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Introduction to “Toward constructing earthquake forecast systems for Japan” Haoshi Hirata (ERI, Univ. of Tokyo) International symposium “Toward constructing.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to “Toward constructing earthquake forecast systems for Japan” Haoshi Hirata (ERI, Univ. of Tokyo) International symposium “Toward constructing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to “Toward constructing earthquake forecast systems for Japan” Haoshi Hirata (ERI, Univ. of Tokyo) International symposium “Toward constructing earthquake forecast systems for Japan” 27 May 2009 at ERI, Univ. Tokyo

2 National earthquake prediction research programs in Japan  Selected focuses of the previous programs (1999- 2008) : “new national resaearch programs” -Understanding of physical and chemical processes leading to an earthquake -Observation for real time monitoring of crust and mantle activities -Forecast simulation technology -Developing new technologies such as an ocean bottom observations  Based on these activities, a new focus of the current program (2009-2013) -Create “earthquake forecast systems” for Japan Quantitatively forecast time, place, and magnitude for forthcoming earthquakes

3 Earthquake forecast system  Framework to test forecast accuracy -Project: Earthquake Forecast System based on Seismicity of Japan Buildup existing testable forecast models Create the framework that can “rigorously test” such models Explore the possibility of next- generation testable models Others http://wwweic.eri.u- http://wwweic.eri.u- Front page

4 Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP)  Next talk by D. Schorlemmer   ERI joined the CSEP project Front page

5 CSEP Testing Center at ERI  Installed last summer by D. Schorlemmer & F. Euchner -Quantitative testing of earthquake forecast models  The earthquake forecast testing experiment is carried out this year -Use the existing Testing Center -Call for Testable models Testing regions Evaluation methods -TODAY: Mutual understanding among the experiment participants Tripple-S ALM RI

6 Program  Existing Testing Center for Japan  Proposed testable models & evaluation methods  Exploring the possibility of next-generation testable models -GPS, seismo-electromagnetism, data assimilation, and seismicity  Panel discussion on the testing experiment

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