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“Skip it!“ Goals and Results of the Project Project promoter: NGO Eesti Abikeskused Partners: Ministry of Justice, NGO Estonian Sexual Health Association.

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Presentation on theme: "“Skip it!“ Goals and Results of the Project Project promoter: NGO Eesti Abikeskused Partners: Ministry of Justice, NGO Estonian Sexual Health Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Skip it!“ Goals and Results of the Project Project promoter: NGO Eesti Abikeskused Partners: Ministry of Justice, NGO Estonian Sexual Health Association and MS Media LLC

2 Goals Purpose of the project: decreased spread of sexual violence, achieved through improving access to relevant counseling services and increasing the capability and capacity of relevant organisations. Outcome: new and innovative information and counselling service – STOPP – call in councelling service for people with deviant sexual behaviour, their faimily members and relatives to identify possible deviant sexual behaviour in a very early stage and assist people to seek cure for it.

3 Results of the project 98 phone-based counselings on weekdays 6-10PM (June – October ‘15) 9000 visits on STOPP web-page, whom 1800 filled deviant sexual behaviour assessment test. 306 finished it. ( stopp/stopp) stopp/stopp


5 Activities 30 counseling algorithms was created; counsellors were trained to give advice and estimate person’s situation, work-places of the counselors were furnitured; Seminars for 24 specialists; Advertising campaign to inform about the new counselling service and to guide people to make the test; 28 articles in print and online media, 4 on TV

6 Counseling software

7 Adverts shared through partners

8 Web-banners

9 Next steps Improving counseling algorithms, continuing training of counselors, overall improvement of counseling service; Developing cooperation with ministries and ohter organisations working in the field; New media campaign in online media to draw more attention to counseling service; To assure continuity of the service in lon-term. (to seek new funding possibilities).

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