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Published byGriffin Hubbard Modified over 8 years ago
Location– Tuneri PIA
Watershed Map – Tuneri PIA
Relief and Drainage Map
At a Glance Project BatchII (2010-11) Project CodeIWMP 1/2010-11 Project Area5712 Hector Project Cost856.80 Lakhs Central Share771.12 Lakhs State Share85.68 Lakhs No of Watershed11 No of Grama Panchayath Covered5 (Nadapuram, Tuneri,Valayam, Vanimel, Chekiyad)
Name and Area of Micro Watersheds SlnoName of WatershedsArea in HaCovering GP 1Mankavilthodu1070Vanimel, valayam 2Vishnumangalam459Nadapuram,Tuneri 3Puthukkayam mannolthodu545Vanimel 4Payyerikkavu238Valayam, Chekiad 5Koodalayipuncha363Valayam 6Kundilvalappil360Vanimel, Valayam 7Chelathodu433Vanimel 8Aroonda II266Chekiad 9Kayalottuthazha621Chekiad 10Kalikkolumb695Chekiad, Valayam 11Jathiyeri670Chekiad, Valayam, Vanimel 5712
DPR Details Name of Technical Support OrganizationIRTC, Palakkad Total Amount of DPR preparation8.56 lakhs (1%) Amount Paid642000 Balance to be paid214080
Funding position Total amout Received4000000 Intrest amount received184923 Total Expenditure3153335 Balance amount1031588
IWMP- Administrative set-up & Expenditure No of WDT members4 (Engineer, Social Mobilizer, Data Entry Operator & Agri Expert) Post vacant at PIANil Total Administrative Expenditure as on 28- 02/2014 772833
Capacity Building Sl No.Date of Training.Target Group.No. of participants.Cost 103/07/2012.Community Level.98.5330 210/12/2012.Community Level.88.10000 302/01/2013.Watershed Committee.52.5000 422/04/2013.User Group.43.20000 522/04/2013.User Group.34.11764 624/06/2013.S.H.G125.14140 726/06/2013.S.H.G72.7735 827/06/2013.S.H.G71.8395 928/06/2013.S.H.G110.11070 1029/06/2013.S.H.G42.6076 11Various dates(Grama ssabhas)Community Level.5685.- 1204/03/2014. User Group.50.5000 TOTAL.104510/-
IEC Sl NoDateName of Activity.Amount. 119/09/2012Printed posters and invitation cards.6250 225/09/2012printed banner.7800 322/03/2013Jaladinacharanam,OP ticket distribution and quiz competition.5000 425/03/2013Environmental quiz, jaladina programme,OP tickets.11559 525/03/2013Printing charge of Op tickets100750 68/4/2013Cost of Non-plastic carry bags.15600 720/06/2013Printing charge of leaflets,invitation cards,timetable cards etc..41950 819/07/2013cost of big shoppers.9600 93/9/2013Expenditure of essay writing competition1605 104/10/2013IWMP news board1400 1117/10/2013charge of IWMP news board4200 1223/10/2013Environmental day celebration13860 1323/10/2013Expenditure ofkaranelkrishi koythulsavam1139
. 1423/10/2013Cost of Vijayagadha CD420 151/11/2013Expenditure of inaguration of Rain water harvesting tank13750 1623/12/2013 Printing charge of letters and application forms for neerthada committees4700 1710/1/2014Painting charge of Rain water harvesting tank8200 1817/01/2014Printing charge of photos250 1924/01/2014Painting charge of Rain water harvesting tank7200 2024/01/2014Painting charge of Rain water harvesting tank7200 TOTAL 262433
IEC Activities
EPA Sl. No Name of EPA Name of micro watershed Target/AS Achievemen tWork Status.WardPanchayath watershed code 1 Tree plant distribution ( Work completed ) 15227/- Work completed All 2 Rain water harvesting tank 30,000 ltr Parappupara PHC Mangavil Thodu1,50,000/-1,19,789/-Work completed 6 Vanimel 29M12a 3 Chattan kandi Well Repair and restoration Mangavil Thodu90000/-35,675/- Ongoing 5 Valayam 29M12a 4 Tandayattil thazha Chek dam Repair and restoration Mangavil Thodu50,000/- Not started 2 Vanimel 29M12a 5 Parappoyil Pond Repair and resoration Mangavil Thodu1,80,000/-45,000/- Ongoing 8 Valayam 29M12a 6 Tuber crop cultivationMangavil Thodu1,70,000/-17,500/- Ongoing 4,3 Vanimel 29M12a 7 Rain water harvesting tank 20,000 ltr G H S S Velliyod Puthukkayam1,00,000/-81,098/-Work completed 12 Vanimel29M13a
25Well construction VevamJathiyeri2,25,000/-55,000/-Ongoing12Chekkiad29M11a 26Gully plugging KorothJathiyeri26,000/-6,500/- Ongoing10Valayam29M11a 27Gully plugging KorothJathiyeri44,500/-11,125/-Ongoing10Valayam29M11a 28Gully plugging KorothJathiyeri9,500/-2,375/-Work completed10Valayam29M11a 29 Vegetable & Tuber crop cultivation Jathiyeri50,000/- Work completed1Chekkiad29M11a 30 Gully plugging Keeriya parambu Aroonda48,000/-12,000/- Ongoing3Chekkiad29M9c 31Gully plugging PullathAroonda56,500/-14,125/- Work completed3Chekkiad29M9c 32 Gully plugging Kayalott thazha Aroonda48,000/-12,000/- Ongoing3Chekkiad29M9c 33Well construction AnthiyeriKayalott Thazha2,35,000/-58,750/- Ongoing3Chekkiad29M9j 34Bamboo cultivationKayalott Thazha1,36,500/-34,125/-Ongoing14Chekkiad29M9j 35 Well construction Payyerikkavu Payyerikkavu2,35,000/-58,750/- Ongoing4Valayam29M9i 36 Gully plugging Kalikkolumb Kalikkolumb59,000/- Not started4chekkiad29M9d 37Gully plugging Kalikkolumb Kalikkolumb70,500/- Not started4chekkiad29M9d 38Gully plugging Kalikkolumb Kalikkolumb44,000/- Not started4chekkiad29M9d 39Banana cultivation Kalikkolumb50,000/-12,500/-Work completed4chekkiad29M9d 40Banana cultivation Kalikkolumb50,000/-39660 Work completed4chekkiad29M9d 41Banana cultivation Kalikkolumb50,000/-50000 Work completed4chekkiad29M9d 42Tree planting 46,500/-39,101/-Work completedAll 34,24,000/-1324017/-19C,15 On, 8Not
Activities of NRM 2013-14 SlName of watershed.NoAmoun tNoAmoun t 1Aroonda1520250025135000 2Kalikkolumbu2027000038205200 3Koodalaipunja2837800045243000 4Kundilavalappil101350001054000 5Payyerikkavu1520250025135000 6Kayalottuthazhe1520250025135000 7Jathiyeri506750001581000 8Mankavilthodu5067500088475200 9Puthukkayam2520250087469800 10Chelathodu1013500048259200 11Vishnumangalam2128350025135000 Total25933615004312327400 Biogas plantWell reacharge
TYPE OF ACTIVITIES TAKENUP FOR WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT Formation of Self Help Groups / User Groups Formation Watershed Committee Opening of Bank Accounts of Watershed Committee Capacity Building of Watershed Development Team, SHGs / UGs and Watershed Committee members Opening of Bank Accounts of SHGs / UGs; Transfer of project fund to the bank account of Watershed Committee; Preparation of annual action plan Execution of schemes on Natural Resource Management, Production System, Livelihood Support System etc.
Success Story - I Golden Paddy from the Rocky Land The centrally sponsored scheme Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) started in Tuneri Block in 2012. A total of 5712 hectares coming under 11 major watersheds in the block area are treated under the programme. The programme was aimed at the conservation of precious natural resources including the soil, water and bio diversity. At the initial stage of the project, 42 different activities were identified as Entry Point Activities. These activities were intended to spread the message of the scheme in to the people of 11 watersheds in the project location. Among these 42 Entry Point Activities, the Upland Paddy Cultivation in Chelathode Watershed was an outstanding one.
The project was to cultivate paddy in around 5 acres of upland in Chelathode watershed. The rocky land, situated in a 900 feet height from sea level was occupied mostly by the Kurichya tribes. The project was implemented through a User Group consisting of these tribal people and other traditional farmers in the area. They used the aboriginal paddy seed named ‘Koyala’ and it gave high yield. A total of Rupees 32852 was spent from the project cost for this scheme. The idea of utilizing the wasteland for paddy cultivation was came from an old man in the area. Later the WDT members of Tuneri Block with the assistance of the Peoples’ Representatives and other peoples in the area prepared a plan for the project and formulated a User Group consisting of 10 members from the area. The group themselves prepared the land for cultivation and utilized all their traditional agricultural knowledge along with the modern scientific knowledge. No chemical fertilizers or pesticides were used for the cultivation, instead they used organic manures and bio-pesticides. They used 180 Kilograms of ‘Koyala’ seeds for cultivation.
The green lush of the paddy was a mind pleasing scene. The nature blessed them with required rain and good yield from the cultivation. In rainy morning of 9 th October 2013, the people harvested the paddy in a festive mood. Many of the Peoples’ Representatives and officials were present at the occasion. They got 11 quintals of paddy as output. Being motivated from the great success of the scheme, after the harvest they cultivated banana, tapioca, chilly, mustard and other crops in the land. With the success of this they proved that with a little effort and cooperative group mind, gold can be harvested from any rocky land. This itself is the success of the scheme. The success of the paddy cultivation gave great motivation to other user groups and the officials and peoples’ representatives.
Success Story - II Gully Pluggings in Muchakkayam Stream The centrally sponsored scheme Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) started in Tuneri Block in 2012. The programme was aimed at the conservation of precious natural resources including the soil, water and bio diversity. At the initial stage of the project, 42 different activities were identified as Entry Point Activities. These activities were intended to spread the message of the scheme in to the people of 11 watersheds in the project location. Among these 42 Entry Point Activities, the gully plugging constructed at Muchakkayam in Chelathode watershed is a remarkable one. The project was to construct 3 gully plugging in a natural stream named ‘Muchakkayam’ in Chelathode watershed. A total of ì 30000/- was spent for the project. Three gully plugs were constructed in the top of a hill in the Western Ghats region in a height of 900 feet from the sea level. The gully plugs were constructed in 2.5 metre intervals, each of them were having a length of 6m, width of 75cm and height of 1.5m. The gully plugs were constructed by using the natural stones available in the surroundings. It was constructed by the User Group with no external expertise.
The project was intended to increase the ground water level in the surrounding area and to solve their drinking waters scarcity and improve the agricultural productivity by increasing the ground water level and the availability of irrigation water. The project directly benefited over 5 hectares of land. Besides storing a huge quantity of water in the stream, there is markable increase in the ground water level of the surrounding area after the construction of the gully plugs. It also recharged the other water structures in the surroundings including wells and ponds. The traditional farmers in the area benefited by the project. The improvement in their agricultural production is evident. It is also expected that this gully plugging will check the draught condition in the coming summer season. The people of the area welcomed the project with utmost interest and they participated in all the processes from the planning to the implementation and maintenance. Besides solving their water scarcity and improving their ground water level and agricultural production, the scheme gave them great messages of ecological preservation and natural resource management.
Type of activities done under IWMP- A photo presentation
Muchakkayam Upland Paddy Location:11 0 47’13.6” N 75 0 45’38.5” E Estimate amt: Rs 45000 Expenditure : Rs 45000 Area: 4 acre Production: 11 Quintel
Muchankayam Gully plugging-I Location:11 0 42’29.6” N 75 0 40’43.3” E Estimate Amt: 40000
Muchakkyam Gully Plugging- II Estimate Amt : 32000
Muchakkayam Gully Plugging - III Location:11 0 48’ 10.8” N 75 0 45’47.4” E Estimate Amt : 30000
Golden Paddy from the Rocky Land
Tribal “MOOPPAN”- worshipping before a bumper harvest
SHG Details Name of WatershedNo. of SHG No. of beneficiaries in SHGMenWomenSCSTMinorityPH Jathiyeri5861225587421400 kalikkolumbu814916133185240 Chelathodu11192261662231121 Vishnumangala m314664342340560 Mangavilthodu64107052101800701 Payyerikkavu112383620284340 Koodalaipunja461124942182 Kayalottuthazhe24621935285141210 Aroonda452124060210 Puthukkayam- Mannolthodu3454586459221840 Kundilvalappil556114541280 TOTAL25440624123650971185684
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