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Muscular System How They Work Muscle Types Injuries.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscular System How They Work Muscle Types Injuries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscular System How They Work Muscle Types Injuries

2 Trivia Question How many muscles are used during the following activities?

3 Smiling Guesses?????

4 Smiling Answer: 17

5 Frowning Guesses????

6 Frowning Answer: 41

7 Writing Guesses???

8 Writing Answer: ~30

9 Swimming Guesses???

10 Swimming 213

11 Muscular System Group of tough tissues that make your body parts move.  “The engine to your body.”

12 What Are Muscles Made Of? Thousands of muscle fibers.  Thickness of a strand of hair.  Tightly bound together in bundles.

13 Types of Muscles Smooth Skeletal Cardiac

14 Smooth Muscles You DON’T control these muscles (Stomach, Intestines)  Swallow food and smooth muscles move it through digestive system (“They make it smooth.”)

15 Skeletal Muscles Work with bones to allow you to move. (You DO control these).  Attached to bones.  Make up about 40% of body weight

16 Cardiac Muscle Special type of muscle only found in heart. (DON’T control) Controlled by brain. Contracts and relaxes to pump blood.

17 Strongest Muscle

18 The Heart (Cardiac Muscle) How do we strengthen our heart?

19 Strengthening the Heart Exercise!!!!!  You increase your heart rate which forces your heart to work harder by pumping out more blood. This is a “workout” for your heart!

20 What Does Exercise Do To Your Muscles??

21 Exercise’s Affect on Muscles It tears the muscle fibers of your body. Your muscles are strengthened in the rebuilding process of those small tears. If you don’t tear your muscles, you won’t get stronger!!! Exceptions are……

22 Muscles of the Body Take out your pink diagram….



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