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Writing a Research Paper for Publication Research Title Guide for preparing and writing paper, review and publication Bobby D. Gerardo, Ph.D. PSITE.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing a Research Paper for Publication Research Title Guide for preparing and writing paper, review and publication Bobby D. Gerardo, Ph.D. PSITE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing a Research Paper for Publication Research Title Guide for preparing and writing paper, review and publication Bobby D. Gerardo, Ph.D. PSITE NCR Seminar October 10, 2011, TIPQC

2 How to write a Research Title
Guide in crafting a title in an ICT reseach

3 Research Paper Title Titles speak the nature of the paper and the subject that as been handled. The basics of doing so speak one focus for the topic and would include the very method for fetching the right picture of what is desired. The innovation and talent would create a distinguished topic for the subject and its future catering’s.

4 Research Paper Title (cont)
The foremost catering of the research paper title would be to match the composition definition and its various objectives relating to proving a theory or solving a particular problem. The various subject strengths are taken for the various sections and would make sure that all the envelopments are captured in the title.

5 A good title should have the following properties:
The title needs to be very specific in nature. Man’s mind cannot find rest in vagueness. It requires clarification, the tendency which has led growth to all science and philosophy. So the title need to be very clear and it should provide an idea to the readers about what to expect from the research paper. In spite of being specific it should also have the expressive power to show the full gamut of the research study in those few words. This is the toughest part in selecting a title.

6 Properties (cont) 3. It should tell the total nature of the subject. As has been already pointed out that it is not sufficient to point out to some of the accidental property in defining a thing. For example in defining man it is not sufficient to tell that man is a living thing. Life is only a segment of the nature man. Therefore, man has been defined as a rational animal. 4. It needs to be very definite and clear. Never use words which can create ambiguity in the mind of the readers. Try to use simple and powerful words with the help of which you can clearly describe the total nature of your project.

7 Properties (cont) 5) The title needs to be attractive and interesting enough to catch the attention of the readers. But to attract the attention of the readers you should not misled your readers by using title which is not at all related to your paper.

8 Workshop 1 – Writing a Title
Formulate a title based on the various topics that had been presented. Information Technology Information Systems Computer Science Allied Fields The length should be between 5 to 10 words Should posses the properties of a good research title

9 End Thank you Bobby D. Gerardo

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