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Unit 6 Celebrations. Josh Hi, Dave Thanks for your message……… ……. Josh.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Celebrations. Josh Hi, Dave Thanks for your message……… ……. Josh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 Celebrations

2 Josh Hi, Dave Thanks for your message……… ……. Josh

3  What is the main idea of this e-mail? A. Christmas. A. Christmas. B. Chinese New year B. Chinese New year C. Thanksgiving Day. C. Thanksgiving Day. Spring Festival

4 Choose the best heading for each paragraph Paragraph 1 Paragraph 1 _________ Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2________ A: Special traditions of New Year B : the most important festival-Chinese New Year B A

5 Read paragraph 1 and underline the answer. 1.How is Josh feeling in Beijing? 2. Is it a special time now? Why is it a special time now? He is having a great time here in Beijing. Yes. Because Chinese people are getting ready to celebrate the New Year. 3.3. 3. Is it the most important festival ? Yes, it is. paragraph 1 the most important festival!

6 clean the house paint the window frame write out a short poem

7 clean the house paint the window frame write out a short poem

8 Read paragraph 2 and match the name with the thing he or she is doing. Mrs Zhang Mr Zhang Lucy is writing out a short poem to hang on the door. is painting the window frames of the house with red paint. is cleaning the house

9 Mrs Zhang is cleaning the house Mr Zhang is painting the window frames of the house with red paint. Lucy is writing out a short poem to hang on the door. Para2 Three traditions People clean their house from top to bottom. Red is supposed to be a lucky color. ? ?

10 Mrs. Zhang is cleaning the house. Mr. Zhang is painting the window frames of the house with red paint. Lucy is writing out a short poem to hang on the door. 主语 + be + Ving 现在进行时

11 sweep the floor 清扫地板 decorate the house with lights 用灯装饰房间 prepare food for the New Year meal 为年夜饭准备食物 paint the front door of the house 油漆房子正门 decorate the house with flowers 用花装饰房间 buy presents 买礼物 buy new clothes 买新衣服 cut hair 理发 send New Year cards 发送新年贺卡 hang a short poem on the door 贴对联 Traditions of New Year:

12 He is cleaning the house from top to bottom What is he doing ?

13 painting the window frames of the house cleaning the house from top to bottom sending cards writing out a short poem Pair work

14 Mary Mike Lucy Mike is giving gifts. Lucy is sending cards. Mary is decorating the house with a Christmas tree. decorate the house with Christmas tree send cards give gifts What are your family doing before Chinese New Year What are your family doing before Chinese New Year ? My father ….. My mother…… I …..

15 语境:Dave 很高兴收到了Josh 的来信, 了解了中国人过春节的一些风俗习惯。 圣诞节就要到了,现在Dave一家人正在 为圣诞节做准备。假设你是Dave,请你 给Josh写一封回信,介绍你的家人是怎 样为圣诞节做准备的。请你仿照1.2 写 一封e-mail。 Activity

16 Hi, Josh I’m very glad to receive your letter. Now Christmas is coming. My family are preparing for the Christmas. My father …. Take care Dave

17 Useful expressions decorate the house with flowers decorate the house with lights Give gifts to family members and friends buy presents buy Christmas tree send Christmas cards

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