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Perseus and the Larva Monster. Silently the dusty maze (which was falling apart) covered the rocky landscape whilst tropical birds chirped loudly on the.

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Presentation on theme: "Perseus and the Larva Monster. Silently the dusty maze (which was falling apart) covered the rocky landscape whilst tropical birds chirped loudly on the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perseus and the Larva Monster

2 Silently the dusty maze (which was falling apart) covered the rocky landscape whilst tropical birds chirped loudly on the edge of the maze walls. Not only that but, the towering walls (that were as tall as a tree) sat there waiting patiently to be blown over. Peacefully the dust clomps (which were as deadly as a tornado) swayed through the mystical maze! Blazingly the golden coin that hung in the azure blue sky pushed its rays of heat to the maze.

3 On the horizon the dust clomps disappeared and a man was in the mystical maze. He was sent by a king called Genesis. Not only that but the soldier (who was in the maze) was called perseus. Perseus was as strong as a rhino and his skin was as brown as a baked bean. Perseus had lovely long blond hair. also he had blue eyes like blue bells. Perseus wore a yellowy brown coloured toga. Amazingly Perseus had a shield as shiny as the sun, with a sword as sharp as a needle! How old do you think Perseus was??? Believe it or not but Perseus was 23 years old. Amazing! Guess what he always says, “I’m ready.” Perseus was a very kind man whilst sometimes Perseus could go mad. Suddenly, the ground shook……

4 Rocks started to crumble and clouds invaded the black sky! Suddenly a huge monster that was as big as a house strolled past Perseus! Perseus was literally amazed at it because it shouted out, “my name is SERREUS.” He wasn’t saying it to Perseus but it was so scary. It was weird because it had human flesh hanging from his teeth. GROsS!!! It was made out of larva. It was also made out of rock. It was so weird. When serreus went past perseus sweat dripped from his body. Euler no wonder why it was as hot as a volcano. Perseus felt terrified after all of that. Suddenly Serreus saw him!!!

5 Perseus started to run and sadly tripped. Perseus hurt his ankle very badly. Then Perseus started to run again. Serous was following Perseus this whole time. Believe it or not but he dropped his shield. He felt like such an idiot now! His heart was pounding like a drum and he was terrified. Would you like that? He finally got to take a swing and Serous’ rioting food came gushing out! Amazingly serous was on the edge of death! But then serous fired a larva ball and burned off Perseus’ hand. Finally Perseus took one more swing and he chopped off Serous’ head. Serous’ body thumped to the floor and landed like a rock.

6 Perseus started to leave. Perseus had to have a souvenir for his adventure. So he cut out sereus’ heart. Perseus finally took one more look at the beautiful maze and then swam fearfully away.

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