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Social Studies 10 MUNDY 2009.  The conflict of the Selkirk Settlement had ended  HBC and NWC merged into one company (1821)  Thus, the settlement at.

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1 Social Studies 10 MUNDY 2009

2  The conflict of the Selkirk Settlement had ended  HBC and NWC merged into one company (1821)  Thus, the settlement at the Red River began to enjoy a time of peace and stability

3  Most settlers were either Métis, Scottish, country-born or Swiss in background  As time progressed after the 20’s, intermarriages created a community of mainly people of mixed ancestry (in fact, 80% of population)

4  Scottish settlers sold food/crops to HBC  HBC in turn distributed food to various posts and forts across Rupert’s Land  Métis provided pemmican and buffalo robes caught and prepared from their annual buffalo hunt for the HBC

5  Others were employed directly by the HBC to work in nearby forts  Windmills pumped water and grinded grain, providing essentials to settlement

6  High birth rate amongst families  Over 10 children per family  Hence, from generation to generation, the settlement grew in numbers from natural increase  Immigration, however, was not a factor at this time

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