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CLASS OF 2019 CHS COURSE REGISTRATION INFORMATION FOR FRESHMAN YEAR Presented by the Coventry High School School Counseling Department.

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Presentation on theme: "CLASS OF 2019 CHS COURSE REGISTRATION INFORMATION FOR FRESHMAN YEAR Presented by the Coventry High School School Counseling Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLASS OF 2019 CHS COURSE REGISTRATION INFORMATION FOR FRESHMAN YEAR Presented by the Coventry High School School Counseling Department

2 Overview  Welcome & Introductions  Distribution of Program of Studies booklets  CHS Graduation Requirements/Credits  Required Grade 9 Courses  Electives  College Credit Opportunities  Review of Online Course Registration & Deadlines

3 CHS Graduation Requirements  English- 4 credits  Mathematics- 4 credits  Social Studies- 3 credits* (including 1.0 credit in World Understanding, 1.0 credit in US History and a Civics requirement)  Science- 3 credits* (including Biology)  Physical Education- 1 credit  Arts/Vocational- 1 credit  Electives- 8.5 credits  Health education-.5 credits  Total: 25 credits (minimum)  *(Colleges/Universities recommend 4 years) Most  A student is required to register for a minimum of 6.5 credits each school year.

4 Credits- What are they?  A credit is a unit that you earn by passing a class (A passing grade at CHS is 65 or above)  Most full year classes are worth 1.0 credit  Most semester (half year) classes are worth.5 credits  Some courses (PE and Freshman Health) are worth.25 credits  Science courses with lab periods are worth 1.25 – 1.5 credits  Students must register for a minimum of 6.5 credits and a maximum of 8 credits each school year.  Students need to earn a minimum of 25 credits to graduate from CHS

5 Required Courses for Grade 9  English (1.0 credit)  Science 9 (1.0 credit)  Math (1.0 credit)  PE (Semester 1 & 2,.25 credits each)  Freshman Health (.25 credits)

6 World Language Recommended for college admissions Suggested minimum requirements for many four year colleges/universities are 2-3 years of the same world language at the high school level CHS options (French or Spanish) World Language courses are available through Virtual High School (online) in courses such as Mandarin Chinese or Latin, but these courses may not be available to take for two full years so these courses should be taken in addition to French or Spanish

7 Core Courses  Core courses are those in the areas of English, Math, Social Studies, and Science  4 years are best for college admission  Social Studies- no freshman Social Studies requirement but Social Studies electives are encouraged in Grade 9. Grade 9 students with a strong interest in history can elect to take AP World History which is a three semester course that will continue through Grade 10. Interested students should be strong writers with good analytical skills and possess the ability to synthesize information. Other Grade 9 Social Studies electives include:  Civics  Youth and the Law  Geography

8 Elective Courses  Elective course are classes you can take in addition to your core classes. For example: Intro to Foods, Wood Technology, Chorus, or Art.  Descriptions for all course can be found in the Program of Studies booklet  Please Note: Some electives (especially Photography) get filled up very quickly first by upperclassmen.

9 College Credit Courses Taught at CHS  There are a variety of courses that you can take at CHS that can earn you college credit  Earning college credit while in high school will save you and !!!  Please refer to pages 6-11 of the Program of Studies booklet for a listing of courses as well as additional information regarding the college credit course options available to CHS students

10 AP/ECE Courses  Advanced Placement (AP): College level courses taught at the high school by CHS certified AP instructors. These courses prepare students to take the AP Exam (May). If students earn a passing score on the AP Exam they can earn college credit for the course.  UConn Early College Experience (ECE): College level courses taught at the high school by CHS certified ECE instructors. These courses align with UConn curriculum and students are required to earn a final average of at least 73 in order to earn college credit for the course.

11 College and Career Pathways College Credit Courses (MCC, QVCC)  College & Career Pathways: A national partnership program between high schools and community colleges.  Any Coventry High School student entering his/her sophomore, junior or senior year is eligible to take these courses at CHS and receive college credit from Manchester or Quinebaug Valley Community College  Many of the courses offered through this program are elective courses in the areas of Culinary, Technology, Math, English, Science, Journalism, Early Childhood Education, Business and more…  Students will earn college credit for these courses if they apply online to the program and meet the grade requirements

12 Online Registration Meeting Dates with CNH Counselors You will be meeting in small groups in the computer labs with your CNH counselor to complete your online course registration Meetings with CNH counselors will take place during Related Arts, Music, or PE classes. You will be contacted by your CNH counselor to let you know when your meeting time is scheduled for. Completed and signed Course Registration print outs are due to your CNH counselor by February 6!


14 CHS School Counseling Department Mrs. Zadrowski, School Counselor 860-742-7346 (x154) Mrs. Venitosh, School Counselor 860-742-7346 (x152) Ms. Lotstein, School Counselor 860-742-7346 (x161) Mrs. Comella, Dept. Secretary 860-742-7346 (x160)

15 Thank You!  Any questions????  We look forward to welcoming you all to CHS as the Class of 2019!  Please feel free to contact any of us at CHS or your school counselors at CNH with any further questions  IMPORTANT REMINDER: Completed online course registration with printout and parent signature must be submitted to the School Counseling Department no later than Friday February 6 th.

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