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Using Language 人教选修 7 Unit 3 Under the sea. How many creatures do you know live under the sea?

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Presentation on theme: "Using Language 人教选修 7 Unit 3 Under the sea. How many creatures do you know live under the sea?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Language 人教选修 7 Unit 3 Under the sea

2 How many creatures do you know live under the sea?

3 coral

4 parrotfish 鹦嘴鱼

5 Sea-slug 海蛞蝓

6 Giant clam 巨蚌

7 grey reef shark 灰礁鲨

8 sea-star

9 sea-slug

10 turtle

11 eel

12 Unit3 Using Language A New Dimension of Life

13 Scanning 1.How many creatures are mentioned in this diary? 2. What are they? Coral, small fish, parrotfish, sea-star, sea-slug, turtle, eel, clam and reef shark. Nine.

14 3. Listen to the passage and number the paragraph topics. TopicParagraph number colors and shapes dangers reflecting the reef’s edge a final thought some sea creatures 2 4 1 5 6 3

15 Careful reading 1.What did the writer do in the morning on 19th January? He went snorkeling. 2. What did he think after seeing such extraordinary beauty? He thought every cell in his body woke up and it was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.

16 3. What is the first thing he became aware of? All the vivid colors surrounding him. 4. Does he think the corals are fantastic? Why? Yes. Because they were shaped like fans, Plates, brains, lace and so on.

17 5. Did he frighten the fish when he swam among them? No, he didn’t. The fish didn’t seem to mind him swimming among them. 6. Were there anything that made him feel frightened? What were they? Yes. There were. He didn’t want to get close to the eel, the giant clam. The grey reef shark made him scared to death.

18 Fill in the blanks with information from the text. CreaturesDescription coral a small fish parrotfish sea-slug fantastic---shaped like fans, plates, brains, lace, mushrooms, branches of trees, horns of deer orange and white, that hid in the waving along thin seaweed yellow and green with hard bird-like mouth, hanging upside down yellow-spotted Detailed reading

19 CreaturesDescription eel clam reef shark With strong sharp teeth, with only its head showing from a hole, watching for a tasty fish giant; half buried in some coral grey, one and a half meters long

20 Complete these noun groups from the diary. Intensive reading 1. _________________ air 2. ___________________ lips 3. ___________________ reef sharks 4. ___________________teeth 5. _________________________ seaweed 6. ___________________ mouth 7. ____________________ sea-slug 8. ___________________ turtle warm night thick green two grey strong sharp the waving long thin hard bird-like a yellow-spotted red a large wise-looking

21 Read the text again and fill in the blanks. During the snorkelling trip, the writer first became _____ of the ____ colours and the fantastic corals. He saw little fish ________ the bodies of larger fish, the parrotfish _________ upside down, awarevivid cleaning hanging Teaching task 3:

22 a sea-slug _______ by a sea-star, a turtle passing so close to him, an eel _______ its head from a hole, a clam _______ for something to swim in between its thick green lips. He felt ______ to death on seeing some creatures. It is a wonderful and _________________ world under the sea. limitless / enormous showing waiting scared sliding

23 Teaching task 4: Consolidation Finish the following exercises according to the text.

24 主旨大意 1. In the diary, the author mainly wants to tell us that ____. A. what he saw in the sea B. how the fish eat in the sea C. the vivid colors in the sea D. all the plants in the sea are poisonous A

25 2. What was hanging upside down in the sea according to the text? A. The orange and white anemone fish. B. The yellow-spotted red sea-slug. C. The yellow and green parrotfish. D. The orange and blue-striped angelfish. C

26 3. When the author saw two ____, he felt scared to death. A. anemone fish B. parrotfish C. sea-slugs D. sharks D

27 4. How many kinds of creatures didn’t the author want to get too close to according to the fourth paragraph? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five B

28 Homework Surf the internet to find more information about the creatures living under the sea.

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