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1 LMP for Young people from 15- 19 in Austria European Conference on Early School Leaving and Youth Unemployment Brussels, 7-8 March 2013 Inge Friehs Public.

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Presentation on theme: "1 LMP for Young people from 15- 19 in Austria European Conference on Early School Leaving and Youth Unemployment Brussels, 7-8 March 2013 Inge Friehs Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 LMP for Young people from 15- 19 in Austria European Conference on Early School Leaving and Youth Unemployment Brussels, 7-8 March 2013 Inge Friehs Public Employment Service Austria

2 2 Strategic reflections  Primary goal: Comprehensive inclusion of all young people:  No one should be left outside of mandatory school – further education – or labour market systems  Comprehensive offers:  Reduction of the figure of compulsory school-leavers without any further education/training

3 3 Measures to prevent/reduce youth unemployment  Youth coaching  Apprenticeship training

4 4 Youth Coaching (1/6)  Goal: To prevent the exclusion of young people from compulsory school on the way to a further education or to the labour market.  Target group: Young people in or out of the school system  Need-based support: –Guidance –Supporting –Diagnostic activities

5 5 Youth Coaching (2/6)  Sole contact person with the following responsibilities: –Cooperation with all involved partners –The gaining of one of the following possible results: –Decision about a suitable qualification –Individual stabilisation –Getting employed in a menial job

6 6 Youth Coaching (3/6)  Programme process:  Identification of pupils at risk of exclusion (cooperation between coaches and teachers based on clear indicators)  3 Tiers: 1) I NFORMATIONAL INTERVIEW : –To clarify the kind of advice the person needs –To work out a target agreement

7 7 Youth Coaching (4/6) 2) G UIDANCE WITH „C ASE M ANAGMENT “ A PPROACH –Clearifying the current situation –Elimination of school deficits –Carreer orientation and organisation of practical training or taster days –Coordinating the transfer into another system (PES, labour market, trainings etc.)

8 8 Youth Coaching (5/6) 3) S UPPORTING IN THE SENSE OF „C ASE M ANAGMENT “  Most intensive support – greatest need for assistence  Analysis of strengths and weaknesses  Including the family and the social environment  Cooperation with other specialists  Contacting prospective employers or training institutions

9 9 Youth Coaching (6/6)  Programme started in the school year 2012/2013  Federal Social Office responsible for implementation  Cooperation partners: –Schools –PES: job information centers –Municipalities –Projects –Training institutions –Extern counselling institutions

10 10 Supracompany apprenticeship training (1/5)  For young people who couldn`t find an apprenticeship in the labour market  Training guarantee: Those who are registered as unemployed or apprenticeship- seeking for more than 3 months will either get a suitable job, an apprenticeship in the labour market or a training opportunity provided by PES  Apprenticeshiptraining in institutions (private and/or non profit institutions)  About 30 vocations

11 11 Supracompany apprenticeship training (2/5) Two types: a)Cooperation between an educational institution and a public or private company training workshop –Theoretical training in a vocational school –Practical training in a company –Training contract during the entire time of apprenticeship

12 12 Supracompany apprenticeship training (3/5) b)Cooperation between an educational institution and a private company –Theoretical training in a vocational school –Practical training in a company –Training contract between the educational institution and the apprentice (shorter than apprenticeship, usually 1 year) –Goal: Transfer to apprenticeship in a company, if not possible: change to type a)

13 13 Supracompany apprenticeship training (4/5)  Participants receive comprehensive support: –socio-pedagogical counselling –learning support –assistance with job search or apprenticeship search  Allowance for participants: €240 in the first and second year, €555 from the third year

14 14 Supracompany apprenticeship training (5/5)  Number of participants:  Expenses: Average expense € 11.000 per participant and per year  Results of evaluation: –80% changed to an appreticeship in a company –On average 55% were in jobs after finishing their apprenticeship 2009201020112012 12177127881374011717

15 15 Thank you for your attention!

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