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Madison Huff. Sophomore student in Management and Economics Service learning project for Presidential Honors Passion for animals, prior experience Planned.

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Presentation on theme: "Madison Huff. Sophomore student in Management and Economics Service learning project for Presidential Honors Passion for animals, prior experience Planned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Madison Huff

2 Sophomore student in Management and Economics Service learning project for Presidential Honors Passion for animals, prior experience Planned Pethood, 501-3C organization based out of BG and Toledo area BACKGROUND INFORMATION

3 Pet Pals Club in High School Family influence Various articles depicting correlation of economy and stray animals INSPIRATION

4 Various articles relating the number of stray animals to economic conditions Main focus on field research Video you may see later summing up the articles RESEARCH

5 Articles depict a legitimate problem More animals being euthanized as a result Strays can endanger the community Spread disease STATEMENT OF NEED

6 Act as a consultant in analyzing the organization through field research Provide the organization with critical feedback Solutions to potential or existing issues Ways of implementation Help the organization Have fun with the animals PURPOSE

7 Power structures in non-profits First hand consulting experience Connecting economics with real-world issues Taking an observational role in an organization Applying business to service POTENTIAL LEARNING OUTCOMES

8 Attended Planned Pethood sponsored Dog and Cat Adoptions Saturdays and Sundays at local Petsmart locations Walked dogs Cleaned cat crates Referred interested adopters to appropriate personnel FIELD RESEARCH

9 Communication between volunteers Disorganization at events Lack of attire to signify volunteers Absence of guidance to volunteers Email set up is too vague Lack of marketing of the animals Lack of appreciation Different coordinators each time Too small of a location APPARENT ISSUES

10 No central location Phone communication is difficult Timing of events are always the same Not many responsibilities for volunteers Improper use of volunteer time No obvious leadership structure ISSUES, CONT.

11 Communication between volunteers This is the fundamental issue; many different components need to be sought out to assist in this issue Disorganization at events Obtain a larger area, or be outdoors when possible, volunteer sign in sheets, and a volunteer liaison/ coordinator Lack of attire to signify volunteers Nametags, smocks, t-shirts, buttons, etc. Absence of guidance to volunteers Online list of responsibilities, name of coordinator Email set up is too vague Implement ListProcs and separate email addresses for each position POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS

12 Lack of marketing of the animals Facebook “sharing”, similar to “Gently Used Pets” idea Twitter tweets available for retweets with pictures and description Local news, Sentinel Tribune & Toledo Blade animal sponsoring Lack of appreciation Send out emails of appreciation to volunteers who sign in at adoption/ fundraising events Different coordinators each time Establish a more stable “head volunteer” for each event for contacting and reporting, easy to find Too small of a location Research other local stores who would allow something like this, and has a larger floor space. Ideally, a central location. SOLUTIONS, CONT.

13 No central location Seek out other location opportunities Phone communication is difficult Separate numbers to call, best times to call Timing of events are always the same Diversify times and days of adoptions to allow for different “market segments” Not many responsibilities for volunteers Provide a list of things volunteers can be doing, along with who to seek out to find tasks Improper use of volunteer time By delegating tasks to volunteers, it relives stress and promotes efficiency No obvious leadership structure Set name of who I would be reaching SOLUTIONS, CONT.

14 Insight to an organization can be better assessed when bias is removed, and fresh eyes can shed light on unseen issues Persistence is key Look for warning signs early on Expectations differ greatly Power structures hold purpose Communication is the backbone of organizations GAINED KNOWLEDGE

15 Make it clear to many people in the organization of my intentions Meet face-to-face with a representative and share this information along the way To have someone give me feedback Provide Planned Pethood with this information WHAT I WOULD DO DIFFERENTLY

16 Strays are correlated with economic measures Spread diseases Danger to the community Can’t help themselves WHY SHOULD YOU CARE?

17 A video about Stray Animals and the Economy ded ded VIDEO

18 greece-of-the-economic-crisis/ economic-indicator.html nwvdogs0516.html Economy-behind-surge-in-stray-dogs-at-shelters.html LITERARY SOURCES

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