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Data analysis of nighttime boating accidents: ERAC Charge C-2 L. Daniel Maxim, USCGAux and Tamara Terry, Ohio L. Daniel Maxim, USCGAux and Tamara Terry,

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Presentation on theme: "Data analysis of nighttime boating accidents: ERAC Charge C-2 L. Daniel Maxim, USCGAux and Tamara Terry, Ohio L. Daniel Maxim, USCGAux and Tamara Terry,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data analysis of nighttime boating accidents: ERAC Charge C-2 L. Daniel Maxim, USCGAux and Tamara Terry, Ohio L. Daniel Maxim, USCGAux and Tamara Terry, Ohio

2 Boast during the day; be humble at night –Maori proverb Night is a stealthy, evil Raven, Wrapt to the eyes in his black wings – Thomas Bailey Aldrich (American poet) Nothing in life is to be feared―It is to be understood –Marie Curie 2

3 Outline of presentation Charge group members Background to the study—charge history Shifting focus Results of interest to date –Nighttime accidents –Daytime accidents –Night and Day 3

4 Charge History Redirection/expansion of 2010 charge that was narrowly focused on from-the-helm, glare-related factors in nighttime accidents New charge expanded to look at all factors related to nighttime accidents and see how these compare with daytime accidents 4

5 2010 Charge Conduct a comprehensive review of 10 years’ worth of BARD data (and any other appropriate boating related statistics) along with a complementary state survey to isolate and examine all factors associated with nighttime recreational boating accidents (especially fatal accidents) We have done this with 5 years’ worth of BARD data 5


7 Nighttime accident overview Although most recreational boating accidents occur during the day, the fraction of fatal nighttime accidents is greater than that for daytime accidents—a key reason for studying nighttime accidents When we have the results of the National Recreational Boating Survey we will be able to normalize rates by exposure hours We analyzed BARD data from 2003 to 2007 from many states 7

8 Most accidents occur during daylight hours 8

9 But accidents that occur at night are more likely to be fatal 9

10 Relevant comparisons Comparing the proportion of fatal accidents occurring during the day versus during the night (as a percentage of all accidents during that time period): Fatal Rate - Night = 19.23% Fatal Rate - Day = 11.54% Difference is highly significant (statistically) Results are consistent with data from other transportation modes 10

11 Possible reasons for differences in fatality rates Sight distances lower at night leaving less time to react and avoid Depth perception, color recognition, and peripheral vision are compromised after sundown Some hazards to navigation (e.g., partially sunken logs) not visible at night Fatigue (circadian rhythms) Alcohol consumption (sleep restrictions exacerbate the sedating effects of alcohol, see html#IV. RISKS FOR DROWSY) html#IV. RISKS FOR DROWSY 11


13 Accident types (ranked in descending order of fatal accidents) 13

14 Accident causes or contributing factors Fatal and non-fatal accidents differ significantly in terms of the proportion of accidents caused by various factors Alcohol important for both fatal and non-fatal accidents, but to a significantly greater degree for fatal accidents 14

15 Accident causes or contributing factors 15


17 Accident types (ranked in descending order of fatal daytime accidents) 17

18 Accident causes or contributing factors (daytime accidents) 18


20 Fatal accidents by accident type (day versus night) 20

21 Fatal accidents by accident cause (day versus night) 21

22 Non-fatal accidents by accident type (day versus night) 22

23 Non-fatal accidents by accident cause (day versus night) 23

24 Percentage of vessels in fatal accidents; day versus night 24

25 PFD usage: fatalities 25

26 PFD usage: alcohol 26


28 Take home messages Nighttime boating accidents are noteworthy because these: –Are more likely to be fatal, –Differ from daytime accidents in the frequency of types and causes, –Behavioral causes are dominant, particularly alcohol use, and –Fraction of victims wearing PFDs higher in daytime than nighttime accidents 28

29 Take home messages Falls overboard and collisions are major factors in accidents—in both cases the fraction of vessels involved in fatal accidents higher at night than during the day Results to date support priorities of the Coast Guard 2012 - 2016 RBS Strategic Plan (e.g., wearing PFDs, education, BUI, research) 29

30 30 Questions/comments?

31 31 Search for other levers Focus efforts here No point Might be worth it Importance Ability to Impact

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