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MKIS-MARKETING INFORMATION SYSTEM Presented by Paresh Kumar Rahul Goutham.

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Presentation on theme: "MKIS-MARKETING INFORMATION SYSTEM Presented by Paresh Kumar Rahul Goutham."— Presentation transcript:

1 MKIS-MARKETING INFORMATION SYSTEM Presented by Paresh Kumar Rahul Goutham

2 Marketing Information System Begins and ends with Information users – Interacts with information users to access information – Develops needed information from internal and external sources – Helps users analyze information for marketing decisions – Distributes the marketing information and helps managers use it for decision making

3 Definition According to PHILIP KHOTLER – MKIS is planned system of collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management. A MKIS consists of people, equipment and procedures to gather, sort, analyses, evaluate and distribute.

4 Developing marketing Information Internal Data – Internal data is gathered over customer databases, financial records and operations report. – Advantages include quick and easy access to the information – Disadvantages include from incompleteness to inappropriateness of data to a particular situation.

5 Developing marketing Information Market Intelligence – It is the systematic collection and analysis of publicly available information about competitors and trends in the marketing environment. – Competitive intelligence gathering activities have grown dramatically. – Many sources of competitive intelligence exists.

6 Developing marketing Information Marketing research – Marketing research is a systematic design collection, analysis and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization.

7 Functions of MKIS The three Major function of MKIS – Accessing information needs – Developing information – Distributing information

8 Accessing Information Needs Conduct Interviews and determine what information is needed, desired and feasible to obtain Monitors environment for information managers should have Examine cost/benefit of desired information

9 Developing Information Obtains Needed information for marketing managers from the following sources Internal Data Collecting information from data sources within the company From: Accounting, sales force, marketing, manufacturing, sales. Marketing Intelligence Collecting and analysis of publicly available information about competitors and marketing environment. From: Employees, Suppliers, customers, competitors, marketing research companies. Marketing Research Design, Collection, analysis and reporting of data about the a situation

10 Distributing Information Information should be distributed to the right managers at the right time Distributes routine information for decision making Distributes non routine information for special situations.

11 Components of MKIS Internal Reporting systems Marketing Intelligence system Marketing Decision support system(DSS) Marketing Research system


13 Role of Marketing Research in MIS It gathers information not gathered by other MIS components subsystems Marketing research studies are conducted for a specific situation facing the company. Marketing research projects unlike other MIS components are not continuous – they have a beginning and an end.

14 Benefits of MKIS Benefits Functional Integration Market Monitoring Strategy Implications Strategy Development

15 Conclusion MKIS is efficient tool providing past, present and projected information relating to internal operations and external intelligence. It supports the planning, control, and operational function in a firm by furnishing uniform information in the proper time frame to assist the decision maker. It supports the planning, control, and operational function in a firm by furnishing uniform information in the proper time frame to assist the decision maker

16 Acknowledgement We, members of group 14, thank Prof.Buchi M. Babu for giving this opportunity of doing a video presentation.


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