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Psychology: Definition of psychology: " The study of human behavior- of how people behave and why they behave in just the way they do". Scope of Psychology:

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology: Definition of psychology: " The study of human behavior- of how people behave and why they behave in just the way they do". Scope of Psychology:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology: Definition of psychology: " The study of human behavior- of how people behave and why they behave in just the way they do". Scope of Psychology: It is vast in its scope, and includes the following branches: 1. Normal psychology. 2. Abnormal psychology. 3. Educational psychology. 4. Social psychology. 5. Child psychology. 6. Applied psychology. 7. Psycho- analysis. And others. Psychiatrists: are persons trained in medicine and psychology. * So psychology includes every aspects of human life and every type of human relation.

2 Behavior: " How the human does or acts in certain situation". It is the results of physical and mental factors ( body and mind) interacting in complicated ways. Factors that may affect individual and community health behavior include: 1. Knowledge. 2. Beliefs. 3. Values. 4. Attitudes. 5. Skills. 6. Finance.7. Materials. 8. Time. 9. Influence of family member. 10. Friends.11. Co-workers. 12. Opinion leaders. 13. Even health worker themselves.14. Community and social context. Factors that limit the healthy behavior manner in some sections of community: 1. Norms. 2. Male/female roles. 3. Ethnic discrimination. 4. Poverty.5. Unemployment. 6.Educational opportunities.

3 Health behavior: Refers to those activities people undertake to avoid disease and to detect asymptomatic infections ( or diseases) through appropriate screening test. e.g. The use of condoms. Illness behaviors: " How people react to illness". Generally people wait and symptoms, if persist, then they tend to ask friend for advice before seeking medical advice. Treatment behavior: " those activities used to cure diseases and restore health" It is important that patient should seek medical advice, take drugs as prescribed, and return to test for cure.

4 Behaviors in general are responses (results ) for certain causes (stimuli), the goal of psychology is to find relations between stimuli and responses. Responses: 1. Physical responses : as habits, skills. 2. Organic responses: as emotions, feelings and tensions. 3. Intellectual responses: as perceptions, thinking and reasoning. Causes: 1. Environmental stimuli: as sight, smell and touch. 2. Emotions and feelings: as anger, joy and hunger. 3. Needs: as eat, drink and dress. 4. Motivations: " inner force which drives an individual to a certain action" as success in the examination, to have a wealth. 5. Intellectual perception: perception, thinking and reasoning are differ from one to one that is why each individual behaves in ways which make sense to him.Behaviors in general are responses (results ) for certain causes (stimuli), the goal of psychology is to find relations between stimuli and responses. Responses: 1. Physical responses : as habits, skills. 2. Organic responses: as emotions, feelings and tensions. 3. Intellectual responses: as perceptions, thinking and reasoning. Causes: 1. Environmental stimuli: as sight, smell and touch. 2. Emotions and feelings: as anger, joy and hunger. 3. Needs: as eat, drink and dress. 4. Motivations: " inner force which drives an individual to a certain action" as success in the examination, to have a wealth. 5. Intellectual perception: perception, thinking and reasoning are differ from one to one that is why each individual behaves in ways which make sense to him.

5 Emotions: " is a strong feeling of the whole organism" and it motivates human behavior. It is characterized by: External change: apparent, and easily seen by others as facial expression ( angry, happy etc) and posture. Internal change: physiological changes evoked by psychological action ( as ↑ Bp, rapid pulse, tension and pain) usually transient and subsides when patient return to "normal". Examples of emotions are: fear, anger, love, hate, jealousy, moodiness, joy, sorrow, sympathy, pity, lust, and grief. * The emotions can be a major barrier to communication, once emotional barrier can be broken between doctor and patient, then good communication level can be established between them and development of mutual participation in the interview. * Desirable emotions of doctors are cheerfulness and even temperament, and the undesirable emotions are moodiness, and getting easily upset.

6 Some specific emotions: Fear: is the most common emotion of man, it may produce excitement or depression; flight to fight as fear of dark and fear of snakes. When fear becomes exaggerated or unnecessary it is called " phobia". Anger: It is a reaction of offensive type, and it is a destructive force if it is not controlled may lead a person to a murder. Anxiety: may manifest as increase in pulse, breathing, flushing etc, and patients admitted to hospital are usually anxious, and under tension so doctor must understand patients anxiety and give him reassurance. * A kind word from the doctor like a magic and gives the patient considerable relief from emotional anxiety.

7 Role of emotions in health and disease: Emotional states determine human behavior. Anger e.g. can cause a person to be rude and sarcastic. Disorders of emotion interfere with human efficiency as leading to lack of concentration, lack of appetite, increased risk of accidents, lack of sleep, palpitation. In children may appear in form of temper tantrums, abdominal pain, spasms, tics and antisocial behavior such as aggressiveness. * There are a group of diseases known as " Psychological related diseases" (mind acting on body) as essential hypertension, peptic ulcer, asthma, ulcerative colitis which are attributed to disturbed emotional states.

8 Control of emotion: A well adjusted and mentally healthy person is one who is able to keep his emotions under control. The following tips may help in controlling one's emotions: 1. Cultivate hobbies, good habits of reading and recreations. 2. Adopt a philosophy for life in order to adopt mental conflicts. 3. Try to understand your own limitations. 4. Develop a sense of humor.

9 Motivation: " Inner force which drives an individual into certain action". It also determines human behavior. May be positive " the carrot" or negative " the stick" and with out motivation behavioral changes can not be expected to take place. A motivated person acts willingly and knowingly. Motivations, needs, wants, and desires all are interrelated terms. Kinds of human needs and urges: 1. Biological needs: these are survival needs, as eating to survive, drinking, sleeping etc. 2. Social needs: need for company, love, affection, recognition,education etc. 3. Economic needs: Security from want. 4. Ego-interactive needs: desire for prestige and desire for respect. * motivation is very important in community health work as e.g. motivate new couple for small family in family planning management.

10 Incentives: are among factors that stimulate motivation and encourage certain behaviors. Incentives can be intrinsic or extrinsic, material or psychological, self determined or selected by others. Legislation: Can serve as an important tool to support, promote and sustain activities at the community level. Laws should satisfy requirements, and at the same time be compatible with the political, cultural, social, and economic situation of the country. This is essential because laws may antagonize the population and make the community uncooperative.

11 Observation: Involves two mental activities, perception and attention, it is very important in health and life, by which gravitation was discovered by Newton, and effect of penicillin was established. It is defined as a psychological skill consists of the noting of phenomena of life as they occur and it requires a correct use of the sense mechanism. * A doctor should cultivate the habit of correct observation, because correct observation leads to correct thinking,reasoning and thinking. Attention = To observe more carefully. Concentration = the focusing of consciousness on a particular object to the exclusion of all other objects, also it is = sustained attention.

12 Errors in perceptions: Perception implies observation, recognition and discrimination. It is of auditory, visual, olfactory and muscular types. The errors in perceptions include the following: 1. Imperceptions: Inability to recognize, e.g. in anesthesia. 2. Illusion: False perception, e.g. a rope for a snake, occurs in mental diseases. 3. Hallucination: Imaginary perception as e.g. seeing objects not present, also occurs in mental diseases. 4. Wrong perception: recognize the situation in incorrect manner.

13 Attitudes: They are more or less permanent ways of behaving and it is acquired characteristics of an individual. It includes 3 points: - A cognitive or knowledge element. - An affective or feeling element. - A tendency to action. Attitudes are not learnt from a text-book, but they are acquired by social interaction. E.g. attitudes towards certain persons, government policies. It has truly said that attitudes are caught rather than taught. Once attitudes are formed, they are very difficult to be changed.

14 Opinions: are views held by people on a point of dispute, they are based on evidence available at that time, they are also temporary and provisional. And it is easy to change ones, opinion when faced with facts. Beliefs: are permanent, stable and almost unchanging, ideas about a subject of concern.

15 Learning: it is defined as " any relative permanent change in behaviors that occurs as result of practice or experience". It means acquiring something new to us as new knowledge, skills, fears and experiences. Learning is necessary for man's survival and for human progress, it depends upon intelligence, needs, and motivations and it is also at 2 levels conscious and unconscious and finally it is a continuous process.

16 Conditions affecting learning: 1. Intelligence ( mental faculty, hereditary and nutrition). 2. The age: The curve of learning reaches its peak at age of 22-25 years and there is a sharp decline after the age of 30. 3. Learning situations: and also facilities. 4. Motivations. 5. Physical handicapped. 6. Mental health.

17 Types of learning: 1. Cognitive learning ( knowledge). 2. Affective learning ( attitudes). 3. Psychomotor learning ( skills). Theories of learning: 1. Learning by conditioned reflex. 2. Learning by trials and errors. 3. Learning by observation and imitation. 4. Learning by doing. 5. Learning by remembering. 6. Learning by insight( as doctor making a diagnosis). * Learning is measured by students performances, this is best done by assessing three important level as knowledge, attitudes and skills. And the best type of examination is the Objective Structured Clinical Examination which is also called OSCE.

18 Habits: " Habit is an accustomed way of doing things" with three characteristics: 1. They are acquired through repetition. 2. They are automatic. 3. They can performed only under the same circumstances. * Habits once performed persist and influence human behavior, but can be changed, and they are accumulated through generations and emerge as customs. Habits includes two types, good ( healthy habits as brushing teeth) and bad ( unhealthy as smoking).

19 Therefore cultivation of good ( healthy) habits is desirable and the principles involved in habit formation are ( Primordial prevention level): 1. Should begins early in childhood before formation of unwanted habits. 2. Should use frequent repetition model. 3. Should take time to be formed, not overnight. 4. Should be a strong emotional stimuli. 5. Good habits kills bad habits, the best way to wash the bad habit is by cultivating good's one. * Habits build up human personality, and man should not become a slave to his habits, he should remain a master.Therefore cultivation of good ( healthy) habits is desirable and the principles involved in habit formation are ( Primordial prevention level): 1. Should begins early in childhood before formation of unwanted habits. 2. Should use frequent repetition model. 3. Should take time to be formed, not overnight. 4. Should be a strong emotional stimuli. 5. Good habits kills bad habits, the best way to wash the bad habit is by cultivating good's one. * Habits build up human personality, and man should not become a slave to his habits, he should remain a master.

20 Frustrations: When people are unable to meet their needs and desires they feel frustrated. The source of frustration may be external as unemployment, or internal as low I.Q. * Frustrations may enhances the person to work hardly in order to overcome the failure, or may lead a person to change his goals, or if continue may damage the person's personality. Conflicts: Like a tug of war between 2 or more options of actions or ideas. The person is required to take decision, often leading to painful emotions as choosing the life partner, he has to weigh the pros and cons of the situation, it is important that the conflicts should be resolved as soon as possible in very short time in order that emotional disturbances will not developed.

21 Mental defense mechanisms: 1. Rationalization. 2. Projection. 3. Compensation. 4. Escape mechanism. 5. Displacement. 6. Regression. * A mentally healthy person, will not use mental defense mechanisms for achieving success or happiness.

22 Personality: " certain mental and physical traits which are characteristics of a given individual. These traits determine to certain degree the person's behaviors and adjustment to his surroundings. Components of the personality: Physical, Emotional, intelligence and behaviors. Personality traits: A trait is described as tendency to behave in a consistent manner in variable situations. The human personality is a bundle of traits and the basic personality is established at age of 6 years. Some traits we cultivate as good manners, some we conceal as kindliness, others we modify as sense of humor.

23 Examples of traits are : cheerfulness, good manners, sportsmanship, honesty, kindliness, loyalty, reliability, sense of humor, tactfulness and welling to help others. * The personality Traits we look for in a doctor are kindliness, honesty, patience, tolerance, perseverance, consciousness, thoroughness, and initiatives. And it is possible to cultivate all these traits. The personality types: generally of 2 main types, either extrovert ( A, fire), or introvert (B, ice). Development of personality: 1. Infancy. 2. Pre-school child. 3. School age.( The brain of a child reach the size and competence of an adult one). 4. Adolescence. 5. Adults. 6. Old age.

24 Thinking: Man is a thinking animal. It includes perception, memory, imagination and reasoning. The highest form is creative thinking. In facts, the purpose of medical education is to teach medical students how to think and not merely to memorize facts and figures. The top level of thinking is problem solving by reasoning which is the job of intelligent people (the doctors). Intelligence: " The ability to see meaningful relationships between things". It reflects hereditary ( more applied) and environmental factors. Gessel indicated 4 sectors of intellectual development and intelligence: - Motor ability. - adoptive behavior. - Language development. - Personal – social behavior.

25 Intelligence Quotient: IQ = mental age/ chronological age X 100. 0 -24 idiot. 25-49 imbecile. 50- 69 moron. 70-79 border line. 80-89 low normal. 90-109 normal. 110-119 superior. 120-139 very superior. 140 and over near genius.

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