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CR Cluster.  Identify most affected districts  Plan assessment for the CR cluster  Discuss methodology  Identify volunteers  Develop a plan.

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Presentation on theme: "CR Cluster.  Identify most affected districts  Plan assessment for the CR cluster  Discuss methodology  Identify volunteers  Develop a plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 CR Cluster

2  Identify most affected districts  Plan assessment for the CR cluster  Discuss methodology  Identify volunteers  Develop a plan

3 ◦ Nowsehra ◦ Peshawar ◦ DI Khan ◦ Swat ◦ Charsada ◦ Shangla

4 Districts V T.H.H A.H.H  Peshawar 97 50,067 20,514  Nowshera 105 90,465 67,940  Charsada 80 44,550 34,657

5 ER is a multidimensional process of recovery that begins in a humanitarian setting and is guided by development principles that seek to build on humanitarian programs and catalyze sustainable development opportunities. Areas of Concern Environment, Non-farm Livelihoods, CBI, Governance, DRM and Social Cohesion

6  Identify priority needs for Early Recovery, based on impacts of the disaster;  Assess capacities and resources for early recovery efforts;  Identify specific actions can be taken to address the priority needs for early recovery.

7  Qualitative Methodology  Published materials/Websites (District Census reports, materials by other organizations etc).  FGDs with community (both males and females) to understand ER needs.  Informal Discussions with the key informants (DCO, NGO representative and others).

8  What were your main sources of income before the floods and what do you expect to be for the next 6 – 18 months?  What factors are preventing you from re- establishing your source of livelihoods?  To what degree was your business /employment affected by the flood?  What assistance would you need to restart your work in next 3 to 6 months?  Do women need any special assistance to re-start their business or source of income?  Has your family received any assistance (money, food, goods) from other people or organizations?  What can be different options of non-farm livelihoods in the camp ?

9  Have you lost or misplaced the following documents during the floods?  How the local government got affected in the floods?  What can community contribute to improve governance in your area ?

10  Which are the most affected UCs in term of CI (great to narrow down to the village level)?  What sort of CI got damaged (quantitative data)? How this is affecting lives in the community (qualitative)  What are the priorities of communities in terms of rehabilitation of the CI?  What communities can offer (their capacities) in the rehabilitation of CI?

11  What are the most common reasons for disputes in the village?  How do men/women settle their differences and disputes in your villages?  What measures can bring communities together in the camp settings?

12  How much warning did you receive and did you understand the warning signals?  What did people do to prepare for the floods?  What do communities think caused the destruction?  Have you had any training on what to do when there is a floods approaching?  What factors in your opinion have worsened the impact of the floods?  What should be future course of action.

13  How the environment got damaged ?  How u plan to dispose the rubble?  What steps should be taken on urgent bases to restore the environment ?

14 DistrictOrganizationResourcesContact Person Swat Peshawar Charsada Nowshera D.I.Khan Shangla

15 ActivityDateComments

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