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Jeopardy Historic Documents Principles of Democracy Federalism Amendments checks and balances Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300.

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2 Jeopardy Historic Documents Principles of Democracy Federalism Amendments checks and balances Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Historic Documents Why was the Declaration of Independence written?

4 $100 Answer from Historic Documents To declare independence from Great Britain.

5 $200 Question from Historic Documents List two ways the Constitution eliminated the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.

6 $200 Answer from Historic Documents 1.It created a Judicial and Executive branch. 2. It based representation in the House on population.

7 $300 Question from Historic Documents What are the first 3 articles of the Constitution about?

8 $300 Answer from Historic Documents 1.Legislative 2.Executive 3.Judicial

9 $400 Question from Historic Documents What are the first 10 amendments called?

10 $400 Answer from Historic Documents The Bill of Rights

11 $500 Question from Historic Documents What is another name for the “Elastic” Clause?

12 $500 Answer from Historic Documents Necessary and Proper Clause

13 $100 Question from Principles of Democracy Explain how a federal form of government divides power.

14 $100 Answer from Principles of Democracy Between nation and state

15 $200 Question from Principles of Democracy If Congress passed a law that was unconstitutional, what could the Supreme Court do?

16 $200 Answer from Principles of Democracy Judicial Review

17 $300 Question from Principles of Democracy How is the power of the government limited?

18 $300 Answer from Principles of Democracy 1.By the people 2.By checks and balances 3.By separation of powers

19 $400 Question from Principles of Democracy What is popular sovereignty?

20 $400 Answer from Principles of Democracy People rule

21 $500 Question from Principles of Democracy What is rule of law?

22 $500 Answer from Principles of Democracy People must follow rules

23 $100 Question from Federalism What is a reserved power?

24 $100 Answer from Federalism State powers

25 $200 Question from Federalism Who gets the power to levy and collect taxes?

26 $200 Answer from Federalism Both nation and state

27 $300 Question from Federalism What amendment reserves powers for the state?

28 $300 Answer from Federalism 10

29 $400 Question from Federalism What gives the nation the right to act upon a power that is not enumerated in the Constitution?

30 $400 Answer from Federalism The elastic clause?

31 $500 Question from Federalism Name and explain a denied power

32 $500 Answer from Federalism 1.Bill of attainder 2.Suspend habeas corpus 3.Ex post facto laws 4.Export taxes 5.Titles of nobility

33 $100 Question from Amendments List the 5 freedoms in the 1st amendment

34 $100 Answer from Amendments Religion Assembly Press Petition Speech

35 $200 Question from Amendments What amendment states that no person can be tried for the same crime twice?

36 $200 Answer from Amendments Amendment 5

37 $300 Question from Amendments What amendment protects citizens from unlawful searches and seizures?

38 $300 Answer from Amendments Amendment 4

39 $400 Question from Amendments What did amendment 13 abolish?

40 $400 Answer from Amendments slavery

41 $500 Question from Amendments What did Amendment 26 do?

42 $500 Answer from Amendments Lowered the voting age to 18

43 $100 Question from checks and balances How does the judicial branch check the legislative branch?

44 $100 Answer from checks and balances Judicial review

45 $200 Question from checks and balances Which branch confirms appointments?

46 $200 Answer from checks and balances legislative

47 $300 Question from checks and balances Which branch can impeach judges?

48 $300 Answer from checks and balances legislative

49 $400 Question from checks and balances Which branch pardons criminals?

50 $400 Answer from checks and balances executive

51 $500 Question from checks and balances 1.Which branch has veto power? 2.Which branch can override a veto

52 $500 Answer from checks and balances 1.Executive 2.Legislative

53 Final Jeopardy Name all 10 amendments of the Bill of Rights

54 Final Jeopardy Answer 1.Freedom of: religion, assembly, press, petition, speech 2.Right to bear arms 3.No quartering soldiers 4.No illegal search and seizure 5.Due process 6.Speedy fair trial 7.Right to a jury in a civil trail 8.No cruel and unusual punishment 9.People still have rights even if they are not list in the Bill of Rights 10.If it is not in the Constitution, it is a power left to the states and people

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