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STWAVE Usage & Theory Taylor Asher.

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Presentation on theme: "STWAVE Usage & Theory Taylor Asher."— Presentation transcript:

1 STWAVE Usage & Theory Taylor Asher

2 Presentation Introduction Theory Numerical discretization Input/Output
Wave action Wave spectrum Numerical discretization Input/Output Input files Model parameters Wave spectrum, wind, water level Output files Selected wave parameters Wave parameter fields Application

3 Theory Model assumptions Mild bottom slope, negligible reflection
Spatially homogeneous offshore (boundary) Steady-state formulation Linear refraction & shoaling Depth-uniform current Frictionless bottom Linear radiation stress

4 Wave Action Steady-state conservation of spectral wave action NOTE
sum of sources and sinks speed of propagation of wave packet wave phase speed kinetic+potential, per unit surface area self-explanatory relative to reference axis

5 Wave spectrum

6 Wave spectrum Bretschneider-Mitsuyasu spectrum, with peak frequency fp, and wind speed U with

7 Wave spectrum Directionalized spectrum, with magnitude-normalized directional term with normalization term

8 Numerical discretization
Domain is made of a grid of NI by NJ square cells, Δx in length, with locally-defined axes Waves start at I=1, propagating toward I=NI No backward-propagation 35 angular bins ±87.5o

9 Input/Output

10 Input files Model parameters (options.std)
IPRP: Switch for source/sink terms, such as wind waves, wave-wave interactions ICUR: Switch for current IBREAK: Switch for printing wave breaking IRS: Switch for calculating radiation stress gradient NSELCT: Number of special output points; 2-D wave spectra are generated for these points Points: (I,J) pairs for each point.

11 Input files Wave spectrum, wind, water level (
NF: Number of frequency bins NA: Number of direction bins (must be 35) Frequency vector of length NF, ordered smallest to largest (Hz) IDD: Integer event identifier U: Wind speed (m/s) UDIR: Wind direction (degrees) FM: Peak spectral frequency (Hz) DADD: Water elevation correction Wave spectrum (m2/s/Hz), ordered lowest frequency & -85 deg to 85 deg, to highest frequency -85 to 85

12 NF=25 NA=35 IDDD=200700 U=15 m/s UDIR=10 deg. FM=0.07 Hz
DADD=-1 m

13 Output files Selected wave parameters (selhts.out)
IDD: Integer event identifier (from I: Integer x-grid cell index J: Integer y-grid cell index N: Integer number of point (points are 1 to NSELCT Hm0: Zeroth-moment (significant) wave height at cell (I,J) in meters Tp: Peak wave period at cell (I,J) in seconds αm: Mean wave direction at cell (I,J) in degrees

14 Output files Wave parameter fields (wavfld) NI, NJ: Grid dimension
DXINC: Grid spacing IDD: Integer event identifier (as before) Wave height for each cell in wave field, ordered in the cross-shore direction from (1,NJ) to (NI,NJ), to (1,1) to (NI,1) Wave period for each cell in wave field, same ordering Wave direction for each cell in wave field, same ordering

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