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Romeo and Juliet A Shakespearian Tragedy. The Capulets Capulet Lady Capulet Juliet Tybalt Nurse Peter Gregory Samson The Montagues Montague Lady Montague.

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Presentation on theme: "Romeo and Juliet A Shakespearian Tragedy. The Capulets Capulet Lady Capulet Juliet Tybalt Nurse Peter Gregory Samson The Montagues Montague Lady Montague."— Presentation transcript:

1 Romeo and Juliet A Shakespearian Tragedy

2 The Capulets Capulet Lady Capulet Juliet Tybalt Nurse Peter Gregory Samson The Montagues Montague Lady Montague Romeo Benvolio Abram Balthasar The Royals Prince Escalus Count Paris Mercutio Page to Paris Page to Mercutio Other Characters Friar Laurence Friar John Apothecary Rosailne Valentine Petruchio Chorus Musicians Citizensins of Verona Watchmen Cast of Romeo and Juliet

3 The Capulets Capulet Lady Capulet Juliet Tybalt Nurse Peter Gregory Samson The Montagues Montague Lady Montague Romeo Benvolio Abram Balthasar The Royals Prince Escalus Count Paris Mercutio Page to Paris Page to Mercutio Other Characters Friar Laurence Friar John Apothecary Rosailne Valentine Petruchio Chorus Musicians Citizensins of Verona Watchmen Cast of Romeo and Juliet

4 Pernicious Adjective Synonyms: Harmful Evil Antonyms: Nice Definition: Highly Destructive Sentence: The fire that spread down 1 st street was very pernicious.

5 Invocation Noun Synonyms: Prayer Incantation Antonyms: Definition: A formula for conjuring. Sentence: Jill said an invocation to make the wilted flowers magically come back to life.

6 Calamity Noun Synonyms: Misfortune Antonyms: Good Fortune Definition: A disastrous event marked by great loss Sentence: The stock market crash of the 1920s was a calamity for many Americans.

7 Dirge Noun Synonyms: Song Lament Antonyms: Celebration Definition: A song or hymn of grief. Sentence: At the funeral, the choir sung a dirge to honor the dead.

8 Paramour Noun Synonyms: Lover Soul mate Antonyms: Enemy Definition: A secret lover Sentence: Juliet is Romeo’s paramour in the play Romeo and Juliet.

9 The Twelfth Night A Shakespearian Comedy

10 Family 1 Viola/ Cesario Sebastian Sea Captain Antonio Family 2 Sir Toby Belch Sir Andrew Olivia Maria Malvolio Fabian The Royals Duke Orsino Curio Valentine First Officer Second Officer Other Characters Feste Priest Cast of The Twelfth Night

11 Family 1 Viola/ Cesario Sebastian Sea Captain Antonio Family 2 Sir Toby Belch Sir Andrew Olivia Maria Malvolio Fabian The Royals Duke Orsino Curio Valentine First Officer Second Officer Other Characters Feste Priest Cast of The Twelfth Night

12 Surfeit Noun Synonyms: Excess Abundance Antonyms: Deficient Insufficient Definition: an amount that is too much or more than you need Sentence: When students go to the candy cart after school, they often but a surfeit of sweets.

13 Abate Verb Synonyms: Weaken Incapacitate Antonyms: Strengthen Empower Definition: to become weaker : to decrease in strength Sentence: If a person is lactose-intolerant, drinking milk would abate their body.

14 Pestilence Noun Synonyms: Plague Infection Antonyms: Cure Panacea Definition: a disease that causes many people to die Sentence: The bubonic plague would be a form of pestilence.

15 Accost Verb Synonyms: Aggressive Confrontational Antonyms: Soothing Peaceful Definition: to approach and speak to (someone) often in an angry, aggressive, or unwanted way Sentence: When John stole Harry’s calculator, Harry found John in class and began to accost him.

16 Lethargy Adjective Synonyms: Hebetude Stupor Antonyms: Eagerness Enthusiasm Definition: a lack of energy or a lack of interest in doing things : a lethargic feeling or state Sentence: After winter break, Ms. Gliot was surprised at the students lethargy towards school.

17 Drama Vocabulary 1.Act 2.Scene 3.Prose 4.Monologue 5.Soliloquy 6.Aside 7.Chorus 8.Couplet 9.Inflection 10.Stage Directions 11.Dialogue 12.Extended Metaphor

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