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Martti Martinson Estonian National Youth Council Expert on youth policy 21st of April 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Martti Martinson Estonian National Youth Council Expert on youth policy 21st of April 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Martti Martinson Estonian National Youth Council Expert on youth policy 21st of April 2009

2 The analysis conducted by the ENL shows that the main problems in the area of youth information and counselling are as follows (2007): Young people are not aware of information and counselling centres The centres offer different services Under-funding Insufficient opening hours of the centres The centres have unprofessional homepages The centres have no quality criteria

3 Young people are not involved in decision-making Information and counselling services are not centrally coordinated Young people see no benefits in the activities of the centres

4 What is the current situation? Career studies are not compulsory for schools nor school students. Headmaster has the power to decide whether to add this subject into the school curriculum or not. In some schools career-related subjects are taught by teachers with lack of preparation/qualification. In national curriculum, career planning is not a separate subject.

5 Not enough capacity in national curriculum. No career-guidance services at every school. Too many tests. What is the current situation?

6 Career-related studies compulsory for every school! Career counselling service must be provided at schools More money for career studies from Estonian government and EU Career studies subject in every school! Career bus for rural areas What do we want?

7 More attention to career information Development of career services as a top priority of the government Make the right decision What do we want?

8 Policy paper on youth information and counselling – solutions: Implementing youth-to-youth method (especially in information work, but also in the area of counselling if capable young people exist) Taking the services closer to young people, e.g. to schools Making the homepages of the centres more attractive, using innovative methods in counselling

9 More cooperation with youth portals (e.g. Making youth workers more confident and open Making the centres more attractive Organising information campaigns and advertising (e.g. a common brand for the centres)

10 Regular mapping of the need for information (surveys) Involving young people in the management of information and counselling centres, asking young people for feedback about the services Cooperation with youth organisations and student councils

11 Training information workers and guaranteeing that the opening hours of the centres are sufficient Uniform coordination of the activities of information and counselling centre Communicating information according to the age and needs of young people Communicating information about the services in schools, e.g. in study programmes, taking young people on visits to information and counselling centres, etc.

12 Thank you for your attention! E-mail: Mobile: +372 56 151

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