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Easter / Uskrs. Nove riječi / New vocabulary Uskrs /Vaskrs (Srbija) Srećan Uskrs! Happy Easter A: “Hristos vaskrse”! = Christ has resurrected! B: ''Vaistinu.

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Presentation on theme: "Easter / Uskrs. Nove riječi / New vocabulary Uskrs /Vaskrs (Srbija) Srećan Uskrs! Happy Easter A: “Hristos vaskrse”! = Christ has resurrected! B: ''Vaistinu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Easter / Uskrs

2 Nove riječi / New vocabulary Uskrs /Vaskrs (Srbija) Srećan Uskrs! Happy Easter A: “Hristos vaskrse”! = Christ has resurrected! B: ''Vaistinu vaskrse'‘ = Truely he resurrected! Uskrs (Hrvatska) Sretan Uskrs!

3 Slaviti (verb) = to celebrate * Katoličanstvo (s.r) = Catholicism Katolički, katolička, katoličko (adj) Katolik – Catholic (person) * Pravoslavlje (s.r.) = Orthodox Christianity Pravoslavan, pravoslavna, pravoslavno (adj) Pravoslavac – Orthodox (person) Ove godine katolički Uskrs se slavi 31. ožujka, a pravoslavni Uskrs - 5. maja.

4 Korizma (Lent) “Korizma” is considered to be a purification period that starts 40 days before Easter In Croatia, during “Korizma”, believers choose one addictive thing in their lives they will give up (cigarettes, alcohol, meat, etc.)

5 Simboli Uskrsa/Symbols of Easter

6 USKRŠNJI ZEC (m.r.) USKRŠNJI PILIĆ (m.r) USKRŠNJE JAJE (ILI PISANICA) (ž.r.)....are all of pre-Christian origin. Christian Easter could be just another version of ancient festivities celebrating: 1.spring and awakining of the nature 2.gods dying and being reborn = the death and rebirth of life during this time of the year

7 1. Uskršnji zec /Easter Bunny Rabbit is a symbol of fertility The belief that rabbit hides the eggs on Easter started in Germany and spread around Europe In Croatia and Serbia, “uskršnji zec” is a late addition to Easter celebration mostly famous in its chocolate form Trademark of Lindt chocolate company. First produced in 1845.

8 2. pilići / chicks

9 During Easter, many children get a live chick (pilić) or a rabbit (zec) to play with. The price of these animals is much lower than usual. Many organisations for animal rights consider this inhumane.

10 3. Uskršnja jaja / Easter Eggs

11 Uskršnje jaje = Pisanica (HR), Easter eggs Bojati (HR), farbati (SRB) – to colour (boja=colour) Jaje, jaja (ž.r) = egg Na Uskrs ljudi bojaju (farbaju) jaja!

12 You can colour an empty eggs, by making a hole in the egg and letting the egg seep out of the shell.

13 Today, eggs are coloured with ready made colours, but in the past different kind of vegetables were used for colouring eggs: onion peel (luk) or beetroot (cikla) for red colour (crvena boja) Red is a symbol of joy of life and love In Christianity, of God’s love, Resurrection, hope and blood of Jesus spilled for the salvation of humanity

14 Spinage (špinat) and leek (poriluk) for green colour (zelena boja) Green is a symbol of fertility, affluence and health. In Christianity, of overcoming death and hope

15 oak bark (kora hrasta) for brown colour (sme đ a boja) Brown is a symbol of soil and generosity Wax, different sorts of plants (clover) or pieces of straw were used to decorate the eggs.

16 In Serbia, many of the eggs are colored red, because red is the symbol of Jesus’ blood and Resurraction. This is because in Orthodox Christianity, it is believed that Mary Magdalede spoke about Christ’s Resurrection with the Roman emperor Tiberius during the dinner. Tiberius scoffed at her, saying that a man could rise from the dead no more than the egg in her hand could turn red. Immediately, the egg turned red.

17 Marija Magdalena i crvena jaja

18 Eggs designed for egg hunting in London, in 2012

19 Coloring of eggs is an ancient tradition (Persia: Nowruz/New Year’s celebration; Egypt; Germanic and Slavic tribes) that existed before Christianity. It is a custom popular all over Christian world, especially in Eastern Europe.

20 Egg is a symbol of new life, rebirth and beginning of spring. Thus, it’s connected with the ressuraction of Jesus. egg shell represents sealed grave inside of which Jesus’s body was located. Thus, breaking the egg shell represents Jesus’s ressurection (Uskrsnuće Isusa Krista).

21 Tucanje Jaja

22 Tucanje jaja (HR) = borba (s) jajima (“fighting” with eggs) Kucanje jajima (SRB) - Custom popular all over the world. In ex Yugo region competitions are even made. The one whose egg is the least damaged in the end is the winner of the competition. - Team of Croatian IT experts has developed an Iphone application for “tucanje jaja” (EggsEggsEggs)

23 In Croatia, couples would often give each other “pisanica” with love symbols drawn on it (hearts, 2 doves) or messages (“Ovo se jaje za poljubac daje” – “This egg is given for a kiss”) In Dubrovnik, engaged girl would give dozens of eggs to her fiancee.

24 Hrvatska: Uskršnji doručak / Easter Breakfast

25 1. Uskršnja pogača (ž.r.) ili Pinca (ž.r) ili Sirnica (ž.r.) = sweet Easter bread 2. Uskršnja jaja 3. Kuhana šunka = Boiled ham 4. Mladi luk (m.r.) = young onion 5. Hren (m.r) = horseradish - The meal has to be blessed by the holy water in the Church before it is eaten (Blagoslov = Blessing)

26 Uskršnja pogača (pinca, sirnica)

27 Sweet Easter bread is a European tradition, especially popular in Eastern Europe and Mediterranean countries (Italy, Portugal, Spain). Some say it dates back to Greek times. -It does not exist in Serbia!!!

28 Uskršnja pletenica (beba) = Braided Easter Egg Bread Pletenica (ž.r) = braid Beba (ž.r.) = baby

29 Some cities in Croatia organize traditional Easter Breakfast and Celebration, for ex. Tradicionalni Uskršnji doručak u Šibeniku: ature=player_embedded ature=player_embedded

30 Veliki četvrtak/ Great Thurdsday Na kraju Oproštajne večere / In the end of the Last Supper: Washing the feet: Feet are symbol of earthly life “Primjer sam vam dao i da vi činite kao što ja vama učinih”

31 Folk song (Dalmatia) Name of the song: Bože moj, zašto si me napustio? = Jesus on the Cross: My God, why have you forsaken Me?

32 Read more about : “ How Croatians Celebrate Easter” ons/a/How-Croatians-Celebrate-Easter.htm ons/a/How-Croatians-Celebrate-Easter.htm S weet Easter bread around Europe: 112930 112930 How to dye eggs with onion peels: dye-eggs-naturally-with-onion-skin/ dye-eggs-naturally-with-onion-skin/

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