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The Right to know. Article 10: Freedom of expression (not just speech but any actions that aid expression.) Examples....

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Presentation on theme: "The Right to know. Article 10: Freedom of expression (not just speech but any actions that aid expression.) Examples...."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Right to know

2 Article 10: Freedom of expression (not just speech but any actions that aid expression.) Examples....

3 Why is it important that Article 9 says “Expression”?

4 3 reasons why freedom of expression is so important. 1 st ammendment of US Constitution and in the 1 st section of Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms as well as Article 9. The argument from truth The argument from self fulfilment The argument from democracy p128

5 Restrictions on freedom of expression Natioal Security and Public Safety Prevention of disorder and crime Protection of reputation

6 It is right that the governemnt should not divolgue information that could be potentially dangerous but there is a conflict of Rights between The Right to freedom of thought and to participate in an election (which means gaining access to truthful information bout government action) and the Right of the government to restrict information.

7 Governments are too strict Where do governments draw the line? Max Hastings claims our government too often exercise their Right to withhold information that is of public concern. Official Secrets Act 1911-1989 made the disclosure of official secrets without good reason a criminal offence. News article

8 Governments are easing up 1993 White Paper “Open Government” called from greater disclosure of information from ministers.. DPA: You can request the information about yourself that a company holds. School staff: 40 working days Pupils: 15 working days. These bodies who hold information about you have a duty to make sure this information is secure from anyone who does not need access to it. There were however many ways around having to give over information.

9 Freedom of Information Act (2000) What did this law set out? (Refer to new book handout) How can one get information from a public body under FOIA? Has the law really worked? Refer to the source? (p111) Citizens have good access to government information Citizens do NOT have good access to government information

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