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Tuesday 12/7/10 Warm-up: What is the tone of the cartoon and what is the cartoonist’s opinion on unification? Mrs. P has tonsillitis…I need a Volunteer.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday 12/7/10 Warm-up: What is the tone of the cartoon and what is the cartoonist’s opinion on unification? Mrs. P has tonsillitis…I need a Volunteer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday 12/7/10 Warm-up: What is the tone of the cartoon and what is the cartoonist’s opinion on unification? Mrs. P has tonsillitis…I need a Volunteer to read notes today! -Wednesday 12/8: Half Day-Pds. 5-6-4-7 -Thursday 12/9: Quiz on Nationalism NOTES and the vocabulary!!! So pay attention! Notes will be posted online!

2 Nationalist Challenge Power Congress of Vienna’s “balance of power” failing Liberals and Nationalists riot and revolt across Europe

3 1830’s Uprisings Revolt against Russians in Warsaw 1830 Russian armies suppressed revolts in 1 year Poles Revolt against Dutch rule 1830 Belgians declared independence from Dutch Belgians Nationalist tried to unit Italian peninsula Metternich sent Austrian troops Italy

4 1848-1849 Revolutions SEE MAP on pg. 679 Geo Questions!!!! Ethnic uprisings erupt throughout Europe Vienna mob clashes w/ police-Metternich resigns- Austrian Empire goes haywire! Eastern Europe erupts again! ◦ Hungary, Prague, Czech Power see-saws ◦ One after another, revolutions fail from disorganization ◦ Conservatives get power by 1849!!!! Nothing changed !

5 FRANCE!!!!!! 1848-1849 FRANCE!!!!!! 1848-1849 Radicals wanted DEMOCRACY! 1830’s King Charles tried absolute monarchy- FAILED-ran away to Great Britain Enters Louis-Philippe (liberal) 1848-LP not popular anymore Paris mob overturns monarchy & makes a republic-republic FAILS!!! No one can agree- bloody riot so… No one likes the Radicals now b/c of violence so…. Moderate constitution is born 1848 with NEW parliament and elect NEW president ! YEHHH!!

6 FRANCE….Not done yet! 1848-enters-Louis-Napoleon (N.B. nephew) ◦ 4 yrs. Later had to change his name to Emperor Napoleon III!!!! ◦ French people wanted peace so they were cool with it ◦ L.N. III wasn’t so bad….built RRs, IR, public works projects! ◦ Good policies-increased employment and France was happy again!

7 But what about RUSSIA??? Russia was still in the dark ages…literally…the Feudal system! (not industrialized) 1820s Russia started to feel bad (except tsars) about serfs…morally wrong  and prevented economic growth… STOP…Discussion question….Why did the feudal system stunt economic growth?????? Why would the tsars not want to? For next 30 yrs. Russia thinks about what to do……

8 What did the Russians do? In1853, to go to war…Czar Nicholas I wanted to expand empire…threatens Ottoman Turk Empire-Crimean War Lack of industry….causes LOSS! Nicholas’ son…Alexander II…moves Russia out of old age and modernizes

9 Alexander’s Reforms 1861 free serfs …but…still tied to land that was split up and “given” (49 yrs. To pay debt) to peasant communities Alexander II ASSASSINATED! 1881 Alexander III ◦ Nationalistic competition led drive for industrialization

10 Types of Nationalistic Movements Unification Merges politically divided but culturally similar lands Examples? Separation Culturally distinct group resists being added to a state or tries to break away Examples? State-building Culturally distinct groups form into a new state by accepting a single culture Examples?

11 AUSTRIA Empire made of- ◦ Slovenes, Hungarians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Croats, Serbs, Poles and Italians 1866-Prussia defeats Austria in Austro- Prussian War Prussian win control of newly formed North German Confederation (union of Prussia & 21 smaller German political units)! Hungarians push- Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria splits empire in two-Austro-Hungary Empire…hangs out until AFTER WWI

12 Back to RUSSIA!!! Made of many ethnic groups-Jews, Latvians, Poles & Romanians to name a few Romanov MUST keep Control!!! ◦ New policy…Russification-forced Russian culture on ALL peeps! ◦ After WWI…Russian czar gives up power 1917.

13 What about those Ottomans? Controlled-Greeks, Arabs, Bulgarians… 1856-Brits and French pushed for equality in Otts’ Empire Conservative Turks angered…killed some deported Armenians (1894-1896) Broke up after WWI too!

14 Italy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Italy forms from crumbs! 1815-1848 Piedmont-Sardinia: largest, liberal constitutional state 1852- Sardinia King, Victor Emmanuel II Count Camillo di CAVOUR-Prime Minister

15 CAVOUR Skilled diplomat, used alliance Wanted to expand P-S power Roadblock was AUSTRIA! 1858-Nap. III helped Cavour win provoked! War w/ Austria-gained North Italy….except Venetia

16 Garibaldi Unites! Leader of Southern Nationalist rebels- Red Shirts!!! 1860-captured Sicily Allowed all of Italy to unite under Emmanuel 1866-Venetia joins Italy 1870-Papal states joined Italy-Pope still owned Vatican City-Rome became capital

17 Germany Unites!!! 1815-Autrian Empire dominates the confederation Prussia-ready to UNIFY all German states ◦ Advantages-  mainly German population  nationalism unified it  most powerful army in central Europe  Has liberal constitution

18 Otto Von Bismarck!!! 1861-Wilhelm I wanted $ from bigger army…liberals refused…Wilhelm didn’t like not having authority…so picks a JUNKER (Prussian conservatives, wealthy land-owners) 1862-Otto Von Bismarck is made Prime Minister O.V.B.-a Realpolitik: tough power politics…no room for idealism

19 Otto Von Bismarck Rule without parliament’s approval…king okayed it VIOLATED the constitution! Told Prussian Parliament… “ It is not by means of speeches and majority resolutions that the great issues of the day will be decided- that was the great mistake of 1848-1849- but by blood and iron.”

20 Prussia 1864-Gains Power! Bismarck formed alliance with Austria ◦ War with Denmark over border provinces- Schleswig and Holstein! ◦ VICTORY! Prussian Pride…other little German states okay with Prussia leading the way! ◦ Prussia takes Schleswig-Austria takes Holstein

21 Backstabber!!!! After partnering with Austria against Denmark…..Bismarck fusses about border conflicts in Schleswig and Holstein! 1866 Austria declares WAR!!!!! on Prussia (just what Bismarck wanted) Why?

22 Seven Week’s War! Prussians WIN!!! (good training and equipment) Humiliated Austria ◦ LOST…  Venetia to Italy  Northern Germany to Prussia  By 1867- Prussia dominated North German Confederation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23 Franco-Prussian War Pre-War ◦ 1867-few southern German states still independent ◦ German south was Catholic! ◦ Prussia was Protestant! ◦ STOP---FLASHBACK! Why is this a problem? Where did Protestantism come from? ◦ Here he goes AGAIN-Bismarck thinks outside pressures would force south to join Prussia!

24 Creative Cat!!! Bismarck created impression that French ambassador insulted Prussian King!!!! French get mad at the deception and declare WAR…1870!

25 So what happens…… Prussians flood northern France! Take 83,000 prisoners including…Napoleon III !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Parisians stood strong until hunger forced them to surrender!

26 Nationalism….YEAH Germany!!! Everyone is excited for unification….even the southerners…so they join! 1871- in Palace of Versailles (French), King Wilhelm I of Prussia is crowned Kaiser….or emperor!

27 Overall Outcome!!!! 1815 Congress of Vienna est. ◦ Major powers-  Britain, France, Austria, Prussia and Russia 1871- Major powers- ◦ Britain and Germany ◦ Austria and Russia FAR BEHIND ◦ France in the middle

28 Types of Nationalistic Movements Unification Merges politically divided but culturally similar lands Examples? Separation Culturally distinct group resists being added to a state or tries to break away Examples? State-building Culturally distinct groups form into a new state y accepting a single culture Examples?

29 Types of Nationalistic Movements Unification Merges politically divided but culturally similar lands 19 th Century Germany and Italy Separation Culturally distinct group resists being added to a state or tries to break away Greeks in the Ottoman Empire Ethnic groups in Russian Southern Germany State-building Culturally distinct groups form into a new state by accepting a single culture The United States

30 For your quiz: Study Notes and vocabulary words/people from Monday’s assignment

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