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Monday, April 13 th / Tuesday, April 14 th : Agenda: Unit Overview Fortunate Son The Things They Carried Background “On the Rainy River” Homework: Answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, April 13 th / Tuesday, April 14 th : Agenda: Unit Overview Fortunate Son The Things They Carried Background “On the Rainy River” Homework: Answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, April 13 th / Tuesday, April 14 th : Agenda: Unit Overview Fortunate Son The Things They Carried Background “On the Rainy River” Homework: Answer the questions for the song, “Fortunate Son.”

2 Unit 8 Overview: Standards: Oral Expression and Listening Objectives: 1.Students will deliver organized and effective oral presentations for diverse audiences and varied purposes. 2. Students will apply standard English conventions to communicate effectively. Assessment: You will create an artifact, accompanied by a letter, that could be left at the Vietnam War Memorial. You will then present your artifact to the class, explaining its significance.

3 Fortunate Son (1969) Objective: I will analyze the message of a song to connect it to the Vietnam Era, writing my own reflection about my feelings if I been drafted for this particular war. 1.Listen to the song. 2.Answer the questions for homework. 3.Journal prompt.

4 Worth fighting for? “I was drafted to fight a war I hated. I was twenty-one years old. Young, yes, and politically naïve, but even so the American war in Vietnam seemed to me wrong” (O’Brien 38). Some people wonder why Americans are in Vietnam. The way I see the situation, I would rather fight to stop communism in South Vietnam than in Kincaid, Humbolt, Blue Mound or Kansas City, and that is just about what it would end up being. The price for victory is high when life cannot be replaced, but I think it is far better to fight and die for freedom than to live under oppression and fear. --Lance Corporal Jack S. Swender, KIA on December 18, 1965 If you were drafted to fight in any war, would it be important to believe in the cause? Would you feel as Fogerty did, “It ain’t me. I ain’t no military son.” Explain.

5 The Things They Carried Objective: Today I will read a historical fiction memoir that will give me an unique perspective of the Vietnam War. Activity: 1.Define historical fiction: 2.Define memoir:

6 On the Rainy River Objective: Today I will read a historical fiction memoir that will give me an unique perspective of the Vietnam War. 1.What was a draft dodger? Is it ethical to dodge the draft, even if you disagree with the war? 2. What does the river symbolize for the narrator? 3. Why is Elroy the perfect mentor for a distressed young man?

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