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Yorkshire Regional Network Event 19 th October 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Yorkshire Regional Network Event 19 th October 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yorkshire Regional Network Event 19 th October 2012

2 10.30 - 10.45Welcome and Introductions 10.45 - 11.30Professional Registration: from the perspective of those who have already been through the process 11.30 - 12.00HEaTED Update 12.00 - 12.30The Technical Career: Preparing Information for Careers Talks (Part One) 12.30 - 13.30Lunch and Networking 13.30 - 14.30The Technical Career: Preparing Information for Careers Talks (Part Two) 14.30 - 14.45Planning for the next event - suggestions for workshops 15.00 Close @HEaTEDtechs Event Programme

3 Working to be the lead organisation supporting professional development of the technical workforce

4 HEaTED Update 1. How we are supporting technical staff 2. Our role in supporting Professional Registration 3. Over to you….. Dr Katherine Forsey HEaTED Course & Regional Networks Coordinator @HEaTEDtechs

5 What have we been doing? Renewal process underway for member HEIs – 100% success 65 member HEIs 2000 individual members from those HEIs New HEaTED website New biweekly email updates, tailored for members Completing the circle… meeting with other representative bodies e.g. USHA, SCHOMS

6 What have we been doing? The Arts, Creative, Media - strategy for discipline specific support being developed HEaTED Conference - 420 responses to survey 9 th January 2013 HEaTED HQ, York Now open for bookings on the HEaTED website HEaTED website

7 What have we been doing? All HEaTED Regional Networks meeting this term Online communities, supporting the Regional Networks – REGISTER NOW! * Course brochures developed – discipline specific Concentrating on running courses locally on-demand New Teaching & Learning skills course

8 HEaTED Online Groups

9 What have we been doing? All HEaTED Regional Networks meeting this term Online communities, supporting the Regional Networks – REGISTER NOW! Course brochures developed – discipline specific * Concentrating on running courses locally on-demand New Teaching & Learning skills course

10 Course Brochures

11 What have we been doing? All HEaTED Regional Networks meeting this term Online communities, supporting the Regional Networks – REGISTER NOW! Course brochures developed – discipline specific Concentrating on running courses locally on-demand* New Teaching & Learning skills course Completing the circle… meeting with other representative bodies

12 Train the Technical Trainer Train the Technical Trainer 12 th December, The University of Sheffield Servicing and Maintaining Routine Optical Microscopes Servicing and Maintaining Routine Optical Microscopes 11 th December, University of Leeds Courses arranged by HEaTED to run in your region this term………. Browse our full Course Directory

13 New! Teaching and Learning Skills for Technical StaffTeaching and Learning Skills for Technical Staff New! Use and Maintenance of PipettorsUse and Maintenance of Pipettors Basic maintenance/repair of electrical equipment PAT Training Safe use of Laboratory Gases - tailor made courses available to suit your requirements Other on-demand courses available… Browse our full Course Directory

14 Supporting Professional Registration

15 Think of HEaTED as a vehicle! All HEaTED courses are linked to competencies for Professional Registration Regional Network Events and contribution to the online communities demonstrate your commitment to professional development and contribution to the Technical Community The HEaTED website will signpost routes to Professional Registration HEaTED’s quick guide should help Supporting Professional Registration

16 How you can get more involved……

17 @HEaTEDtechs Calls to action… Update your profile on the new website Register and post in your online group Help to spread the word in your HEI – posters, email info, RNM follow up Suggest new / in demand courses Tweet !

18 Over to you..…

19 @HEaTEDtechs 1.What do you want to see HEaTED delivering? 2.New course suggestions? 3.On-demand courses to run in your area?

20 Contact us Jane Ginniver Yorkshire Regional Network Coordinator HEaTED Central Team E: T: 01904 328173 @HEaTEDtechs

21 Your next Regional Network Event

22 @HEaTEDtechs 1.Topics for discussion? 2.Products of the meeting? 3.Venue?

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