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Intro CS – Keyboard and mouse input Lesson Plan 7.

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1 Intro CS – Keyboard and mouse input Lesson Plan 7

2 Goals  Understanding Keyboard and Mouse Input  Single key press, and held down state  Mouse position and mouse click  Controlling sprites using the keyboard or mouse

3 Objectives  Students are introduced to the topic and given examples of keyboard and mouse input  Students are given real problems to code and solve using the keyboard and mouse  Results are demonstrated through demos of running code and displayed results

4 Pre Requisites  Understanding of Scratch, Sprites, Animation, IF, hit detection, looping

5 Materials  Slides with examples (or present on whiteboard)  PCs with development environments installed

6 Lesson Description  Introduce Scratch blocks for Key N pressed, MouseX, MouseY, Mouse down  Give examples/demo of handling key presses, and key held down  Give examples/demo of handling mouse movement and click  Give sample problems to solve in class  Students practice and extend examples to their own wishes  Students present their solutions, typically F2F with the instructor(s) at their desk  Students analyze their and others’ solutions for bugs

7 Lesson Procedure  Review previous lessons: Animation, x position, y position of sprites  Give exercises for in class practice (move a sprite based on keyboard input)  Direct movement on key press, key held, OR, constant movement with key input to change direction  Direct movement of sprite to current mouse position  Chase movement of sprite to follow (move towards) mouse position  Walk the room answering questions, looking over the shoulder, asking questions, etc.

8 Closure/Conclusion  Discussion  How do you apply this to your Galaga project ship?  What other kinds of games can you make with keyboard and mouse input?  Summary  Key press and key down handling  Mouse input  Ask questions on what is confusing or needs more time/practice

9 Keyboard and Mouse Input Lesson 7

10 Example Demo  Today we’re going to learn more about keyboard and mouse inputs (how to get your sprite to move on command).  We’re also going to revisit the concept of variable and see how we can keep score.  Demo CheesePuffGirl mini-game

11 Variables  What is a variable?  Stores a value that can be reused in code.  Pros: if you want to change a number, you will only have to change it in one place.  Example how to create a variable and use it.

12 Variables Continued…  How do you create a variable?  How do you deleted a variable?  How do you show a variable on the screen?  How do you set the value of the variable?  How can you increment/decrement the value of a variable?  What do these two variable blocks do? (Same as the third bullet)

13 Keyboard Input  We’ve already seen:  What does this do?  What if we wanted to move a sprite to the left with our left arrow key?  Right arrow?  Up/Down arrow?

14 Mouse Input  We’ve already seen this control:  What does it do?  What about this one?  This is how we can have sprites follow the mouse.  What does this control block do?  What about these blocks?  Show the x-coordinate of the mouse  Show the y-coordinate of the mouse  Condition statement to check if the mouse was clicked.

15 Example Demo  Show how to create the CheesePuffGirl Demo

16 Daily project  By the end of class create a mini-game where a sprite chases other sprites (either by using keyboard or mouse inputs) and on clicking the chased sprites, the score is increased by 1 point.  Worth 10 points total. Save your project:  File format: Grade Breakdown – Must IncludePoints Sprite movement on either keyboard or mouse input (must move correctly in all 4 directions) 2 (1/2 for each direction) Contains at least two other moving sprite (besides the one being controlled by keyboard/mouse input) 2 Chased sprites must bounce off screen edges1 Chased sprites have random starting position1 Chased sprites have random movement direction1 On mouse-click the chased sprite must hide and reappear later1 Score is kept correctly2

17 Summary  Discussion  How do you apply this to your Galaga project ship?  What other kinds of games can you make with keyboard and mouse input?  Summary  Key press and key down handling  Mouse input  Ask questions on what is confusing or needs more time/practice

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