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G20 TURKEY 2015 MoLSS. G20 TURKEY 2015 1. Employment and Growth in Interaction Strengthening the link between employment and growth Enhancing policy coherence.

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1 G20 TURKEY 2015 MoLSS

2 G20 TURKEY 2015 1. Employment and Growth in Interaction Strengthening the link between employment and growth Enhancing policy coherence between Growth Strategies and Employment Plans Impact of labour income fluctuations on employment and growth Contribution of labour mobility on growth 2. Skills and Quality Employment Strengthening the link between education and employment Trends and progress on youth employment Strengthening employment services 3. Monitoring Employment Plans Occupational Health and Safety Progress on gender gap commitment Setting up the G20 database MoLSS


4  G20 has been focusing on responding to global financial crisis  TFE tackled with its negative impacts on employment  EWG to focus on employment- growth relationship  Effective employment policies, coherent with growth strategies, key for a wealthy and secure future G20 TURKEY 2015 MoLSS

5 Real GDP and total employment growth since the onset of the crisis, 2008-2013 Source: OECD database, ILOSTAT, Eurostat G20 TURKEY 2015 Total employment Average annual growth rate of real GDP MoLSS «JOBLESS GROWTH» vs «JOB-RICH GROWTH» jobless job-rich

6 Major Impacts of “Great Recession” on Labor Markets  Unemployment increased  Real average wage growth significantly subdued  Global aggregate demand shrank down  Wage-earners’ propensity to consume higher than that of profit- earners G20 TURKEY 2015 MoLSS

7  Socio-economic challenges arose with declining share of labour income:  rising income inequality  further exclusion in labour markets  deteriorating social protection systems...  1 Gini point increase in income inequality leads to 0.2 percentage points decrease in annual per capita GDP growth (OECD-IMF «Recent Work on Income Inequality»)  Better paying jobs (i.e. «Good Jobs») are main instrument for combating poverty (World Bank) G20 TURKEY 2015 MoLSS

8 Labour mobility; a rising issue  Highlighted in United Nations Millennium Declaration and Post 2015 Development Agenda  Fair migration; a main issue on the agenda of 2014 International Labour Conference.  2014 OECD High-Level Policy Forum on Migration to address educational and labour market outcomes of youth with a migration background When managed effectively, internal and international labour mobility will contribute to growth. G20 TURKEY 2015 MoLSS

9 Strengthening the Link Between Education and Empolyment  Access to quality education and skills shortages/mismatches are persistent challenges  Skills development and quality employment are keys to lifting growth  Most education systems do not provide the essential skills needed to succeed in labour market G20 TURKEY 2015 MoLSS

10 Youth Unemployment  207 million unemployed - to reach 215 million by 2018  74.5 million young unemployed  Youth unemployment may lead to long term impediments in GDP growth; due to skills and productivity losses.  Limited progress achieved in preventing youth unemployment Employment Services  Strong, effective and sustainable employment services needed to tackle with global unemployment problem  Employment services need to adapt to ever changing labour market conditions G20 TURKEY 2015 MoLSS

11 G20 TURKEY 2015 MONITORING Employment Plans Occupational Health and Safety Progress on Gender Gap Commitment Setting up the G20 Database MoLSS Previous commitments

12  Employment Plans  Policy coherence with growth strategies  Updating Employment Plans  Following-up findings of “Sub-group on Safer Workplaces”  Gender gap target  Previous commitments  G20 employment database / web page G20 TURKEY 2015 MoLSS


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