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Eighteenth Century Review. Review Britain Anne Acts of Union - 1707 Great Britain George I Elector of Hannover Sir Robert Walpole First Prime Minister.

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Presentation on theme: "Eighteenth Century Review. Review Britain Anne Acts of Union - 1707 Great Britain George I Elector of Hannover Sir Robert Walpole First Prime Minister."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eighteenth Century Review

2 Review Britain Anne Acts of Union - 1707 Great Britain George I Elector of Hannover Sir Robert Walpole First Prime Minister of Britain George II Georgia France Louis XV Cardinal Fleury Favorites: Madame de Pompadour Countess du Barry

3 Review Hapsburg territories (Austria-Hungary/HRE) Expansion Charles VI Maria Theresa The Pragmatic Sanction Prussia Frederick I First King of Prussia Frederick William I Increase Army Size Army becomes Primary symbol of Prussia Russia Peter I – The Great The Grand Embassy Westernization Table of Ranks The Holy Synod St. Petersburg New Army & New Navy War with Ottomans Azov

4 Review The Great Northern War Anti-Swedish Alliance Supply Issues Battle of Poltava Peace of Nystad The War of Jenkins’ Ear Anglo-Spanish relations Slave Trade Portobello Fair Smuggling Robert Jenkins War of Austrian Succession Maria Theresa vs. Frederick II Silesia Merges with War of Jenkins Ear Treaty of Aix-la-Chappelle Names of the conflict: War of Austrian Succession – Europe War of Jenkin’s Ear – Caribbean King George’s War – North America First Carnatic War – India

5 Review Diplomatic Revolution Convention of Westminster Britain and Prussia France and Austria The Seven Years War Frederick II - “The Great” Prussian Invasion of Saxony Theaters of War The Seven Years War (Europe) Treaty of Hubertusberg The Third Carnatic War (India) The French and Indian War (North America) The French and Indian War William Pitt the Elder Battle of Louisburg Battle of Quebec Battle of Montreal Treaty of Paris (1763) France to Britain: Canada India Ohio River Valley Eastern half of the Mississippi River Valley France to Spain: Louisiana

6 Review The Enlightenment Influence: Newton Bacon Locke Essay Concerning Human Understanding “Tabula Rasa” Influence of the Printing Press The Philosophes Voltaire Satire Candide Montesquieu The Persian Letters Spirit of the Laws Denis Diderot & Jean le Rond d’Alembert The Encyclopedia

7 Review Religion Toleration Deism John Toland Christianity Not Mysterious The Radial Enlightenment Jean-Jacques Rousseau The Social Contract General Will Education Émile Views on women Mary Wollstonecraft A Vindication of the Rights of Woman The Salon Economic implications Mercantilism vs. Laissez Faire La Nature Adam Smith - Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Slave trade Portugal and Spain, Netherlands, England & France Conditions Destinations View of the Enlightenment

8 Review Sugar Act Stamp Act Stamp Act Congress Townshend Acts The Boston Massacre Tea Act Boston Tea Party Intolerable Acts Coercive Acts The Boston Port Act The Administration of Justice Act The Massachusetts Government Act Intolerable Acts (Con’t) Quebec Act Quartering Act First Continental Congress Philadelphia Battles of Lexington and Concord Second Continental Congress Raised army

9 Review Battle of Bunker Hill Colonies in Rebellion Common Sense Thomas Paine The Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson Battle of Saratoga Turning Point Franco-American Treaty Battle of Yorktown General Cornwallis Surrender

10 Possible Short Ids/Matching The Intolerable Acts War of Austrian Succession Theaters (locations) and Names (of campaigns) Philosophes Rulers/Countries Matching

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