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Edit the text with your own short phrases. To change a sample image, select a picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in each placeholder to.

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Presentation on theme: "Edit the text with your own short phrases. To change a sample image, select a picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in each placeholder to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edit the text with your own short phrases. To change a sample image, select a picture and delete it. Now click the Pictures icon in each placeholder to insert your own images. The animation is already done for you; just copy and paste the slide into your existing presentation. Sample pictures courtesy of Bill Staples.

2 My name is Sarah A Waring. I am a wife, a mother of three and a fulltime employee with the El Paso County Department of Human Services in Colorado Springs, Colorado and now I am adding full-time student to the ticket. I had been working with children and the education of children for about 4 years when I decided that I wanted to use my early childhood education knowledge in the community and social services. Right now I work on eligibility for families for Food assistance and Medicaid. In the near future I plan to move closer to the Social work in child welfare or community services in the department.

3 I married my high school sweetheart David and together we have three beautiful children. David Jr, Moriah and Amayah. I married my high school sweetheart David and together we have three beautiful children. David Jr, Moriah and Amayah. My interests consist of football and quality time with my family. Sunday is our family day. When it’s football season we are piled in front of the TV most the day. When it is not football season we try every Sunday to do something together promoting our quality time like Mini Golf.

4 As a child I attended public school. One experience I had that was a lasting impact on my life was when I joined JROTC. I didn’t really want to join but my mother insisted on doing an activity with school, so I joined. One of the best classes I was ever a part of. JROTC taught me discipline and strength in knowledge; unfortunately as a teenager I did not see it that way. I made choices that would later affect me; ultimately I dropped out of high school and was getting into trouble. Fast forward, I met my husband, changed my life and now able to look back and see the lessons JROTC was trying to teach me.

5 I have several goals. One is to be the best mother I can be, teach my children that education is the key to success. Professionally I want to make a positive impact on my community. I want to move to Social services or Child Welfare. Eventually after retiring from the DHS I am hoping to open my own Daycare center or preschool.

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