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Windows Server 2003 WINS 安裝設定與管理維護 林寶森

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Presentation on theme: "Windows Server 2003 WINS 安裝設定與管理維護 林寶森"— Presentation transcript:

1 Windows Server 2003 WINS 安裝設定與管理維護 林寶森

2 Microsoft TCP/IP Protocol Suite Transport Application Windows ® Sockets Applications Windows ® Sockets Applications NetBIOS Applications NetBIOS Applications NetBIOS NetBIOS over TCP/IP TCP UDP IP ICMP ARP Internet LAN Technologies: Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI LAN Technologies: Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI WAN Technologies: Serial Lines, Frame Relay, ATM WAN Technologies: Serial Lines, Frame Relay, ATM Network Sockets TDI IGMP

3 What Is a NetBIOS Name? NetBIOS names are 16-byte addresses that uniquely identify a process for network identification NetBIOS names are registered dynamically and can be: –Used only once in a network –Registered as unique names or group names Use browsing to locate shared resources on the network

4 NetBIOS Name Resolution Primary WINS Server Secondary WINS Server net use x: \\france\public 22 Name Query Request (resend to secondary server if not available) Name Query Request (resend to secondary server if not available) Requested Name Does Not Exist 33 Broadcast NetBIOS Name Cache Empty 11 Not Resolved

5 NetBIOS Name Resolution Nodes Node typeDescription Registry value B-node Uses broadcasts for name registration and resolution 1 P-node Uses a NetBIOS name server such as WINS to resolve NetBIOS names 2 M-node Combines B-node and P-node, but functions as a B-node by default 4 H-node Combines P-node and B-node, but functions as a P-node by default 8 A NetBIOS node type is a method that a computer uses to resolve a NetBIOS name into an IP address

6 WINS Service for a LAN H-node Register, Renew, Release, and Query by Unicast traffic then use LMHosts and Broadcasts H-node Register, Renew, Release, and Query by Unicast traffic then use LMHosts and Broadcasts WINS Server Client BClient AClient C WINS Clients (H-node) Unicast reduces broadcasts

7 The LMHosts File WINS Client Lmhosts File Sales Server France# Database Server UK# Training Server Sweden#PRE# Main Office Server Australia#PRE# MIS Server Sales Server France# Database Server UK# Training Server Sweden#PRE# Main Office Server Australia#PRE# MIS Server

8 Options for NetBIOS Name Resolution WINS Suitable for organizations of all sizes Reduces broadcast traffic Does not require static IP addresses Suitable for organizations of all sizes Reduces broadcast traffic Does not require static IP addresses LMHOSTS Suitable for small environments Reduces broadcast traffic Requires static IP addresses Suitable for small environments Reduces broadcast traffic Requires static IP addresses

9 WINS Overview RegistrationRegistration QueryQuery RenewalRenewal ReleaseRelease WINS Server WINS Client

10 How a WINS Client Registers and Releases NetBIOS Names WINS client sends request to register WINS server returns registration message with TTL value indicating when the registration expires if not renewed WINS client sends request to register WINS server returns registration message with TTL value indicating when the registration expires if not renewed 1 1 WINS client sends request to release name WINS server sends a positive name lease response WINS client sends request to release name WINS server sends a positive name lease response 2 2 WINS Client WINS Server Name Registered Name Released

11 How a WINS Client Resolves NetBIOS Names Subnet 2 Subnet 1 Subnet 2 WINS Server A WINS Server B ClientA Client makes 3 attempts to contact WINS server, but does not receive a response 1 1 Client attempts to contact all WINS servers until contact is made 2 2 If name is resolved, IP address is returned to the client 3 3 Up to 3 attempts 1 1 2 2 3 3

12 The Components of WINS Subnet 1 Subnet 2 WINS Server WINS Database WINS Proxy WINS Client

13 Configuring a WINS Proxy WINS Proxy Non-WINS Client WINS Server IP Router WINS Database Client1192.168.0.11 Server1192.168.0.12 Server2192.168.0.13 Client1192.168.0.11 Server1192.168.0.12 Server2192.168.0.13 Static Mapping Server2 Broadcast for IP of Server2 Request Forwarded to WINS Server by WINS Proxy BroadcastBroadcast

14 What Is a Static Mapping? Non-WINS Clients WINS Database A static mapping is a manual entry in the WINS database that maps a NetBIOS name to an IP address Administrator enters computer name-to-IP address entry Administrator enters computer name-to-IP address entry

15 Configuring Static Mappings New Static Mapping General Static Mapping You can add static name-to-address mappings to the WINS database, but only for computers that cannot register dynamically in WINS. Static mappings can replicate throughout your WINS environment and write over records on other servers. OKCancel Apply Computer name: NetBIOS scope (optional): Type: IP address: LONDON Unique 192. 168. 1. 200

16 Integrating WINS and DNS DNS Domain Name Used to Locate Authoritative DNS Server DNS Server Queries WINS to Resolve DNS Host Name to IP Address Client DNS Query DNS Server WINS Server

17 Configuring DNS to Forward Queries to WINS Servers nwtraders.msft Properties GeneralStart of Authority (SOA)Name Servers SecurityZone Transfers WINS You can use WINS to resolve names not found by querying the DNS namespace. Use WINS forward lookup Do not replicate this record IP address: AddAdd AddAdd Remove UpUp Down Advanced… OKCancelApply Advanced To change the default values, provide new values, and then click OK. Cache time-out: Lookup time-out: DDDD:HH:MM:SS 0 0 :0:15:0 :2 OKCancel

18 How Burst Handling Works Request to register 1 1 Registered 2 2 Burst handling is the response of a WINS server to a large number of WINS clients that are trying to simultaneously register their local names in WINS

19 Configuring Advanced WINS Server Options LONDON [] Properties GeneralIntervalsDatabase VerificationAdvanced OKCancelApply Log detailed events to Windows event log Enable burst handling Detailed event logging can degrade system performance and is recommended only for troubleshooting WINS. Low Set the number of requests that the server can handle at one time before clients have to retry registration or renewal. High MediumCustom: Database path: %widir%\system32\wins Starting version ID (hexadecimal) 0 Use computer names that are compatible with LAN Manager

20 WINS Service for a Routed Network Santiago Subnet 1 Subnet 2 Washington, D.C. WAN Link Subnet 3 WINS Server WINS Servers WINS Clients WINS Client

21 How WINS Replication Works WINS replication is the process of copying updated WINS data from a WINS server to other WINS servers in a network to synchronize the data WINS Server A Subnet 2 Subnet 1 WINS Server B WINS Replication HostB HostA

22 How Push Replication Works Subnet 2 Subnet 1 WINS Server A WINS Server B 50 changes occur in database 1 1 Notification sent 2 2 Replication request 3 3 Replicas sent 4 4 A push partner notifies replication partners when the database reaches a set threshold of changes Push replication maintains a high level of synchronization/use with fast links A push partner notifies replication partners when the database reaches a set threshold of changes Push replication maintains a high level of synchronization/use with fast links WINS Server A reaches set threshold of 50 changes in its database 1 1 WINS Server A notifies WINS Server B that threshold is reached 2 2 WINS Server B responds to WINS Server A with a replication request 3 3 WINS Server A sends replicas of its new database entries 4 4

23 How Pull Replication Works Subnet 2 Subnet 1 WINS Server A WINS Server B Requests changes every 8 hours 1 1 Replicas sent 2 2 A pull partner requests replication based on a set time Pull replication limits frequency of replication traffic across slow links A pull partner requests replication based on a set time Pull replication limits frequency of replication traffic across slow links WINS Server A requests database changes every 8 hours 1 1 WINS Server B sends replicas of its new database entries 2 2

24 Configuring WINS Replication BONN Properties General Advanced Replication partner type: Push/Pull Pull replication Push replication Use persistent connection for replication Start time: Replication interval: Set Default Number of changes in version ID before replication: 000 0030 0 OKCancel Apply Push/Pull

25 Replication Partner Properties PropertyDescription Enable automatic partner configuration As WINS servers are discovered joining the network, they are added as replication partners Enable persistent connections Increases the speed of replication so that a server can immediately send records to its partners Enable overwrite unique static mappings at this server (migrate on) If presented with both a static and dynamic-type entry for the same name, the static mapping is overwritten

26 Replication Strategies SEA-WINS SYD-WINS MEX-WINS ATL-WINS AustraliaAustralia 1 hour 3 hour 12 hours

27 WINS Replication Topology WINS-A WINS-B WINS-C WINS-D Fully MeshChain Ring

28 Using a Hub-and-Spoke Model Hub and Spoke replication minimizes convergence times push/pull WINS-B WINS-C WINS-E WINS-D WINS-A

29 How a WINS Database Is Checked for Consistency Checking WINS database consistency helps maintain database integrity among WINS servers in a large network WINS Server

30 Verifying WINS Database Consistency LONDON [] Properties GeneralIntervalsDatabase VerificationAdvanced Verify database consistency every: 24hours Begin verifying at: 2 00 Hours:Minutes:Seconds: Maximum number of records verified each period: 30000 Verify against: Owner servers Randomly selected partners OKCancelApply

31 What Are Simple Deletion and Tombstoned Deletion of Records? To recover unused space that obsolete records occupy, you can update the WINS database by: Simple deletion. Records selected by using the WINS console are removed from the current local WINS server Tombstoned deletion. Records are marked for deletion, replicated to other WINS servers, and then removed during the next scavenging operation Simple deletion. Records selected by using the WINS console are removed from the current local WINS server Tombstoned deletion. Records are marked for deletion, replicated to other WINS servers, and then removed during the next scavenging operation

32 Removing Records from the WINS Database LONDON [] Properties General Intervals Set the rate at which records are renewed, deleted and verified. Days Renew interval: Extinction interval: Extinction timeout: Restore Defaults 6 00 400 OKCancel Apply Database VerificationAdvanced HoursMinutes 600 Verification interval: 2400

33 How Scavenging Works 6-days 4-days 6-days Released Active Extinct Removed The scavenging timer starts when the server starts up and is equal to half the Renewal interval The active names that the WINS server owns and for which the Renew Interval has expired are marked as released Released names that the WINS server owns and for which the Extinction interval has expired are marked for deletion Names marked for deletion for which the Extinction timeout has expired are deleted and removed from the database Names marked for deletion that are replicated from other servers and for which the Extinction timeout has expired are deleted and removed from the database Active names that are replicated from other servers and for which the Verification interval has expired are revalidated 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6

34 Why Back Up a WINS Database? To repair a corrupt WINS database, you can back up and then restore a WINS database To back up a WINS database : To restore a WINS database: To back up a WINS database : To restore a WINS database: Specify a backup directory Back up manually or configure automatic backups Specify a backup directory Back up manually or configure automatic backups Manually delete and restore database files

35 What Are Dynamic and Offline Compacting? Maintain WINS database integrity by using: Dynamic compacting. Automatically occurs while the database is in use Offline compacting. Administrator stops the WINS server and uses the jetpak command Dynamic compacting. Automatically occurs while the database is in use Offline compacting. Administrator stops the WINS server and uses the jetpak command Compacting is the process of recovering unused space in a WINS database that is occupied by obsolete records

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