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English Plurals FAITH (voi): Voicing must be same in input and output FAITH (voi): Voicing must be same in input and output FAITHV:Vowels in input and.

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Presentation on theme: "English Plurals FAITH (voi): Voicing must be same in input and output FAITH (voi): Voicing must be same in input and output FAITHV:Vowels in input and."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Plurals FAITH (voi): Voicing must be same in input and output FAITH (voi): Voicing must be same in input and output FAITHV:Vowels in input and output must be identical FAITHV:Vowels in input and output must be identical *[+strident][+strident]: No two adjacent stridents allowed *[+strident][+strident]: No two adjacent stridents allowed SHARE (voi): Adjacent consonants must have same voicing SHARE (voi): Adjacent consonants must have same voicing SHARE (voi), *[+strident][+strident] >> FAITHV, FAITH (voi) SHARE (voi), *[+strident][+strident] >> FAITHV, FAITH (voi) bush[z] SHARE (voi)*[+strident][+st rident] FAITHVFAITH(voi) bush[z]*!* bush[s]*!* >bush[ ɨ z] * cat[z] *! >cat[s]* cat[ ɨ z] *!

2 English Plurals FAITH (voi): Voicing must be same in input and output FAITH (voi): Voicing must be same in input and output FAITHV:Vowels in input and output must be identical FAITHV:Vowels in input and output must be identical *[+strident][+strident]: No two adjacent stridents allowed *[+strident][+strident]: No two adjacent stridents allowed SHARE (voi): Adjacent consonants must have same voicing SHARE (voi): Adjacent consonants must have same voicing *[+strident][+strident] >> SHARE (voi) >> FAITHV, FAITH (voi) (Same outcome so they are not at different ranking *[+strident][+strident] >> SHARE (voi) >> FAITHV, FAITH (voi) (Same outcome so they are not at different ranking bush[z] *[+strident][+st rident] SHARE (voi)FAITHVFAITH(voi) bush[z]*!* bush[s]*!* >bush[ ɨ z] * cat[z] *! >cat[s]* cat[ ɨ z] *!

3 English Plurals FAITH (voi): Voicing must be same in input and output FAITH (voi): Voicing must be same in input and output FAITHV:Vowels in input and output must be identical FAITHV:Vowels in input and output must be identical *[+strident][+strident]: No two adjacent stridents allowed *[+strident][+strident]: No two adjacent stridents allowed SHARE (voi): Adjacent consonants must have same voicing SHARE (voi): Adjacent consonants must have same voicing *[+strident][+strident] >> SHARE (voi) >> FAITHV, FAITH (voi) (Same outcome so they are not at different ranking *[+strident][+strident] >> SHARE (voi) >> FAITHV, FAITH (voi) (Same outcome so they are not at different ranking bush[z] *[+strident][+st rident] SHARE (voi)FAITHVFAITH(voi) bush[z]*!* bush[s]*!* >bush[ ɨ z] * cat[z] *! >cat[s]* cat[ ɨ z] *!

4 English Plurals FAITH (voi): Voicing must be same in input and output FAITH (voi): Voicing must be same in input and output FAITHV:Vowels in input and output must be identical FAITHV:Vowels in input and output must be identical *[+strident][+strident]: No two adjacent stridents allowed *[+strident][+strident]: No two adjacent stridents allowed SHARE (voi): Adjacent consonants must have same voicing SHARE (voi): Adjacent consonants must have same voicing SHARE (voi), *[+strident][+strident] >> FAITH (voi) >> FAITHV so the two are really unranked SHARE (voi), *[+strident][+strident] >> FAITH (voi) >> FAITHV so the two are really unranked bush[z] SHARE (voi)*[+strident][+st rident] FAITH (voi)FAITHV bush[z]*!* bush[s]*!* >bush[ ɨ z] * cat[z] *! cat[s] wrong*! > cat[ ɨ z] *

5 OT This is what happens when Sinhalese borrows Dutch words This is what happens when Sinhalese borrows Dutch words

6 OT How can we account for it in OT? How can we account for it in OT?

7 OT Let's focus on plan > palana Let's focus on plan > palana Constraints Constraints *COMPLEX ONSET (no complex onsets allowed) *COMPLEX ONSET (no complex onsets allowed) FAITH V (input and output must have same vowels) FAITH V (input and output must have same vowels) FAITHC (input and output must have same consonants) FAITHC (input and output must have same consonants) What is the constraint ranking? What is the constraint ranking? Input: plan plan pan palana

8 OT Let's focus on plan > palana Let's focus on plan > palana Constraints Constraints *COMPLEX ONSET (no complex onsets allowed) *COMPLEX ONSET (no complex onsets allowed) FAITH V (input and output must have same vowels) FAITH V (input and output must have same vowels) FAITHC (input and output must have same consonants) FAITHC (input and output must have same consonants) What is the constraint ranking? What is the constraint ranking? Input: plan*COMPLEX ONSET FAITHCFAITHV plan*! pan*! palana*

9 Rules vs. Constraints R ule R ule C > ∅ / #____ C > ∅ / #____ Constraint Constraint *#CC *#CC Aren't they just saying the same thing? Aren't they just saying the same thing?

10 Types of constraints Markedness constraints Markedness constraints Languages prefer forms that are: Languages prefer forms that are:  simple  easy to pronounce  common

11 Types of constraints Markedness constraints Markedness constraints Examples of markedness Examples of markedness  All language have voiceless obstruents (unmarked  Not all have voiced obstruents (marked)

12 Types of constraints Markedness constraints Markedness constraints Examples of markedness Examples of markedness  All language have voiceless obstruents (unmarked  Not all have voiced obstruents (marked)  All languages have front unround vowels (unmarked)  Only some languages have front round vowels (marked)

13 Types of constraints Markedness constraints Markedness constraints Examples of markedness Examples of markedness  All language have voiceless obstruents (unmarked  Not all have voiced obstruents (marked)  All languages have front unround vowels (unmarked)  Only some languages have front round vowels (marked)  All languages have C initial words (unmarked)  Only some have V initial words

14 Types of constraints Markedness constraints Markedness constraints Constraints that impose restrictions on surface forms Constraints that impose restrictions on surface forms  obstruents must be voiceless  no front round vowels  no nasal vowels

15 Types of constraints Markedness constraints Markedness constraints If there were only markedness constraints there would be no marked structures (e.g. front round vowels) If there were only markedness constraints there would be no marked structures (e.g. front round vowels) They refer only to the output, not the input They refer only to the output, not the input

16 Types of constraints Markedness constraints Markedness constraints If there were only markedness constraints there would be no marked structures (e.g. front round vowels) If there were only markedness constraints there would be no marked structures (e.g. front round vowels) Faithfulness constraints offset the effects of markedness constraints Faithfulness constraints offset the effects of markedness constraints

17 Types of constraints Faithfulness constraints Faithfulness constraints Prefer no change from input to output Prefer no change from input to output Refer to the input and output Refer to the input and output Examples: Examples:  Don't change nasality  Don't insert vowels or consonants  Don't delete

18 Tibetan numbers Word initial C is deleted before a C Word initial C is deleted before a C *COMPLEX ONSET *COMPLEX ONSET

19 Tibetan numbers Word initial C is deleted before a C Word initial C is deleted before a C Markedness constraint: *COMPLEX ONSET Markedness constraint: *COMPLEX ONSET Faithfulness constraint: FAITH (don't change) Faithfulness constraint: FAITH (don't change)

20 Faithfulness constraints Consider these three constraints Consider these three constraints *COMPLEX ONSET *COMPLEX ONSET MAX: Maximality. Everything in input must be in output-no deletion MAX: Maximality. Everything in input must be in output-no deletion DEP: Dependence. Everything in output must be in input too-no epenthesis DEP: Dependence. Everything in output must be in input too-no epenthesis




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