on the laws of nature, with examples drawn from cosmology, physics, biology, medicine as signs for all”

15 Shows us the path of the successful Guidance for Success

16 The Promised Messiah “The Holy Quran is a miracle the like of which never has and never will be. The age of its blessings and bounties is everlasting. It remains as manifest and radiant in any other period as it was in the period of the Holy Prophet(SAW) of Islam” (Malfoozat Vol 3 pg 57)

17 What are the ways to take advantage? How can we benefit from the Quran?

18 How Can We Benefit? Recite the Holy Quran Daily Study & Understand the Translation Ponder over its meaning Act on the teachings of Allah

19 Any classes that we can attend? Where can we learn to recite & understand Quran?

20 Many classes at different times

21 Best Practices Recite Daily One Ruku every day Best time to recite is after Fajar Memorize some Surahs

22 Wait… What is the DRC? does anyone know? Recite Daily & Join the DRC

23 Daily Reciters Club

24 How can I join Daily Reciters Club(DRC) ? Start recite the Holy Quran Daily Sign up on Keep up with DRC information Receive a Prize Every Year at National Ijtema

25 How is that for motivation? Start reciting and join DRC today “Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah, he will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a ten-fold reward. I do not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is one letter, but Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter and Mim is a letter” Hadith

26 2016 Atfal National Ijtema & Rally Atfal Ijtema & Rally At Baitur Rahman, Maryland July 13 – 17, 2016

27 Do you KNOW?

28 Thank You Next Slide - Monthly Tarbiyyat Questions

29 Monthly Tarbiyyat Questions (survey for monthly report) i) How many of you offer 3 daily Salat / How many offer 5? ii) Do you recite the Holy Quran daily? iii) Are you studying the translation of the Holy Quran? iv) Are you currently enrolled in a Al-Furqan Quran Class online? v) Are you currently enrolled in a local Jama’at Quran Class? vi) Did you write a letter to Huzoor (aba) this month? vii) Do you listen to Huzoor's Friday Sermon? ?

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