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In 1849, Phineas was strong enough to return to work During his recovery, friends and family noted that he was “no longer Phineas” Before: capable,

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5 In 1849, Phineas was strong enough to return to work During his recovery, friends and family noted that he was “no longer Phineas” Before: capable, efficient, best foreman, well- balanced mind After: extravagant, anti- social, liar, grossly profane First patient from whom we learned something about the relation between personality and the function of the front parts of the brain tch?v=FrULrWRlGBA


7 Frontal Lobe - Personality - Reasoning & Judgement - Voluntary movement - Speech production Temporal Lobe - Speech interpretation & hearing - Memory Parietal Lobe - Sensory Cortex Occipital Lobe - Processes visual information


9 Cerebellum - Coordinates voluntary movements - Maintain posture and balance - Automatic survival functions Pons - Regulates breathing - Passes signals between brain and spinal cord Medulla Oblongata - Controls heartbeat, breathing, swallowing, vomiting, and coughing - Connects brain to spinal cord


11 Nervous System Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System Somatic Nervous System (voluntary) Autonomic Nervous System (involuntary) Sympathetic Nervous System Parasympathetic Nervous System

12 Sympathetic Nervous System - “Fight or Flight” response - Prepares body for action or stress - Increase blood flow, airway is enlarged, quicker thinking Parasympathetic Nervous System - Calms body and helps conserve energy - Lowers blood pressure and heart rate - Active when body is relaxed.

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