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The teaching strategy for LifeWorkArt enables students to develop sustainable working structures that integrate art practice and professional development.

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Presentation on theme: "The teaching strategy for LifeWorkArt enables students to develop sustainable working structures that integrate art practice and professional development."— Presentation transcript:

1 The teaching strategy for LifeWorkArt enables students to develop sustainable working structures that integrate art practice and professional development

2 Installing Arturas Raila’s exhibition at ACA 2008. Arturas is assisted by Nick Kennedy and Rachel Clewlow two graduates doing a residency at ACA.


4 CCSkills 2007 56,000 creative businesses 480,000 people working in the creative and cultural industries in England Performing, Literary and Visual Arts largest sub- sector 185,000 people contributing £8.5 billion to the economy North East smallest number of employees of all nine English regions 14,040 people, 3% of national total £400 million Gross Value Added

5 CCSkills specific skills shortages Short term skills needs: Negotiation, Business Skills/ Professionalism, IT. Medium term skills needs: Negotiation, Business Skills/ Professionalism, Management, Selling/ Marketing and PR, IT, Leadership Long term skills needs: IT, Leadership North East skills needs follow national pattern. But research by One North East and Northern Cultural Skills Partnership (2003) show additional needs: leadership training; organisational development; management training; audience development/specialist marketing; customer care/front of house services; access and learning/social inclusion and fundraising.

6 CC Skills Creative Choices Visual Arts Blueprint

7 Visual Arts by Wage Visual Arts7 o 90% of people working in visual arts earn less than £20,000 per year

8 England8 Self Employed – 58% are employees, 42% self employed – Creative and cultural industries differ in their levels of self employed work (see graph below)

9 Visual Arts9 Self Employed in Visual Arts by Qualification Level – Self employed workers are more likely to have a qualification above level 4 than those employed (71%/26%) – Employed workers are nearly 5 times more likely to have a level 2 qualification as their highest qualification than self employed workers

10 Barriers Time particularly for freelancers & micro businesses Cost need for customised programmes Awareness of skills needs of available provision of funding support

11 Some issues for HE Used to providing provision at M level through PG degrees? But certain disciplines – eg medicine – have established history of work based and career development provision

12 Some alternatives: all have a cost Arts & Enterprise: freelancing in the cultural and heritage sectors M level CPD module Pathfinder funding Focused on individual practice Paid placements For students and graduates KTPs Collaborative Doctoral Awards

13 Problems with KTPs High cost to host Resistance to that due to full economic costing for university but not for host Cultural sector lacks access to these levels of funds

14 Solutions? Funding from eg: Arts Council One North East Business Development Agencies

15 What’s Missing? Initiatives partnership between graduates and Globe Gallery 2005

16 Need for joined up approach from HEIs and government agencies Is this happening? Will Arts Council re-organisation help this?

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