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Level 3 CYPW Unit 51 Communicating with children Tutors; Karen Sendall & Dorota Thurlow.

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1 Level 3 CYPW Unit 51 Communicating with children Tutors; Karen Sendall & Dorota Thurlow

2 Next week (Thursday 3rd May) the diploma session will be in room 11 next door at the PDC (Professional Development Centre Refreshments on arrival (6.15pm) and the room is available 6pm until 9.30pm.

3 Aims and Objectives Session Aim: To promote communication with adults and children Core objectives: By the end of the session & homework all learners should be able to:  Understand why effective communication is important in the work setting  Be able to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals  Be able to overcome barriers to communication  Be able to apply principles and practices relating to confidentiality Most learners will also be able to: Recognise how and where to access services to aid communication

4 Top Tips to Successful completion  When writing an assignment, have a dictionary to hand even when using a computer with a spell checker.  Beware of homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings e.g. their/there, are/ our, bean/been, threw/through  Remember to proof read your writing before handing in – does it make sense? Check for any obvious grammatical errors!  If you are handwriting, remember to write your work in ink. Don’t use any Tippex  Keep up with assignment set, it very easy to fall behind and this can be demoralising!  Keep track of your progress so you can see how well you are doing!!

5 Evidence Sources and References  Remember to note evidence sources used e.g book or journal used or web site page.  Don’t get caught out with plagiarism!.........


7 How do we communicate ? Text Telephone E-mailNewspapers Television Music Dance Touch Sign language Body language Books/journals Flags Morse code Web chat Websites Letter Pictures Advertisements Notes/messages Voicemail Tone of voice When might we use these methods? Facebook

8 Communication Methods? Eye Contact Touch Gestures Body Language Behaviour Vocabulary Linguistic tone Pitch L.O 2.3

9 “I’ve been meaning to catch up with you for ages. I’m so pleased to see you.” “I really want this job” “Yeah, I’m really interested in that.” L.O 2.2, 2.4

10 Speech and Sounds Interaction and Talking Understanding Play Attention and Listening Being able to communicate is not just about talking!...... Along with getting your own message across, being able to listen, pay attention, interact, play and understand what’s being said are the fundamental building blocks of communication. Activities?


12 How do we maintain Confidentiality? Paper documentation Oral information Electronic information Learning journeys L.O 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 Worksheet 4

13 The Data Protection Act 1998 Information must be....... For limited purposes Country must have adequate protection Processed according To data subjects rights Secure Relevant Non excessive Fairly lawfully processed Not kept longer than needed Accurate Page 15

14 Conflicts and dilemmas! L.O 3.2,3.3,3.4 – work sheet 2

15 Communication Difficulties L.O: 3.1,3.2,3.3 – work sheet 1 English not first language Poor literacy skills Lack of confidence Mental illness Learning difficulties Visual impairment Hearing impairment Speech problems Little parental contact S.E.N

16 Overcoming Barriers to Communication Make time Speak clearly Don’t make assumptions Think about the environment??.... Clarify misunderstanding - asap! Change your way of communicating Change venue/tone/style/ language /abv’ “ I need to look at the ILP for the SEN child in the EYFS and draw up a CAF” L.O 3.2,3.3

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