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TERMS TO KNOW The Great Gatsby. ALLUSION/ALLUDES Example: "the town's name is an allusion to its founding family" noun expression designed to call.

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Presentation on theme: "TERMS TO KNOW The Great Gatsby. ALLUSION/ALLUDES Example: "the town's name is an allusion to its founding family" noun expression designed to call."— Presentation transcript:

1 TERMS TO KNOW The Great Gatsby

2 ALLUSION/ALLUDES Example: "the town's name is an allusion to its founding family" noun expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.

3 APHORISM Example:“if it ain't broke, don't fix it.” Noun A pithy observation that contains a general truth

4 COLLOQUIALISM Noun the use of informal words, phrases or even slang in a piece of writing Examples: wanna – want to gonna – going to y’all – you all

5 DICTION Noun The choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing: Example : "Wordsworth campaigned against exaggerated poetic diction“

6 JUXTAPOSITION Noun The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect Example: Traveling the word but never leaving a room.

7 PARADOX/PARADOXICAL Noun A statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory Example: "Some of the biggest failures I ever had were successes."

8 PARALLELISM/PARALLEL STRUCTURE Is the use of components in a sentence that are grammatically the same; or similar in their construction, sound, meaning or meter. Example: “Good we must love, and must hate ill, For ill is ill, and good good still”

9 RHETORIC/RHETORICAL STRATEGY/RHETORICAL PURPOSE Noun the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques. Example: “I am never ever going to rob anyone for you and never, never ever give in to your sinful wish.”

10 SYNTAX/SYNTATICAL Noun The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language Example: “That night I sat on Tyan-yu’s bed and waited for him to touch me. But he didn’t. I was relieved.”

11 UNDERSTATEMENT Noun the presentation of something as being smaller, worse, or less important than it actually is Example: “Deserts are sometimes hot, dry and sandy”

12 SYNECDOCHE Noun A figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in Cleveland won by six runs Example: “Writing is my bread and butter”

13 REPETITION/ALLITERATION/ CONSONANCE Noun The action of repeating something that has already been said or written Example: “Because I do not hope to turn again, Because I do not hope, Because I do not hope to turn…”

14 YOUR CHALLENGE  You will create a lesson as a group.  You must have A lesson plan Objective: what will the students learn? Samples: Examples of the literary terms in literature to model how the term is used. Assessment: How will you know that the students “got it?” Practice opportunities: How will students practice what you taught them? Visual: What materials will you use in your lesson? Example: Technology, copies, graphic organizers, etc.

15 RULES  Groups of five.  2 Researchers: In charge of researching literary terms and everything associated to the terms.  Leader: In charge of making sure that the group is on task.  Secretary: Produce all written materials (lesson plans, lesson materials, etc.)  Presenter: Who will present the lesson?  The leader can decide if everyone will contribute in every part of the lesson.  This is your chance to teach the way you want to be taught!

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