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2011 Census Lancashire Analysis Mike Walker Corporate Research and Intelligence Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Census Lancashire Analysis Mike Walker Corporate Research and Intelligence Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Census Lancashire Analysis Mike Walker Corporate Research and Intelligence Manager

2 2011 Census background Census took place on 27 March 2011 Provides a detailed snapshot of the population and its characteristics Underpins funding allocation to provide public services Data releases from June 2012 to spring 2014 More data on equality areas than in previous census Future data releases will allow more detailed analysis Lancashire-12 is the county council area and Lancashire-14 includes the two unitary councils

3 Population characteristics

4 Usual resident population Population of Lancashire-12 is 1,171,339 3.2% increase since 2001 – 36,365 people Lancashire-14 has increased by 3.3% to 1,460,893 people North west has increased by 4.8% England and Wales (E&W) has increased by 7.8% Lancashire-12 and Lancashire-14 are 49% male, 51% female – same as E&W

5 Usual resident population Number of persons Source: Office for National Statistics % change 2001-2011 7.3 -0.1 -2.8 6.7 3.5 -0.9 3.3 0.2 8.2 5.9 3.6 5 2.1 2 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool

6 Population projections Number of persons by 2021 Source: Office for National Statistics % change 2011-2021 3.2 1.2 -0.1 5.9 5.2 3.4 6.2 3.7 4.6 7.1 3.5 5.3 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool

7 Age groups Source: Office for National Statistics Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14 Percentage of persons

8 Age groups change 2001-2011 Source: Office for National Statistics Percentage of persons Lancashire-14 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-12 Burnley Chorley Fylde Hyndburn Lancaster Pendle Preston Ribble Valley Rossendale South Ribble West Lancashire Wyre

9 Ethnic groups Source: Office for National Statistics Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14 Percentage of persons

10 BME by ward Source: Office for National Statistics

11 Ethnic groups Source: Office for National Statistics Lancashire-12England and Wales Number % change since 2001Number % change since 2001 Total population 1,171,3393.2%56,075,9127.8% All white 1,080,6870.6%48,209,3951.4% Asian/Asian British 66,24343%3,820,39068% Chinese 4,81169%393,14173% Mixed/multiple ethnic group 12,72471%1,224,40085% Black/black British 4,09855%1,864,89064% Arab 1,387n/a230,600n/a Other ethnic group 1,389n/a333,096n/a

12 BME – change 2001-2011 Source: Office for National Statistics % change 2001-2011 50.9 49.7 106.4 49.4 49.3 57.4 82.0 47.4 108.0 34.0 47.9 42.8 67.2 54.4 29.7 56.5 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14 Number of persons

13 White – change 2001-2011 Number of persons Source: Office for National Statistics % change 2001-2011 -0.1 -4.8 -1.9 0.6 -7.4 5.6 2.3 -5.3 1.0 -5.8 1.4 5.3 1.0 4.0 1.7 1.4

14 White – sub-group change 2001-2011 Number of persons Source: Office for National Statistics Lancashire-14 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-12 Burnley Chorley Fylde Hyndburn Lancaster Pendle Preston Ribble Valley Rossendale South Ribble West Lancashire Wyre

15 White gypsy and Irish traveller Number of persons Source: Office for National Statistics Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14

16 Residence and origin

17 Length of residence in UK – Lancashire-12 Percentage of persons Source: Office for National Statistics

18 Born in the UK – by district Percentage of persons born in the UK Source: Office for National Statistics E&W LA rank 282 115 176 38 97 162 167 238 272 35 77 41 47 25 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool

19 Country of birth (1) – Lancashire-12 Percentage of persons – top responses Source: Office for National Statistics

20 Country of birth (2) – Lancashire-12 Percentage of persons – top responses Source: Office for National Statistics

21 Language Percentage of households Source: Office for National Statistics E&W LA rank no people in household have English 43 173 128 276 247 130 169 88 49 308 264 293 239 328 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14

22 National identity - English Percentage of persons Source: Office for National Statistics E&W LA rank English and British only identity 252 189 201 10 11 188 42 202 140 1 114 8 65 27 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14

23 National identity – British Percentage of persons Source: Office for National Statistics E&W LA rank British and any other identity 265 204 225 20 11 217 45 214 124 5 135 17 91 56 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14

24 Health

25 Percentage of persons Source: Office for National Statistics Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14 E&W LA rank – very good health 229 344 306 130 264 304 177 294 181 43 200 137 145 300

26 Long-term health problem or disability Percentage of persons Source: Office for National Statistics E&W LA rank - activities limited a lot 58 8 31 122 65 38 110 64 121 230 75 151 70 30 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14

27 Qualifications

28 Highest qualification level Percentage of persons Source: Office for National Statistics E&W LA rank no qualifications 38 17 33 198 201 51 218 47 142 272 128 228 141 86 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14

29 Economically active Percentage of persons Source: Office for National Statistics E&W LA rank of unemployed 49 22 53 230 248 102 227 93 128 346 150 267 166 240 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14

30 Economically inactive Percentage of persons Source: Office for National Statistics E&W LA rank of long-term sick or disabled 13 8 15 139 152 23 122 35 58 254 56 192 119 107 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14

31 Household size

32 Household size - rank Source: Office for National Statistics 1 person in household 5 people in household 6 people in household 7 people in household 8 or more people in household Blackburn with Darwen 12215131114 Blackpool 9313241175121 Burnley 48209614856 Chorley 217289272253 Fylde 18345 342310 Hyndburn 71166495330 Lancaster 63274169202151 Pendle 66106211917 Preston 2765464547 Ribble Valley 192212276186303 Rossendale 1081531556784 South Ribble 275238271311285 West Lancashire 278110142252194 Wyre 139301290297325

33 Lone parent households

34 Percentage of persons Source: Office for National Statistics E&W LA rank – lone parent not in employment 54 93 82 281 285 127 204 117 84 344 210 308 136 234 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool

35 Marital status

36 In registered same-sex civil partnership Number of persons Source: Office for National Statistics E&W LA rank 195 16 295 263 205 344 66 310 264 308 130 277 341 45 Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool

37 Religion

38 Percentage of persons Source: Office for National Statistics Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire-14

39 Religion - rank Source: Office for National Statistics ChristianBuddhistHinduJewishMuslimSikhOther religion NoneNot stated Blackburn with Darwen 3082831663043186341342341 Blackpool 65171227105185227149211286 Burnley 14326624833834284307 322 Chorley 10222260285156315273326342 Fylde 1321923144236256288320305 Hyndburn 7429532634729265279329339 Lancaster 8410918318814522396212188 Pendle 29622731829114332182278310 Preston 207205362822758282319335 Ribble Valley 4336269337186224326340326 Rossendale 13224428617179322237195297 South Ribble 8312147279213230314330333 West Lancashire 7346244253308214343325337 Wyre 12290282234292308270322269

40 Crime

41 Recorded crime comparator offences Offences per 1,000 population 2011/12 (2011 Census population) Source: Office for National Statistics – Crime in England and Wales, 2011/12

42 Key offences by Lancashire districts Offences per 1,000 population 2011/12 (2011 Census population) Source: Recorded Crime CSEW Comparator Offences per 1,000 population 2011/12

43 Contact Mike Walker Corporate Research and Intelligence Manager 01772 533445

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