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Aleph Publishing services with a special focus on PRIMO-FULL and PRIMO-AVAIL version 18 Presenter: Yoel Kortick.

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Presentation on theme: "Aleph Publishing services with a special focus on PRIMO-FULL and PRIMO-AVAIL version 18 Presenter: Yoel Kortick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aleph Publishing services with a special focus on PRIMO-FULL and PRIMO-AVAIL version 18 Presenter: Yoel Kortick

2 2 Introduction The publishing services in Aleph provide a mechanism that will allow sites to extract records from the Aleph catalog for publishing purposes (for example for publishing to search engines and search tools such as Google and Primo). Two special publishing sets exist for Primo: PRIMO-FULL PRIMO-AVAIL

3 3 Introduction PRIMO-FULL: Might include the bibliographic record and all related expanded data (authority, holdings and availability). PRIMO-AVAIL: Might include only availability information

4 4 Workflow The extract process has two different flows: Initial initial extract = usually includes all records in the catalog. This will be done in this presentation via publish-04. Ongoing ongoing extract = mainly deals with new and updated records. This will be done in this presentation via ue_21 followed by publish-06 with option “last date handled”

5 5 Workflow Both publishing processes (initial and ongoing) place the documents into the Z00P Oracle table Note that the extract process can be performed on the whole database or on a specific logical base. In addition, extracted records can be modified to include information added by standard Aleph procedures such as FIX and EXPAND.

6 6 Initial Extract Process The initial extract process is performed by running the Initial Publishing Process (publish-04). This service can be run from the Publishing submenu of the Services menu in the Cataloging module.

7 7 Initial Extract Process The extraction (initial and ongoing) is performed according to the tab_publish table located under the tab directory of the library that contains the records to be extracted (for example, USM01). See table header and next slide for more information on the tab_publish table.

8 8 tab_publish These two lines appear in $alephe_tab/tab_base.eng: ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!-!-!!!!!!!!!> EDUCATION Education USM01 USM01 Y wti=education HISTORY History USM01 USM01 Y wti=history These lines appear in $data_tab/tab_publish: ! 1 2 3 4 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!-!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PERFORMANCE USM01 N AVAIL MARC_XML EDUCATION EDUCATION N AVAIL MARC_XML HISTORY HISTORY N AVAIL MARC_XML Name of set Name of base or bibliographic library Fix and Expand Code of published records Repository format (Column 3 is Currently not in use)

9 9 Initial Publishing Process (publish-04) Note: Once a record is published it will not be published again. To “unpublish” a record run service “Delete Aleph Published Records (publish-05)” The list of publishing sets is from column 1 of tab_publish (previous slide)

10 10 Initial Publishing Process (publish-04) Here we are publishing logical base “ Education ”

11 11 Initial Publishing Process (publish-04) Now we are doing a case example where we are doing our first “ Initial Publishing process ” on all of the database. It may be a good idea to first drop the Z00P table in the $usr_library (UTIL A 17/1) before running publish_04 the first time in case z00P records already exist and to be sure the table will be properly created.

12 12 Tab_publish and tab_expand We ran publish_04 with the following in usm01/tab/tab_publish: ! 1 2 3 4 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!-!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRIMO-FULL N FULL MARC_XML PRIMO-AVAIL N AVA MARC_XML TEST1 MONOGRAPHS N FULL MARC_XML OAISETM N OAI_MARC21_XML OAISETD N USMDC OAI_DC_XML HISTORYM HISTORY N OAI_MARC21_XML HISTORYD HISTORY N USMDC OAI_DC_XML For the purposes of this presentation we will concern ourselves with Publishing Sets PRIMO-FULL and PRIMO-AVAIL

13 13 ! 1 2 3 4 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!-!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRIMO-FULL N FULL MARC_XML PRIMO-AVAIL N AVA MARC_XML Note that in tab_publish the publishing Sets PRIMO-FULL and PRIMO-AVAIL are using expand procedures FULL and AVA Here are these special procedures in $data_tab/tab_expand: ! 1 2 3 !!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> AVA expand_doc_bib_avail AVA expand_doc_del_fields AVA## FULL expand_doc_bib_avail Tab_publish and tab_expand

14 14 the expand program expand_doc_del_fields deletes all fields in a record except those given as parameters in tab_expand col. 3. Tab_publish and tab_expand In this case only field AVA## will remain in the record. AVA expand_doc_bib_avail AVA expand_doc_del_fields AVA##

15 15 Useful hint: In order to see what the expand procedures FULL and AVA actually do you can view a record via UTIL / F / 4 / doc_expand and choose expand procedure AVA or FULL Tab_publish and tab_expand

16 16 Initial Publishing Process (publish-04) Note: When running publish_04 the bibliographic records which are deleted will not be published. For example this message appears in the $alephe_scratch log file for publish_04: 2007-07-08 16:04:01 Record 000032487 in the database is deleted. It will not be published. Publish-04 will create a Z00P record for every record in the database which is not deleted

17 17 Initial Publishing Process (publish-04) Before running publish_04 usr00@aleph1> select count(*) from Z00P; **** Hit return to continue **** COUNT(*) ---------- 0 1 row selected. usr00@aleph1> select count(*) from Z00P; **** Hit return to continue **** COUNT(*) ---------- 228785 1 row selected. After running publish_04

18 18 Initial Publishing Process (publish-04) The following sets exist in Z00P, because they appear in usm01/tab/tab_publish usr00@aleph1> select unique Z00P_SET from Z00P; **** Hit return to continue **** Z00P_SET -------------------- HISTORYD HISTORYM OAISETD OAISETM PRIMO-AVAIL PRIMO-FULL TEST1 7 rows selected. publish_04 was run for “ all ” sets, so here we have all sets from tab_publish in Z00P

19 19 Initial Publishing Process (publish-04) The Service “publish-04” in the previous slides was used in order to perform the initial extract of Aleph catalog records for publishing purposes. The extracted records are stored in the Z00P Oracle table. The Service “publish-04” does not need to be run again unless $alephe_tab/tab_base.eng will be changed. To actually print the records we will run the Service “Create TAR file for Aleph published records (publish-06)”

20 20 Initial Publishing Process (publish-04) If we were to try to run publish-04 again as follows … Set PRIMO-FULL For system numbers 1-100

21 21 Initial Publishing Process (publish-04) We get this message in the $alephe_scratch log file: 2007-07-08 16:35:32 The publishing set: PRIMO-FULL has Z00P records in the range of documents 000000000 - 000000100 for library: USM01. You can use the Delete Publishing Process (publish-05) to delete records. This is because we already ran publish-04 for this set. If we want to again run publish 04 for a particular set then we must first delete that set from the Z00P via publish_05. To delete the entire Z00P (all sets) we can run UTIL A 17/1 on Z00P in the $usr_library

22 22 Initial Publishing Process (publish-04) Before running publish_06 we will: Run publish-05 (as demonstration) Run publish 06 after updating, deleting, and adding new records.

23 23 Delete Aleph Published records (publish-05) Now via publish_05 we delete system number 0 to 100 with publishing set PRIMO-FULL from the Z00P

24 24 Initial Publishing Process (publish-04) And publish_04 can be run on documents 0 to 100 in set PRIMO-FULL (because publish_05 deleted them).

25 25 The Z00P table Note that the same document number appears in Z00P with a different sequence for each publishing set: usr00@aleph1> select Z00P_SET from Z00P where Z00P_DOC_NUMBER = '000000196'; **** Hit return to continue **** Z00P_SET -------------------- PRIMO-FULL PRIMO-AVAIL OAISETM OAISETD 4 rows selected.

26 26 The Z00P table Here is the same document seen via UTIL F 4 Z00P enter file name (or q to exit) Z00P new doc number = K, exit = Q, continue = RETURN K enter start Z00P key (999999999) 000000196 Sequence : 000719821 Set : PRIMO-FULL Library : USM01 Doc Number : 000000196 Timestamp : 200707081242279 Status : NEW Storage Type : V new doc number = K, exit = Q, continue = RETURN Sequence : 000719823 Set : PRIMO-AVAIL Library : USM01 Doc Number : 000000196 Timestamp : 200707081242279 Status : NEW Storage Type : V new doc number = K, exit = Q, continue = RETURN Part one UTIL F 4 Z00P

27 27 The Z00P table Here is the same document seen via UTIL F 4 Z00P Sequence : 000719824 Set : OAISETM Library : USM01 Doc Number : 000000196 Timestamp : 200707081242279 Status : NEW Storage Type : V new doc number = K, exit = Q, continue = RETURN Sequence : 000719827 Set : OAISETD Library : USM01 Doc Number : 000000196 Timestamp : 200707081242279 Status : NEW Storage Type : V Part two UTIL F 4 Z00P

28 28 UTIL E 21 Now we will make sure that UTIL E 21 is running UTIL E 21 is meant to run in the bibliographic library The following parameter exists in the aleph_start and aleph_start.private file to ensure that it will always be running when a library is unlocked: setenv PUB_STARTUP_LIBS "usm01"

29 29 UTIL E 21

30 30 UTIL E 21 As seen via UTIL C / 1

31 31 UTIL E 21 and database changes While UTIL E 1 and UTIL E 21 are running we will do the following: Update barcode 32044051725067 (connected to bibliographic system number 38649) by changing the sub library and item status Edit bibliographic record 13423 by modifying the title Loan barcode 32044052974771 (connected to bibliographic system number 46649) Add new record 51701 with new HOL record 50994 and new item barcode 51701-10 Record 44336 has been deleted (as well as related item and ADM record)

32 32 UTIL E 21 and database changes After doing so the following appears in the UTIL E 21 log file of the bibliographic library: 51701 appears three times: once for the bibliographic record, once for the related HOL record and once for the related item. il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>grep "HANDLING DOC NO" run_e_21.28943 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000013423 06:37:38 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000038649 06:37:40 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000046649 06:41:11 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000051701 06:42:42 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000051701 06:43:12 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000051701 06:43:42 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000044336 07:01:14

33 33 UTIL E 21 and database changes UTIL E 1 has already created the Z07 and sent it to update the Z00 UTIL E 21 has already created the Z07P and sent it to update the Z00P usm01@aleph1> select count(*) from z07; **** Hit return to continue **** COUNT(*) ---------- 0 1 row selected. usm01@aleph1> select count(*) from z07p; **** Hit return to continue **** COUNT(*) ---------- 0 1 row selected.

34 34 The Z00P table At this stage the status of the Z00P documents can be either DELETED, NEW or UPDATED usr00@aleph1> select unique Z00P_STATUS from Z00P; **** Hit return to continue **** Z00P_STATU ---------- DELETED NEW UPDATED 3 rows selected.

35 35 The Z00P table usr00@aleph1> select unique Z00P_DOC_NUMBER from Z00P 2 where Z00P_STATUS = 'UPDATED'; **** Hit return to continue **** Z00P_DOC_ --------- 000013423 000038649 000046649 000051701 4 rows selected. usr00@aleph1> select unique Z00P_DOC_NUMBER from Z00P 2 where Z00P_STATUS = 'DELETED'; **** Hit return to continue **** Z00P_DOC_ --------- 000044336 1 row selected. These are the records we edited (or loaned) This is the record we deleted

36 36 Create Tar file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) We are now ready to run the service “Publish-06”, which will create a tar file of published records (create a tar file of Z00P records so that they may be sent to PRIMO, Google or some other publishing utility).

37 37 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) We are choosing set “ ALL ”, we could choose a specific set Update Flag is set to Yes The “ path ” is where the output tar files will be created

38 38 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) The output files are sent to the directory specified in the service in the “path” field. Under this “path” a directory is created for each base in tab_publish we chose “ALL” in field “Publishing Set”, so all bases are included. Under each base there is a “tar” directory and the actual tar file(s)

39 39 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd /exlibris/users/yoelk/publishing/ il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>ls HISTORYD/ HISTORYM/ OAISETD/ OAISETM/ PRIMO-AVAIL/ PRIMO-FULL/ il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>ls */tar/ HISTORYD/tar/: aleph.HISTORYD.20070709.071639.1.tar.gz aleph.HISTORYD.20070709.071650.2.tar.gz HISTORYM/tar/: aleph.HISTORYM.20070709.071720.1.tar.gz aleph.HISTORYM.20070709.071730.2.tar.gz OAISETD/tar/: aleph.OAISETD.20070709.071802.1.tar.gz aleph.OAISETD.20070709.071812.2.tar.gz OAISETM/tar/: aleph.OAISETM.20070709.072042.1.tar.gz aleph.OAISETM.20070709.072052.2.tar.gz PRIMO-AVAIL/tar/: aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20070709.072423.1.tar.gz aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20070709.072433.2.tar.gz PRIMO-FULL/tar/: aleph.PRIMO-FULL.20070709.072704.1.tar.gz aleph.PRIMO-FULL.20070709.072713.2.tar.gz

40 40 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd /exlibris/users/yoelk/publishing il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>ls -1rt PRIMO-AVAIL/tar/ aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20070709.072433.2.tar.gz aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20070709.072423.1.tar.gz il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>ls -1rt PRIMO-FULL/tar/ aleph.PRIMO-FULL.20070709.072713.2.tar.gz aleph.PRIMO-FULL.20070709.072704.1.tar.gz il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>ls -1rt HISTORYD/tar/ aleph.HISTORYD.20070709.071650.2.tar.gz aleph.HISTORYD.20070709.071639.1.tar.gz Another view of selected publish-06 output files

41 41 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) When publish-06 finished a file in $aleph_root/tab called tab_publish_timestamp is created, containing the last time which publish-06 was run il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd $alephe_scratch il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>ls -lrt usm01_p_publish_06* | tail -1 -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 9370 Jul 9 07:32 usm01_p_publish_06.00234 il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd $aleph_root/tab il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>ls -lrt tab_publish_timestamp -rw-r--r-- 1 aleph exlibris 407 Jul 9 07:32 tab_publish_timestamp il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cat tab_publish_timestamp HISTORYD 200707090416537 HISTORYM 200707090417379 OAISETD 200707090420255 OAISETM 200707090424078 PRIMO-AVAIL 200707090426257 PRIMO-FULL 200707090430485 DateTime in GMT

42 42 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) While UTIL E 1 and UTIL E 21 are still running we will do the following: 1.Update barcode 32044048098495 (connected to bibliographic system number 46936) by changing the sub library and item status 2.Edit bibliographic record 31926 by modifying the title 3.Loan barcode 32044045013539 (connected to bibliographic system number 10376) 4.Add new record 51702 with new HOL record 50995 and new item barcode 51702-10 5.Record 888 has been deleted (as well as related item and ADM record)

43 43 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) Each change was also sent via UTIL E 21 to Z00P il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>grep 46936 run_e_21.28943 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000046936 07:47:25 il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>grep 31926 run_e_21.28943 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000031926 07:48:26 il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>grep 10376 run_e_21.28943 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000010376 07:47:56 il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>grep 51702 run_e_21.28943 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000051702 07:49:27 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000051702 07:49:57 il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>grep 888 run_e_21.28943 HANDLING DOC NO. - USM01.000000888 07:50:27 deleted doc number: 000000888 PRIMO-FULL deleted doc number: 000000888 PRIMO-AVAIL deleted doc number: 000000888 TEST1 deleted doc number: 000000888 OAISETM deleted doc number: 000000888 OAISETD deleted doc number: 000000888 HISTORYM deleted doc number: 000000888 HISTORYD The $data_scratch log file

44 44 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) Each change was also sent via UTIL E 21 to Z00P usr00@aleph1> select unique Z00P_STATUS from Z00P where Z00P_DOC_NUMBER = '000046936'; **** Hit return to continue **** UPDATED 1 row selected. usr00@aleph1> select unique Z00P_STATUS from Z00P where Z00P_DOC_NUMBER = '000031926'; **** Hit return to continue **** NEW UPDATED 2 rows selected. usr00@aleph1> select unique Z00P_STATUS from Z00P where Z00P_DOC_NUMBER = '000010376'; **** Hit return to continue **** UPDATED 1 row selected. usr00@aleph1> select unique Z00P_STATUS from Z00P where Z00P_DOC_NUMBER = '000051702'; **** Hit return to continue **** NEW 1 row selected. usr00@aleph1> select unique Z00P_STATUS from Z00P where Z00P_DOC_NUMBER = '000000888'; **** Hit return to continue **** DELETED 1 row selected.

45 45 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) Now we run publish-06 again We run it like last time except that now we choose “ Create tar file for ” “ From last handled date ”. This creates the tar file for new or updated records from last time the service was performed.

46 46 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd /exlibris/users/yoelk/publishing/PRIMO- AVAIL/tar il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>ls -lrt total 1484 -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 35227 Jul 9 07:24 aleph.PRIMO- AVAIL.20070709.072433.2.tar.gz -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 1468099 Jul 9 07:26 aleph.PRIMO- AVAIL.20070709.072423.1.tar.gz -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 2647 Jul 9 07:55 aleph.PRIMO- AVAIL.20070709.075525.1.tar.gz il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd /exlibris/users/yoelk/publishing/PRIMO- FULL/tar il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>ls -lrt total 19372 -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 252058 Jul 9 07:27 aleph.PRIMO- FULL.20070709.072713.2.tar.gz -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 19529403 Jul 9 07:30 aleph.PRIMO- FULL.20070709.072704.1.tar.gz -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 2984 Jul 9 07:55 aleph.PRIMO- FULL.20070709.075526.1.tar.gz Created Running publish-06 with “ From Last handled Date ” Created Running publish-06 first time on entire range of documents

47 47 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd /exlibris/users/yoelk/publishing/PRIMO- AVAIL/tar il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>ls -1rt aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20070709.072433.2.tar.gz aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20070709.072423.1.tar.gz aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20070709.075525.1.tar.gz il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd /exlibris/users/yoelk/publishing/PRIMO- FULL/tar il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>ls -1rt aleph.PRIMO-FULL.20070709.072713.2.tar.gz aleph.PRIMO-FULL.20070709.072704.1.tar.gz aleph.PRIMO-FULL.20070709.075526.1.tar.gz When many records are included in a publish- 06 output then multiple files are create with successive sequential suffixes The file name includes the date and the time (UNIX server time)

48 48 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) There are 5 xml files in the file which was created for PRIMO- FULL when we ran publish-06 with “from last handled date” il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd /exlibris/users/yoelk/publishing/PRIMO- FULL/tar il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>tar -ztvf aleph.PRIMO- FULL.20070709.075526.1.tar.gz | wc -l 5 il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd /exlibris/users/yoelk/publishing/PRIMO- AVAIL/tar il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>tar -ztvf aleph.PRIMO- AVAIL.20070709.075525.1.tar.gz | wc -l 4 There are 4 xml files in the file which was created for PRIMO- AVAIL when we ran publish-06 with “from last handled date”

49 49 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) These are the system numbers created for PRIMO-FULL when we ran publish-06 with “from last handled date” These are the system numbers created for PRIMO-AVAIL when we ran publish-06 with “from last handled date” il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd /exlibris/users/yoelk/publishing/PRIMO-FULL/tar il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>tar -ztvf aleph.PRIMO-FULL.20070709.075526.1.tar.gz -rw-rw-r-- aleph/exlibris 3507 2007-07-09 07:55:26 USM01.000046936.PRIMO-FULL.xml -rw-rw-r-- aleph/exlibris 5156 2007-07-09 07:55:26 USM01.000010376.PRIMO-FULL.xml -rw-rw-r-- aleph/exlibris 3317 2007-07-09 07:55:26 USM01.000031926.PRIMO-FULL.xml -rw-rw-r-- aleph/exlibris 4687 2007-07-09 07:55:26 USM01.000051702.PRIMO-FULL.xml -rw-rw-r-- aleph/exlibris 916 2007-07-09 07:55:26 USM01.000000888.PRIMO-FULL.xml il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd /exlibris/users/yoelk/publishing/PRIMO-AVAIL/tar il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>tar -ztvf aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20070709.075525.1.tar.gz -rw-rw-r-- aleph/exlibris 3507 2007-07-09 07:55:25 USM01.000046936.PRIMO-FULL.xml -rw-rw-r-- aleph/exlibris 5156 2007-07-09 07:55:25 USM01.000010376.PRIMO-FULL.xml -rw-rw-r-- aleph/exlibris 4687 2007-07-09 07:55:25 USM01.000051702.PRIMO-FULL.xml -rw-rw-r-- aleph/exlibris 916 2007-07-09 07:55:25 USM01.000000888.PRIMO-FULL.xml

50 50 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) In the previous slide the records in PRIMO-FULL and PRIMO-AVAIL are the same except for system number 31926. 31926 is in PRIMO-FULL and not in PRIMO-AVAIL 31926 was changed only by editing the title. Thus the bibliographic record was changed but the availability was not. Thus it is in PRIMO-FULL and not in PRIMO-AVAIL (the availability did not change) In all other cases the ADM record or item was changed and thus the availability was changed. For this reason they are in PRIMO-AVAIL.

51 51 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) As we saw, each *tar.gz file created by publish-06 contains one xml file for each Z00P record. In the next slide we will 1.make a new directory 2.transfer a tarred gzipped file there as it was created via publish-06 3.See the xml files which were in the *.tar.gz file 4.Open one of the xml files The purpose of the above is so that we can see an actual xml file

52 52 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>pwd /exlibris/users/yoelk/publishing/PRIMO-AVAIL/tar il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>mkdir sample_directory il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cp aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20070709.075525.1.tar.gz sample_directory/ il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>cd sample_directory/ il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>gzip -d aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20070709.075525.1.tar.gz il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>tar -xf aleph.PRIMO-AVAIL.20070709.075525.1.tar il-aleph02-18(1) USM01-YOELK>>ls -lrt total 44 -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 4687 Jul 9 07:55 USM01.000051702.PRIMO- FULL.xml -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 3507 Jul 9 07:55 USM01.000046936.PRIMO- FULL.xml -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 5156 Jul 9 07:55 USM01.000010376.PRIMO- FULL.xml -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 916 Jul 9 07:55 USM01.000000888.PRIMO- FULL.xml -rw-rw-r-- 1 aleph exlibris 20480 Jul 9 10:05 aleph.PRIMO- AVAIL.20070709.075525.1.tar

53 53 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) Now we will look at the file USM01.000010376.PRIMO- FULL.xml This file will contain both availability information and bibliographic information Note: The publishing set PRIMO-AVAIL is hard coded to contain the bibliographic information from the record (like PRIMO-FULL) when the parameter “Last handled date” is used

54 54 Create TAR file for Aleph Published records (publish-06) In order to see the actual xml file USM01.000010376.PRIMO-FULL.xml we will ftp it to the PC and view it via Internet Explorer. In a normal situation the library will simply transfer the *tar.gz files produced from publuisgh_06 to the data base to which they want the records uploaded (such as Primo or Google).

55 55 Part one USM01.000010376.PRIMO-FULL.xml

56 56 Part two USM01.000010376.PRIMO-FULL.xml

57 57 Part three USM01.000010376.PRIMO-FULL.xml

58 58 Part four USM01.000010376.PRIMO-FULL.xml

59 59 Part five USM01.000010376.PRIMO-FULL.xml This is the “ Availability ” field created by PRIMO-AVAIL in tab_publish which works with AVA in tab_expand in order to show the availability il-aleph02-18(1) USM01>>grep PRIMO-AVAIL tab_publish PRIMO-AVAIL N AVA MARC_XML il-aleph02-18(1) USM01>>grep ^AVA tab_expand AVA expand_doc_bib_avail AVA expand_doc_del_fields AVA##

60 60 Appearance of AVA (Available) fields. Note that in the previous slide there are two items listed as “Available” for system number 10376. This is because there are three items but one is on loan. The one on loan is not listed as available and that is why there are two in the xml file This one does not appear in the xml file

61 61 Appearance of AVA (Available) fields. The service publish-06 works as follows regarding the publishing set PRIMO-AVAIL: If the field Create Tar file for is used with option From Last handled Date then The PRIMO-AVAIL will contain all bibliographic data like the PRIMO- FULL publishing set If the field Create Tar file for is used with option Range of Documents then the PRIMO-AVAIL will contain only availability fields or whatever is defined for this set via the tab_publishing and tab_expand tables.

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