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Externship Film Festivals A World of Opportunities for Filmmakers Tina Murphy, Coastline ROP Instructor Digital Filmmaking Externship Site-168 Film Festival.

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Presentation on theme: "Externship Film Festivals A World of Opportunities for Filmmakers Tina Murphy, Coastline ROP Instructor Digital Filmmaking Externship Site-168 Film Festival."— Presentation transcript:

1 Externship Film Festivals A World of Opportunities for Filmmakers Tina Murphy, Coastline ROP Instructor Digital Filmmaking Externship Site-168 Film Festival 269 E. Providencia Ave., Burbank, CA Paul Luebbers, Project and Festival Director Darren Gould, Editor and Entries Manager

2 Working with Darren Gould I had the unique opportunity of working with Darren Gould of Capitol Films, Los Angeles. We worked together receiving entries during the deadline hours for the 168 Film Festival in Burbank, Ca on February 27, 2009. Our job was to digitize all entries to one standard format for the judges to view. Software used, Apple’s Compressor within Final Cut Studio.

3 After spending two days viewing, converting and digitizing entries these are the lessons learned. Filmmakers starting with higher resolution were able to preserve the quality by submitting on large hard drives vs. DVDs. Poorest quality videos with the most problems were turned in on tapes. Groups that ran short on time finishing their entry often did not have time to test or trouble shoot their final entry submission. Film Festivals are a fantastic real world scenario.

4 Pre-Production the Key Properly planned out projects will reap the reward towards the end of post and even when considering distribution to multiple film festivals

5 Typical Hi End Workflow Kona 3 Example

6 Options for Filmmakers Young filmmakers with limited resources need options. lets one search for festivals that accept specific formats. Career Classes offer incredible opportunities for equipment usage and teamwork.


8 Opportunities Galore is an excellent example of a site for filmmakers to learn storytelling and enter contests. One feature film will receive a week long theatrical run with PR, street team and social media support at the state of the art DOWNTOWN INDEPENDENT THEATRE


10 Our Very Own OC Film Festival has proven to be an excellent opportunity.


12 OC Film Festival has been a very validating experience for students.

13 OC Film Festival has been a great networking opportunity for students.




17 Plans for the future….

18 How I will incorporate what I learned from this externship. By working with a professional film festival in LA, I came to the realization that our own OC Film Festival by David Junker is a very important event that can change the future for my students. This year I have required students to submit at least two entries to a film festival. I will volunteer and help with the OC Film Festival to support this important event.

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