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English Language Acquisition Program (ELAP) Beyond the Bell Language Acquisition Branch 2009-2010.

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Presentation on theme: "English Language Acquisition Program (ELAP) Beyond the Bell Language Acquisition Branch 2009-2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Language Acquisition Program (ELAP) Beyond the Bell Language Acquisition Branch 2009-2010

2 What is ELAP? Provides English Learners (Els), including recently reclassified students in grades 4-5/6, with English language support Supports Tier I instruction On-track intervention Can be provided during the school day, before or after school or Saturdays -Memo-4856.0

3 Target Audience for ELAP Materials ELs proficient (4 & 5) on CELDT and scoring at Basic or below on CST- ELA Reclassified students at Basic or below on CST-ELA -Memo-4856.0

4 4/5 grade 4th grade 5th grade Materials for ELAP

5 Goals for Today Gain the knowledge needed to implement this new Intervention Program. Become familiar with Reader’s Handbook and Write Source (the resources available for this intervention class). Practice with the Implementation Guides created for these intervention classes.

6 What is difficult about reading and writing for our students?

7 Griffith Data Percent Improvement32.1%38.5%57.1%47.6%39.1%33.3%41.7% TRAITS:IdeasOrganizationVoiceWord Choice Sentence Fluency ConventionsAverage Total

8 Reader’s Handbook 4 th -5 th Grades Component Study Activity

9 Just like in writing, there is a process to reading. What are the parts of the Reading Process?

10 Reading Process Easy, 3-step process Before Reading During Reading After Reading Idea familiar, but not steps Idea of process well understood Idea of what to do at each stage has not been clearly described before

11 Before Reading Set Purpose Establish reason for reading. Preview Determine what to look for as you preview. Plan Decide on a strategy that works with what you now know about the reading.

12 During Reading Read Keep in mind your reading purpose as you read. Be open to the reading, but read with your purpose. Connect Make a personal connection with the reading. Note how the reading ties in with your life and experience.

13 After Reading Pause and Reflect Take time to look back and monitor how well you comprehend the reading. Reread Go back into reading to improve comprehension by using a new strategy. Remember Make the reading your own by “doing” or “creating” something with it.

14 Goals of the Reader’s Handbook Model reading process and good reading practices Teach reading strategies Show how to approach different types of reading using the most effective strategies Develop better readers

15 Reading Expository Texts What are the characteristics of an Expository Text? Nonfiction (articles, newspapers, biographies, speeches) Intent is to inform or explain to reading audience Function is to make topic explicitly clear to the reader Variety of formats (How-to, definition, description, persuasion, analysis, classification, comparison- contrast, cause-effect, problem-solution)

16 Reading Expository Texts What are examples of an Expository Text? Directions Textbooks Encyclopedias Scientific Books/Journals Atlases Guides Biographies Newspapers

17 Implementation Guide Reader’s Handbook Expository Focus Key Terms Connected to Writing Sessions SDAIE Techniques Embedded References to core Language Arts Comprehension checks throughout Pre/Post Assessment

18 Implementation Guides Reading Session #1 1 hour - Pretest Writing Session #1 1 hour - Pretest Reading Session #2 30 - What is Reading? 30 - What is the Reading Process? Writing Session #2 30 – Understanding the Writing Process 30 – The Process in Action Reading Session #3 30 - Before Reading 30 – During Reading Writing Session #3 30 – One Writer’s Process- Prewriting 30 – One Writer’s Process-Draft Reading Session #4 30 – After Reading 30 – Making Inferences / Drawing Conclusions Writing Session #4 30 - One Writer’s Process-Revise 30 – One Writer’s Process-Final

19 Implementation Guides Reading Session #3 30 - Before Reading 30 – During Reading Writing Session #3 30 – One Writer’s Process- Prewriting 30 – One Writer’s Process-Draft Reading Session #4 30 – After Reading 30 – Making Inferences / Drawing Conclusions Writing Session #4 30 - One Writer’s Process-Revise 30 – One Writer’s Process-Final Reading Session #5 30 -Comparing / Contrasting 30 –Evaluating / Predicting Writing Session #5 30 – One Writer’s Process-Assess 30 – Analyzing an Essay Reading Session #6 30 – Becoming an Active Reader 30 – Reading Paragraphs / Finding Subject Writing Session #6 30 - Expository Paragraph Structure 30 – Expository Paragraph Prewriting

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