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Welcome to 4 th grade! 2015-2016. We Love Writing!  Personal Narratives  Expository Essays  Persuasive Essays  Poetry  Grammar  Word Study.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 4 th grade! 2015-2016. We Love Writing!  Personal Narratives  Expository Essays  Persuasive Essays  Poetry  Grammar  Word Study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 4 th grade! 2015-2016

2 We Love Writing!  Personal Narratives  Expository Essays  Persuasive Essays  Poetry  Grammar  Word Study

3 4 th Grade Reading  Reading workshop  Guided reading groups  Strategy groups  Book clubs  Sustained Silent Reading  Increased Comprehension using a variety of strategies  Fiction Text and Non- fiction Text

4 4 th Grade Science- Let’s Investigate!!  Lab Safety  Matter, Force, and Motion  Energy  Earth and Phases of the Moon  Electricity – conductors & insulators  Organisms and Their Environment  Soil – types, retention, conservation  Weather and water wise  Dissecting owl pellets  Science Fair –for everyone!  Projects due Thursday, Dec. 3  Science Fair judging- Monday, Dec. 7  Science Fair Open House- Tuesday, Dec. 8

5 4 th Grade Social Studies  Texas History  Regions of Texas  Exploration of Texas  Inhabitants of Texas  Mind Missions-team projects that help students relate to events in history  Visual Exploration

6 4 th grade Math  Know your facts!!  Addition and Subtraction  Multiplication and Division  Number Relationships- Place Value, Fractions and Decimals  Geometry  Financial Literacy  Measurement-Standard and Metric

7 The Tablets are Coming  Deployment is September 9th  Students will be assigned a specific tablet  Tablets will remain at school  Tablets will be used to enhance curriculum and may not be used daily  We are currently completing lessons on digital citizenship

8 Expected Behavior  P-Prepared  A-Aware  R-Respectful  R-Responsible Students will be earning PARR bucks for outstanding school-wide behavior

9 Classroom Economy  We are using a classroom economy system  Students will use a debit and credit system  Earning through achieving classroom and school-wide expectations  Classroom dollars can be used to purchase rewards

10 Nurse Information All medication must be brought to the nurse (even cough drops) Students who are ill or seriously injured prior to the school day should be kept home until improved (fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever- reducing medication) or released by a physician. Please do not send ill or injured students to school to be diagnosed by school personnel. Conditions requiring exclusion from school include:  Temperature of 100° or more  Vomiting or has vomited during the night  Rash or skin infection other than poison ivy  Diarrhea  Contagious diseases or infestations - including but not limited to scabies, impetigo, conjunctivitis, live lice, and varicella

11 Attendance  Send a note within 3 days of returning to school. Please remember to include the child’s full name, teacher’s name, and the dates and reason for the absence.  A doctors note is required after 5 consecutive absences.

12 Parent Involvement  Check homework together  Review planner daily and sign  If you have any questions or concerns, please write a note in the planner or send us an email to let us know quickly. We all want this to be a GREAT year  Contribute school supplies and party essentials as needed  Check with your child’s teachers for additional volunteer opportunities

13 Transportation Procedures  No change of transportation for students can be completed via email.  All changes of transportation must be in writing or faxed to the front office with picture of driver’s license  No changes after 2:30pm

14 Snacks  Students may bring a HEALTHY snack to have after block  We encourage students to bring water bottles

15 Contact Information Ms. Carhart Ms. Parker 281-284-4100

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