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WATER RESOURCES Week of April 4 th. BELLRINGER: APRIL 4 TH  Define land reclamation. Can it ever fully occur?

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1 WATER RESOURCES Week of April 4 th

2 BELLRINGER: APRIL 4 TH  Define land reclamation. Can it ever fully occur?



5 BELLRINGER: APRIL 5 TH  Explain an impact of Coltan on Africa.

6 WATER RESOURCES  SC.912.L.17.20#: Predict the impact of individuals on environmental systems and examine how human lifestyles affect sustainability

7 WATER  Renewable: The water cycle recycles it. It changes shape (gas, solid, liquid) but overall little water is gained or lost  Limited: only ½ of 1% is freshwater & in liquid form. 97.5% is salt water.  Population location: People do not always live where there is plenty of access to water.  India has 4 X’s more water than Australia but has 55 X’s the population size.  Seasonal: Most parts of the world experience distinct wet and dry seasons. This means water isn’t always available when it is needed

8 SURFACE WATER  Water found on earth’s surface  Travels from different sources in that form of runoff (water flowing over the land, but doesn’t get absorbed into the ground)  River System: as runoff flows downhill it can form grooves in the earth, forming a network of connected streams  Watershed: all land area that supplies water to a river system

9 GROUNDWATER  Water found below the earth’s surface  The earth has layers of permeable and impermeable rock  Permeable: a layer that has spaces (pores) which water can pass through  Impermeable: a layer of rock that has few to no pores  Water fills up the spaces in the permeable rock to create aquifers (spongelike formations of rock, sand, and gravel that can hold water  People dig wells to reach the groundwater in the aquifer


11 Toilet: Place 2 water bottles with rocks/dirt in them into the tank Shower: Shave at the sink. 4 min in the shower = 20-40 gallons Washing machine: Run only full loads

12 TYPES OF WATER POLLUTION  Point Source: Comes from a distinct location  Nonpoint Source: Comes from many areas spread over a large area

13 NUTRIENT POLLUTION  Eutrophic: High nutrient content, usually phosphorus  Cultural Eutrophication: Nutrient pollution by humans. Caused by agricultural practices and detergents  Can cause algal blooms. These are so thick they cover the surface so sunlight cannot reach the organisms below the surface. Plants, fish and shellfish begin to die.

14 BELLRINGER: APRIL 6 TH  Differentiate point and nonpoint pollution

15 SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM ACTIVITY  In groups of 3 read the provided article and answer the questions on the sheet provided  Tomorrow, one person from your group will present your information while the class takes notes on the material.  EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY:  Be the presenter  DOUBLE EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY  Create one slide to accompany your presentation Presentation: 1.Type of pollution 2.Impact of Pollution 3.Prevention

16 BELLRINGER: APRIL 7 TH  How can water be renewable but also limited? If it’s renewable, don’t we have it forever?


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