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Delta Upsilon Indiana University.  You can’t recruit who you don’t know  People don’t join organizations, people join people  More Spam  Skills 

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Presentation on theme: "Delta Upsilon Indiana University.  You can’t recruit who you don’t know  People don’t join organizations, people join people  More Spam  Skills "— Presentation transcript:

1 Delta Upsilon Indiana University

2  You can’t recruit who you don’t know  People don’t join organizations, people join people  More Spam  Skills  Product knowledge  Audience understanding  Motivation

3  “We’re about Quality not Quantity”  Who agrees?  Wrong.  Quantity Drives Quality

4  5 ways to master a conversation  Family / friends  Favorites  Future  Fun  From?  FRATERNITY  Get Digits!  Do you have a Roomate?

5  Faculty and Administration  1 on 1 conversation  Would you share with us the names of several of your top students, especially those who show signs of leadership?  Alumni, Family, Friends  Who does you family know who is coming to RU?

6  High School Counselors  Contact your high school counselors  Who from your high school is coming for IU?  Recruitment committee preparing family letters and incoming freshman letters about benefits of Greek life, can you send them to these students?

7  First Year Student Services  Admissions counselors  Residence Life Staff  Orientation Offices “"I'm looking to truly change the concept of fraternity on this campus. I'm tired of the stereotypes and I'm guessing you are too. Are there any first-year students you've seen that are obviously going to be outstanding leaders and change agents for our campus? I'd like to talk with them – no pressure – about changing the Fraternity and Sorority community.”

8  Handshake through the Dorms  Foster  Mcnutt  Collins  Wright  Reid

9  In Classes  Pick Up Games  Open entertainment  Games, concerts

10  Easiest form of meeting new members  Our names list is on google docs

11  Hold DU a leadership retreat  Orientations  Gaming with Greeks  Social Networking  Keep in touch with all possible rushes during the summer through Facebook and chatting

12  Student Government  Res Life  Admissions and Orientation Teams  Rec center teams  Activities boards  Honor Societies  Programming Board  Political Organizations  Who is a member of such a group?

13  Free text books at the bookstore  Sock drive  Survey / Petition  Sports League (cornhole tourny/bbq?)  Raffle

14  The Other 22 hours  Recruit around campus all day, then enjoy the event that night with your new recruits  Missed Rush?  Sneak Peak

15  I don’t have the time  How much time do you think it will take?  What are your other time commitments  How much time could you commit  I would like to introduce you to ______. He works part time, is in ______ club, and maintains a 3.5 gpa

16  I can’t afford it.  Do you know how much it costs  May I show you exactly how much it costs and how it compares to other college expenses  If we could arrange a payment plan, would it make a difference?

17  My mom/dad/girlfriend(or boyfriend) doesn’t want me to join.  What is it they do not approve of?  Why do they feel that way  Have you met any of the members in this fraternity  Would you be willing to help me arrange an opportunity for them to meet some members/ members parents/ chapter advisor?

18  I need to focus on my grades.  Did you know the chapter has an academic excellence program, and a program to reward scholastic achievement?  Did you know our fraternity GPA is over the all- men’s average on campus?  May I introduce you to our VP of scholarship?  Meet Sean Strausman or Adam Pogash, they have a 4.0 gpa

19  I’d just like to wait a semester or two.  What is it you think will change between now and then  What would need to change for you to feel comfortable moving forward with this pledge class

20  I’m not the fraternity type.  What is “the fraternity type?” Does that describe us?  (Once they realize we are not that type) That is why we are interested in YOU!  You would be willing to help our chapter change the image of fraternities on this campus?

21  I do not want to get hazed.  Do you think we haze our new members?  Hazing is unacceptable and strictly forbidden in DU  Let me introduce you to _____, a member of last semesters pledge class  Here is our pledge education program outlining everything we do

22  I don’t want to live in the house  What is it that makes you not want to live in the house  We have a lot of brothers who are active members and choose not to live in the house

23  I don’t drink.  Do you think you have to drink to be in a fraternity  The majority of fraternity activities do not include alcohol  We respect every members choice. There is no pressure to drink

24  25% of active brothers speak on behalf  What Does this Mean?  Constitutional Change for bid %?  75%, 50% + 1 too high  40% green cards, If he is not right for our organization, he will be dropped  Attend 2+ recruitment events  Or 1 interview  GPA of 2.5 – unless executive decision, must have OK from VP scholarship  Involved in 1 other organization – this is who we want to recruit, should not be a problem

25  What questions do we want to hear durring interviews?  What did you do in highschool?  What are your goals here at Indiana University?  What service opportunities interest you?  Academic goals?  What organizations do you also want to get involved in?

26  Bid Night will be held BEFORE the final recruitment event  VP of recruitment will talk about potential member, followed by a cut up of interview, and a timed group discussion  When time ends, each brother will hold up a red, green, or grey card.  Red = No bid, Green = Bid, Grey = Unsure  If a large amount of cards are grey, the bid vote for that member will be postponed until after the next recruitment event

27  2 brothers will contact the potential member and ask to meet him at the house, dorm, or to dinner.  The brothers will present the potential member with his bid card  The brothers must make sure the potential member  Knows the financial obligations  Knows the time commitments  Knows the GPA eligibility standards for future

28  Do not pre-judge, write the name down as soon as you think of it  Write down all the non greek men you know who are  Scholars, leaders, gentleman  Service minded  Friends of your friends  Highly social

29  Make you laugh  Sit near you in class  Travel abroad  Did not get a bid from another fraternity  From your freshman hall  The floor in your building  A sport team you played on  Your clubs  Work study  Gym buddy  Commuters  Transfer students  Rosters from other clubs

30  Cell phone  Facebook chat list  Listserv  Yearbook

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