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EHYT – Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention aims to promote -healthy lifestyles, safety and temperance -discussion on alcohol and drug policies.

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Presentation on theme: "EHYT – Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention aims to promote -healthy lifestyles, safety and temperance -discussion on alcohol and drug policies."— Presentation transcript:

1 EHYT – Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention aims to promote -healthy lifestyles, safety and temperance -discussion on alcohol and drug policies

2 Case: Finnish Story on Marketing

3 Alcohol marketing in Finland Advertising strong liquors (over 22 %) is illegal in Finland Milder alcohol products can be promoted with certain restrictions (since 1995) Prohibited forms of marketing: targeting minors combining alcohol use with use of vehicles emphasizing alcohol use or alcoholic contents as a positive feature portraying alcohol as increasing performance portraying alcohol as a means to social or sexual success portraying alcohol as having medical or therapeutic properties portraying alcohol as revitalizing, calming, or a means to resolve conflict going against good advertising practice

4 Previous attempts lead to nowhere In 2010 106 out of 200 members of Parliament signed the bill for banning aspirational advertising of alcohol. Numerous NGO’s backed it up. Bill dried up in the hands of Minister of Health and Social Services before the elections in 2011 Majority of the new Parliament - and the new minister - support restrictions. The leading government party, National Coalition Party, has been against

5 Surveys A great majority of Finns (76 %) say that alcohol should not be advertised with positive imagery but it is ok that an alcohol advertisement includes pricing and product information 60 % would ban the advertising entirely in order to protect children and teenagers and only 36 % trust the self-regulation policies of the alcohol industry. Only one in six teenagers (age 13-17) think that alcohol advertisements do not appeal to young people.

6 Public debate In public debate those opposed to regulation via legislation have been active. Their strategy has been to muddle up conversation by denying the research results that confirm the effects of advertising on children and teenagers: ”The results are controversial” or ”The international results don’t apply in Finland” -In March professors Aspara and Tikkanen from Finnish Aalto University published their attack against the research base on alcohol marketing – their paper does not stand evaluation

7 Current preparations Government program 2011-2015: -Advertising will be limited by banning ways of advertising that target children and teenagers, and such ways that create an image of alcohol as increasing social and sexual success -Currently allowed times for advertising on television (after 9 pm) and radio will be reviewed.

8 Over the spring 2013, government parties have agreed on a bill that would limit the advertising Outdoor advertising will be banned, except in public events (e.g. sports events) The watershed for advertising on TV (from 7 am to 9 pm) would be extended by one hour to 10 pm, and the same restrictions would also be applied to advertising on the radio Alcohol advertising based on contents produced or shared by consumers themselves or games, raffles or contests would be prohibited The proposal does not ban image/aspirational advertising The bill will probably be presented to the parliament before the summer

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