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World War II Begins Chapter 19 Section 2. Peace in Our Time European leaders did not try to stop Hitler. They tried to buy peace by giving into his demands.

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1 World War II Begins Chapter 19 Section 2

2 Peace in Our Time European leaders did not try to stop Hitler. They tried to buy peace by giving into his demands. What are the 3 reasons people believed Hitler would be satisfied?

3 Unification of Austria and Germany Hitler wanted to unite the countries of Germany and Austria. He said his reason was to bring all German speaking people together. When this was about to go to a vote. Hitler sent troops to Austria and announced Anschluss.


5 Appeasement Hitler was not going to stop with Austria. He now wanted to take over the Sudetenland, which was an area of Czechoslovakia with a large German background. Many countries such as the USSR and France threatened to go to war with Germany if they took over the Sudetenland. –What happened next?


7 The Nazi/Soviet Non aggression Pact On August 23, 1939, a pact was signed between Germany and the USSR. In this pact was also hidden a secret…what was this secret???

8 Germany Invades Poland On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. On September 3, 1939, France and Britain declared war on Germany, marking the start of WWII. By October 5, 1939, the Polish army had been defeated.

9 Blitzkrieg The German word for Lightning War. Used large numbers of tanks and troops and heavy bombing to try and achieve victory. This type of attack happened very fast and without much warning.

10 Fall of France Make a timeline that dates from the invasion of Poland to the miracle at Dunkirk. What was the Miracle at Dunkirk?

11 Winston Churchill Prime Minister of Britain during WWII Very fiery person His stance on WWII was to “NEVER SURRENDER!”

12 Attack of Britain When Hitler saw that the British were not going to surrender, he prepared to invade. He was forced to send his Air Force to take out the British Royal Air Force. On August 23, German bombers accidentally bombed London.


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