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Diet. Diet Balanced Diet “A balanced diet is one where we take in all of the nutrients required in the correct proportion”

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Presentation on theme: "Diet. Diet Balanced Diet “A balanced diet is one where we take in all of the nutrients required in the correct proportion”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diet

2 Diet Balanced Diet “A balanced diet is one where we take in all of the nutrients required in the correct proportion”

3 Diet Nutrients Carbohydrates Main energy source Separated into simple or complex carbohydrates Simple carbohydrates are also known as sugars and include glucose and sugar. Complex carbohydrates are also known as starches and include pasta, bread and rice.


5 Diet Nutrients Fats Energy source and provide insulation. Split into three types; saturated, monosaturated and polysaturated Found in cheese, cream, meat, butter. Too much fat is not good for us.


7 Diet Nutrients Proteins Important for muscle growth and repair, especially in new tissues Protein can be found in meat, fish, nuts and beans


9 Diet Nutrients Vitamins – Essential to maintain good health. Required in small amounts and found in most foods. Minerals – Required in small amounts, found in meat and vegetables. Water – Essential to avoid dehydration and needed to keep body systems functioning. Fibre – Essential to the digestive system and can be found in cereals, wholegrain bread and oats.


11 Diet Food Groups No single food can provide us with all the nutrients the body needs so we must eat from the following food groups: -Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods -Fruit and vegetables -Milk and dairy products -Meat, eggs, fish, beans and other non-dairy sources of proteins -Food and drink high in sugar/fat (in small proportions)


13 Diet Dietary Imbalance The following conditions can result if your diet is not balanced: -Malnutrition -Obesity -Anorexia

14 Diet Dietary Imbalance “Malnutrition is a physical weakness resulting from insufficient food or an unbalanced diet”


16 Diet Dietary Imbalance “Obesity is a condition of being extremely fat or overweight, which results in health problems”


18 Diet Dietary Imbalance “Anorexia is an eating disorder primarily occurring in girls and women, related to a fear of gaining weight, self starvation and a distorted body image”

19 Diet Level of Participation The food we eat provides us with energy. The more active we are the more energy we require. We must ensure that our calorie output (energy used) equals our calorie input (food/drink consumed) If we take in more energy (food/drink) than we use (exercise) we will gain weight. If we take in less energy (food/drink) than we use (exercise)we will lose weight

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21 Diet BMR “Our basal metabolic rate in the minimum rate of energy required to keep all of the life processes of the body maintained when its at rest” The higher your BMR the more energy your body uses at rest. This explains why some people can ‘eat all day’ and not put on weight This is affected when we become more active.

22 Diet When to eat? When to eat is another factor that must be considered: Before Activity -Do not eat too close to performance. -You should eat very little two hours before performing.

23 Diet When to eat? During Activity You should only eat something light in small quantities during an activity. Examples of possible foods are Jaffa cakes or bananas


25 Diet When to eat? After Activity You should try to leave a two-hour gap before eating after exercising. However it is good to take on board some carbohydrates to give you extra energy.

26 Diet Carbohydrate Loading This is a dietary plan used by endurance athletes such as marathon runners. It involves eating plenty of starch-rich foods such as pasta in the week before an event or competition. This increases the amount of glycogen in the muscles which can delay the onset of fatigue. This means the performer can perform to their maximum for a longer period of times.

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