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Seismic Waves and Earth’s Interior Eric Angat Environmental Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Seismic Waves and Earth’s Interior Eric Angat Environmental Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seismic Waves and Earth’s Interior Eric Angat Environmental Science

2 Seismic Waves are produced by Earthquakes Body WavesSurface Waves Slowest Travels only on Earth’s surface P-Wave Fastest Can travel through Earth S-Wave Fast Can travel through Earth, but not through the core. 1.What are the two types of seismic waves? 2.What are the two types of body waves? 1.What are the two types of seismic waves? 2.What are the two types of body waves?

3 Seismic Waves are produced by Earthquakes Body WavesSurface Waves Slowest Travels only on Earth’s surface P-Wave Fastest Can travel through Earth S-Wave Fast Can travel through Earth, but not through the core. 3. What produces seismic waves? 4. Which seismic wave can travel through earth? 3. What produces seismic waves? 4. Which seismic wave can travel through earth?

4 Seismic Waves are produced by Earthquakes Body WavesSurface Waves Slowest Travels only on Earth’s surface P-Wave Fastest Can travel through Earth S-Wave Fast Can travel through Earth, but not through the core. 5. Which seismic wave can travel up to the mantle, not the core?

5 Seismic Waves are produced by Earthquakes Body WavesSurface Waves Slowest Travels only on Earth’s surface P-Wave Fastest Can travel through Earth S-Wave Fast Can travel through Earth, but not through the core. 6. Which seismic wave only travel on the earth surface?

6 Seismic Waves are produced by Earthquakes Body WavesSurface Waves P-Wave S-Wave 7. What are the two types of surface waves? Rayleigh waves Love waves

7 P waves penetrate the core. 8. Which seismic waves on stay on Earth’s Surface?

8 9. In what directions do the S, P, and Surface waves move?

9 P waves - compress and expand the ground like a accordion S waves - vibrate from side to side as well as up and down Surface waves - make the ground roll like ocean waves

10 10. What Are Seismic Waves? Seismic waves are the waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking of rock within the earth or an explosion. They are the energy that travels through the earth and is recorded on seismographs.

11 There are different types of seismic waves based on the movement. The two major types are body waves ( S and P waves ) and surface waves. Body waves can travel through earth inner layers while surface waves can travel only on the surface of the land. 11. Which is faster S or P wave?

12 Figure 19-11, page 504 Observations of seismic wave velocities have enabled scientists to subdivide Earth’s interior into various layers. 12. Where do seismic waves travel slowest and fastest? Explain. Solid Crust Partly melted asthenosphere Lower mantle Core S-waves do not penetrate the core

13 Figure 10-10, page 503 Refraction or bending of waves provide scientists information on the composition and interior of Earth. 13. Which type of wave can penetrate the outer and inner core? 14. What happens to S and P waves as they travel inside earth? 13. Which type of wave can penetrate the outer and inner core? 14. What happens to S and P waves as they travel inside earth? Refraction

14 Refraction is the bending of light.

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