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GCSE French Vocabulary Autumn term – PP 3 Higher Tier Draft / LK.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE French Vocabulary Autumn term – PP 3 Higher Tier Draft / LK."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE French Vocabulary Autumn term – PP 3 Higher Tier Draft / LK

2 There are about 30 vocabulary slides in this presentation. Run through them a couple of times saying each vocab. item out loud to yourself. Then use the PowerPoint again to test yourself. When you feel confident that you know them all, complete the online test.

3 le rapport [luh rap-por] the relationship

4 disponible [dis-pon-nee-bluh] available

5 se battre [suh bat-ruh] to fight

6 le voisin [luh vwa-zan] neighbour

7 la langue [lah larng] the language/tongue

8 bouger [boo-sjay] to move

9 la main [lah mahn] hand

10 apprendre [ap-prond-druh] to learn

11 remettre [ruh-met-truh] to put back

12 toujours [too-joor] always

13 souriant(e) [soo-ree-on(t)] smiling

14 sans cesse [son sess] constantly

15 le métier [luh may-tee-ay] job/career

16 ranger [ron-sjay] to tidy

17 les affaires [lays af-fair] things

18 garder [gar-day] to keep

19 le sourire [luh soo-reer] smile

20 passer [pass-say] spend ( time)

21 surtout [s-yoor-too] especially

22 souvent [soo-von] often

23 plein(e) [plan/plen] full

24 au début [oh day-boo] at the beginning

25 étranger [ay-tron-sjay] foreign

26 venir [vun-neer] to come

27 améliorer [am-may-lee-or-ray] to improve

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